Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
to my mom...happy mother's day
I didn't wanna listen to what you were sayin'
I thought that I knew all I need to know
I didn't realize that somewhere inside me
I knew you were right but I couldn't say so
I can take care of myself, yeah, you taught me well
[Chorus: (Miley)]
I learned from you that I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin'
There's no question, that's a lesson, that I learned from you
[Billy Ray]
We always don't agree on
What is the best way
To get to the place that we're going from here
But I can really trust you, and give you the distance,
to make your decisions without any fear
I'm grateful for all of the times
You opened my eyes
[Chorus: (Both)]
I learned from you that I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin',
There's no question, that's a lesson
I learned from you
You taught me to stand on my own
[Miley] and I thank you for that
You saved me, you made me,
and now that I'm looking back
[Miley] I can say
[Both] woooaaahhhh!
[Miley] Hmmmm... Hmmmm... Yeah!
I learned from you that
[Miley] I learned from you
I do not crumble
I learned that strength is something you choose
[Miley] something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin',
[Miley] keep on believin'
There's no question, that's a lesson that I learned from you
I learned from yoooouuu
I learned that strength is something you choose
[Billy Ray] something you choose
All of the reasons to keep on believin',
There's no question, that's a lesson that I learned from you
[Miley] yeah!
I learned from you
Hannah Montana Lyrics
I Learned From You Lyrics
to all the mothers out there :)
O -only one
T - tender loving
H -heartful
E -exceptional
R - responsible
and to all the mothers out there
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Colbie Caillat "Realize" Lyrics
Take time to realizeThat your warmth is
Crashing down on me
Take time to realize
That I am on your side
Well didn't I, didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Oh ooo oh ooo oh
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, but
It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don?t feel it too
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other
Just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now

after finding her at the mall she asked me to accompany her in buying an accessory for her cp
then after that i was a bit hungry and wanted to eat some food so we headed up in Mcdonald's :)
i ordered a spag then she ordered large fries
while eating she told me that this is the only time that she found children at mcdo
i told her that Mcdo is found to be more of teens compared to jollibee which is more of kids :)
then we keep comparing the food available in Mcdo and jollibee..i prefer the fries in Mcdo than in Jollibee, she told me that she prefer the spag in jollibee than in mcdo in which I agreed to her and telling that i also like the chickenjoy in jollibee:)
feeling still hungry after eating and chatting in Mcdo she told me that she wanted to eat a jolly mango pie
so we headed to jollibee she ordered pie and caramel sundae while i ordered rocky road sundae :)
you, which do you prefer Mcdonald's or Jollibee??? :)
Monday, May 5, 2008
haiz :(
hi there!
how's your day?
me? not fine :(
worried about the result of my Trigo exam kanina :(
what if I would failed this term??? haiz
i should have to get a grade pf 82 pa naman in finals to pass the required MSCA...
any way it is only midterm pa nmn e
i still have final :)
kaya i should make bawi nlng tlaga :)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
index card
during our quiz noticing that some of our classmates wrote additional notes
in their index cards aside from the formulas that he required to be put
on it. He told us that we could scan our notes during that quiz as punishment
in exchange of not having an index card in our up coming midterm exam.
Meaning we should memorize all the formulas..arrgh!
Thank God he change his decision kanina
and he let us have our index cards for our exam this monday
weeh! :D
Thursday, May 1, 2008
make a wish by mustard_love
Make A Wish
Chapter 1
Daddy's Little Girl
~Chapter 1~Daddy's Little Girl
The night before the first day of Senior Year! Matt,Melissa,Maja, and John are celebrating the last day of summer vacation. They are kickin it all together in Mel's backyard by the pool.
Maja: Omg! I can't believe tomorrow we'll be seniors!
Mel: I know it's our last year all together!
John: Damn! you guys are making me depressed...
Matt: yea and who says we're not gonna be together, i thought the plan was that all for of us go to the same college.(sim: like i'd go anywhere without Mel)
Mel: You know what this is gonna be the best year of our lives...I just feel it.(sim:because this is the year Matt and I will be more than best friends)
Maja: the way mel where's your dad. It's 10:45 he's not home yet.
Mel: Where else at the dad's such a super work-a-holic he has no time for me anymore.
John: You know that's not true...
Matt: Yea, especially your dad. Hes always got time for his one and only spoiled baby girl!(sarcastic)
Everyone: Laughs
Mel: You know what...(trying to think of a comeback) umm nvm it's true anyways. But lately he always stays late nights at the office. He maybe makin money but how much does need!
Maja: it doesnt matter, maybe he's just really busy.
John: yea maja's Right
Mel: I guess...
At 11:10 Mel's cell phone rings.
Melissa looks at her phone then sits and waits.
Matt: Mel what is it?
Mel: O nothing it's just my alarm.
John:Why did you alarm at 11:10
Matt: yea mel...eversince we were little, if we were still together at around 11:00 at night, you always took a moment to stop. I never really asked why, cuz i just thot you were just relaxing or sumthing.
Mel:(softly says) wait you'll see...
Mel's watch struck 11:11. Melissa closed her eyes. everyone was just watching her, confused.(Matt's sim: she looks so beautiful.)(Maja's sim:I wonder what's she's doing?)(John's sim: I think she's gone crazy) Everyone sat there in silence until finally it was 11:12 and Mel opened her eyes.
Maja: So what was that for?
Mel: when my mom was alive she told my dad to make a wish at 11:11, and they would always make their wish together. Ever since i was little my dad would wake me up at 11:10 and we would make a wish together at exactly 11:11. i've been makin a wish every night at 11:11 for as long as i could remember...
Matt: What do you do it for you can make a wish anytime you want?
Mel:it's one of the only things i know about my mom and that's why i do it and never miss a night.
Everyone sat there in silence, somehow feeling Mel's pain.
Mel saw how she made everyone kind of sad so she decided to make her friends happy again.
Mel:ummm... guys lets take dip in the pool!
Everyone: okay!
They were having fun and splashing around in the pool it was about 11:30 when Mel's dad walked out into the backyard.
Mel:Hey daddy!
Guys: Good Evening Tito!
Daddy: Hello everyone. having fun?
Daddy:Good, but you guys need to leave soon. Mel needs to sleep for the first day of school tomorrow and im sure you do too.
Guys:Yes Tito.
Everyone gets out of the pool and get's ready to go home.
Maja:Bye Mel c ya tomorrow!
John: Bye Mel!
Matt: Later Mel! i'll pick you up tomorrow morning? 7:30?
Mel:ok. bye guys!
Mel watches them drive off and waves bye then closes the door. She kisses her dad goodnite and gets ready for bed.
Chapter 2
The First Day
~Chapter 2~The First Day
It's Morning around 6:00 and Mel is still sleeping. Her yaya comes into the room to wake her up.
Yaya: Melissa...Melissa wake up, wake up...
Mel:(says Sleepy)two more minutes please.
Yaya: Melissa, you know it takes you a long to time to get ready so get up please...
Mel: okay...
Yaya: good, i'll be in the kitchen getting breakfast ready.
Mel: o yaya where's daddy?
Yaya: he has already left for work.
Mel o okay
Mel's Yaya leaves the room and she finally gets up from her bed. She heads for the bathroom to take a shower. She spent about 30 minutes in the bathroom then goes to her room to find something cute to wear. She chooses a pink pleated mini skirt and a matching fitted pink and white polo. She decides to curl her hair then puts her make up on. After she's finally ready she heads downstairs for some breakfast. When she gets down stairs she is surprised to see Matt waiting for her.
Mel: Mornings MAtt! (gives Matt a hug and a kiss on the cheek, like how they always greet each other)
Matt: Good Morning Mel!
Mel: Your here early, why dont you have breakfast with me.
Matt: sure!
They had some breakfast and left. They got into Matt's car and drove off. As Matt was driving...
Matt: So...Mel, how come you never told me about how you make a wish evry night i thought i was supposed to be your best friend(serious then laughs cause hes just kinding)
Mel: I don't know i guess i never thought about telling anyone and no one ever really asked.
Matt: you excited about today.
Mel: super excited. cause it's another perfect year with my oldest and bestest friend(gives Matt a hug while hes driving that causes him to slightly swerve)
Matt: WOAH!
Mel: Omg! I'm so sry!
Matt: It's okay (then they started to laugh together)
They talked some more until they finally got to school. They walked into the school and saw John and Maja.
Maja: Hey!!!( gives them hugs) new school year here we come! I've got your scheduales right here. If i was gonna get mine might as well get everyone else's.(hands them they're schedueles)
They start to compare they're schedes.
John: Hey i've got 2 classes with melissa, 1 with matt and 4 with maja(sim:YES!!).
Maja: kool(sim:YES!!)okay i have 4 with john, 3 with Mel, and 3 with Matt.
Mel: okay lets see me...hmmm i've got 3 with Maja, 2 with John, and...hey(good kind of hey) i've got 6 with Matt! YAY!!!
Matt: Kool! (sim: YES! YES! YES!) now this yea is gonna be awesome! (high fives with john)
They all head to there first class and promise to meet up with each other at lunch. Matt and Mel have Pre-Calculus together, Jonh has History, and Maja has Chemisrty
Chapter 3
The First Day Part Two
~Chapter 3~ First Day Part 2
Finally it was luch time and Matt and Melissa arrived to the cafeteria together and John and Maja walked in together as well.
They bought some food then ate they're lunch at their usual table.
Matt: So guys how's your day so far?
Mel: okay i guess. I've already got tons of homework!
Maja: Me Too!
John: Yea what's up with that!
Matt: In that case we should get together at my house tonight we'll do our homework and jus kick it.
Evryone: KK!
They eventually Finished lunch and went to their other classes then met up after school.
~after school by Mel's locker~
Matt: Ready to hit the books at my place? around 5:00?
Mel: O yea.
Maja: omg! my backpack is so heavy!
John: O let me get that for you.(taking Maja's backpack)
Maja: o thx (blushing)
Mel:uyyy you guys are so sweet!
John: you two are the ones that are always sweet.
Maja: yea...
MattMel:(give each other sweet looks)
John: hey hey wat was that!
Matt: Wat was wat?
Mel: yea wat was wat?
MaJohn: watever(rolling their eyes)
They went to the student parking lot, Maja got into her car, John got got into his and MattMel got into Matt's car, and they all drove off.
Mell dropped Mell off At home and left. Mel changed her clothes and waited for the right to leave her house. Then she got in the car and drove to Matt's
place. When she finally got there she found Maja, John, and Matt in the living room talking and studying.
Matt: Hey Mel! (gave her a hug)
Maja: uyyyyy.... and they say they're not sweet!
John: HAHAHA i noe.
MattMel:(blushing but no comment cause they noe it's true.)
Mel:ok let's get to studying(avoiding the subject)
Maja: ooook.
John: This is kind of kool our first all night study session.(overly excited)
Maja: Watever(in a flirty kind of way)
MattMel: hehehe
They did all there homework but it took them hours, as they thought to them selves, what a stressful way to start the year. Then finally it was that
time again, Melissa's phone alarmed 11:10. They all new what that ment. This time once it struck 11:11 they all sat there and closed their eyes and
made a wish. After that for some reason they felt stress free and happy.
Maja: Hey Matt i think i should go now it's really late my parent might be worried.
Mel: Yea me too my dad might be home already and i've got to get up early tomorrow.
John:Yea me too we already finished all our homework and studied like crazy.
Matt: K c ya tomorrow. and Mel sametime tomorrow morning.
Mel: yea bye (gave him a hug)
They all went home and went to bed after their first all niter.
Chapter 4
True Feelings
~Chapter 4~ True Feelings
The next day at school.
Maja and Mel walking in the hallways getting to the library where they are goin to spend their free period.
Maja: Last night was fun in a weird sort of way.
Mel: was nice of Matt to let us hang there.
Maja: UYYY why lately your best freind is always on your mind...
Mel: Not really(blushes and tries not to smile)
Maja: I see that (pointing Mel's face) your smiling.
Mel: watever(rolling her eyes)...
Maja: No Mel, really do you have feelings for Matt?
Mel: I don't know...It's like hes always been my best friend and this is the first time i think of us being something more...i dont know if i should go for it or let
it go.
Maja: UYYYYYY!!! how sweet!!!
Mel: Shut up!
Maja: It's okay Mel it's natural your in love!
Mel: But Maja this our one can know until im ready to tell Matt.
Maja:Ok. Wow! i feel so special this is the first secret of your that i know that your best friend doesnt!
Mel: hahaha
MAtt and John side: They are at the basketball court playing basketball (DUHHH!!!),where they spend their free period.
John: Dude i bet you cant make a shot from half-cort!
Matt: Wanna bet!
John: Fine! if you make it i have to tell Maja i've been crushing on her for the past two years. If you miss you have to tell me your true feelings for Mel.
Matt: (sim: should i do it...) Okay! your on!
Matt takes the basketball and tribbles over to the half-court line. He bounces the ball few times and prepares to shot the ball. He shots then the ball goes in then unexpectedly slips right out and Matt misses the shot!
John: Told you, you couldnt do it!
Matt: Yea well i was pretty close.
John:Okay now let me ask...Do you have any feelings for Mel?
Matt: Naw...
John: (gives Matt a sincere look)really?(serious)
Matt: it weird to fall for your best friend?...I've known her forever and just lately im starting to have feelings for her...
John: So what are you gonna do about it?
Matt: i don't know...i guess i'll eventually tell her but it's not the right time.
John: I don't think you should wait... i mean with all the guys tryin to get at should tell her before it's too late.
Matt: yea i guess your rite...but for now this is our secret, not until it's the right time, i dont want anyone else to know besides you and me.
John; of course bro...woah this is the only secret i know that Mel doesnt know...I feel special!(being a weirdo)
Matt: Stupid! (throughs the ball at him)
John: OWWW! you know what me and you one on one, right know! (actin all tough)
Matt: o okay! your on!
They start playing and getting into the game.
Eventually they school day was over and everyone goes home.
Chapter 5
Saturday @ the Mall
~Chapter 5~Saturday @ the Mall
The first weekend of the school year is finally here and they are planing to kick it like they always do.
At Mel's house it's around 12:00 P.M.
*doorbell* yaya goes to open the door and it's Matt, Maja, and John!
Yaya:Hello, come in!
Everyone:Hello yaya!
Matt: um yaya where's Mel?
Yaya: o she's upstairs still sleeping.
Maja: It's noon and she's still sleeping!
Matt: I'm not surprised Mel's a heavy sleeper. She sleeps like shes dead!
John: hahaha.... lets go wake her up!
Maja: yaya can we?
Yaya: go ahead.
They all go up to Mel's room to wake her up...
Matt: (Laying next to Mel in her bed while Maja and John are standing next to the bed)(whispers) Mel...Mel...waaake uuup...
John:(really loud) HEY! MEL GET UP!
Mel's eyes pop open and she's not in a good mood...
Mel: (she sits up and hits John) Shut up! im trying to sleep!
(she lies back down and pulls the covers over her head).
Maja: come on Mel get up i wanna go to the Mall...please...
Mel: (says from under the covers) ...later...
Matt: Mel come on get ready already(hugs Mel while they are still laying down and whispers in her ear)...didnt you hear wat Maja said, we're going SHOPPING!
Mel:(say in an excited way) OK! (gets up really fast)
John: just because "her" Matt says so....hehehe
Mel: shut up!
Maja: i know i thought you'd get up wen i sed we were going to the mall, apparently Matt had to say the magic word. hahaha
Matt: you know what let's go downstairs so Mel can get ready.
They head downstairs leaving Mel to get ready. She takes a quick shower, puts on make-up, and gets on some cute clothes and goes downstair, finding her friends watching TV.
Mel: I'm Ready! Let's Go
John: FINALLY! Do you always gotta take long?!?
Maja:(hits him by the side of the head) please it's Mel!
Matt: I know..why are you surprised.
They leave and they all hop into John's car and drive to the Mall. Once they get there Maja and Mel go all out crazy shopping, in and out of dozens of stores, buying tons of things. Leaving Matt and John holding their shopping bags. After a few hours...
John: can we stop...we've been in every store in the Mall!
Matt: yea and im tired.
Mel: Wow for athletes you guys are so weak.
Maja: Well we're done anyways so stop complaining.
John: I'm hungry can we ge something to eat.
Mel: okay
First they put all their shopping bag in the car then They went to a restuarant across the street from the Mall. They ordered some food and while they were waiting...
Matt: hey guys Im gonna go back to the mall really quick i think i left my cell phone somewhere.
Guys: Okay
Mel: You want me to come with you.
Matt: It's ok i'll be fine Mel(then heads towards the Mall)
The truth is that he didnt lose his phone. He wanted to buy a suprise for Mel. He went to the jewelry store and bought matching promise/friendship rings for him
and Mel. Then he went back to the restuarant and found them already eating:
Mel: Hey you find your phone.
Matt: yea right hear (shows his cell phone)
They ate their food and talked. Once they finished it was about 6:00 P.M. John drove the girls home first and then went over to Matt's place.
In the car while driving to Matt's place:
John: So where did you find your phone?
Matt: In my pocket. (chukles)
John: (Confused) wat?!?
Matt: I didnt really lose my phone i just wanted to buy a little surpise for Mel.
John: o i wat did you get her?
Matt: (Pulls out the box) I got us matching promise rings...
John: Why didnt you give them to her?
Matt: like I said it's a surprise...I think it's time for me to show Mel my true feelings.
John: good for you bro...but i think i beat you to it.
Matt: WAT!!! dont tell me you and Maja....
John: yea earlier at the restuarant while you were gone.
Mel: I'm gonna go to the bathroom.
Maja: ok
akward silence...
John: umm...Maja?
MAja: uuhh, yea?
John: I need to tell you something.
Maja: yea wat it is?
John: (fast)I Like you!
Maja: Excuse Me?
John: I said i like you like me too?
Maja: (mummbles) I like you too...
John: what was that? (pretending he didnt hear)
Maja: I said I like you too!
John and Maja are smiling at each other wen Mel comes back.
Mel: Wat are you guys smiling about?
Maja: Mel me and john are...
MaJohn: M.U.!
Mel: OMG! Finally! can't wait till Matt finds out.
JOhn: Wait nope i'll tell MAtt later. for now keep quiet.
Maja&Mel: ok!
*flashback ends*
Matt: Wow! (high-fives him)
John: thx bro!
They get to Matt's place and John just drops him off and Leaves.
Chapter 6
A Sweet Night at the Movies
~Chapter 6~A Sweet Night at the Movies
Tuesday after school...
John and Matt have basketball practice and Maja and Mel are watching them from the bleachers cuz they are planning to go to the movies after.
Matt: ( stares into space thinking of Mel and constantly glances over to her to smile and wave)
Matt turns around and gets hit in the head with the basketball.
Matt: OUCH!
Mel: OMG! (runs over to Matt) r you okay (rubbing his head)
Matt: Yea im fine thx for the concern...(blushing)
Teamates and MAja: sweet!
Coach: (blows whistle) Ms. Ricks can you please get off my court, your boyfriend's fine!
Mel: o im sorry I didnt mean to (starts to walk of the blechers), and sir hes not my boyfriend but he is my best friend (smiles over to MAtt)
Matt: yea (smiles back at her thinking shes so sweet)
Coach: watever(rolls his eyes)
Mel and Maja on waited on the bleachers as practice came to the end and waited for the boys to come out of the locker rooms.
At the Movies!6:00PM
Mel: what movie you guys wanna watch.
Matt anything as long as it's with you (puts his arm around her and pulls her closer)
Mel: dork! hahaha (hits him playfully)
Matt: ooowww(gives a puppy dog face)
Mel: o im sry. (kisses him on the cheek)
Matt: (shocked) if i get a kiss everytime you hit me... i wouldnt mind if you beat up!
Mel: omg your such a loser! (says playfully)
MaJohn: eeehhhemmm!
Maja: You know what we have something to say!
Mel: gosh wat!?!
Matt: yea?
John: Earlier this week i asked Maja if she would be my girlfriend and (gets cutoff)
Maja: and i sed YES!
Mel: Omg! you guys work fast!
Matt: yea! (high fives john)
John: Ok since thats out i've got something else to say!
Maja: wat baby?
John: (sim: aww she called me baby) it's just that me and MAja are the ones who are together and lately you two are the ones that are so sweet together?
Maja: Yea Matt, Mel is there something goin on between you two?
MattMel: No!
Mel: come on not you guys too...i mean you guys of all people should know that me and Matt are just besties...
MAtt: yea i mean if we were together we would've hooked up back in the third grade hehehe.
Maja: yea good point
John: i guess...
They went to go watch their movies...through out the whole movies John and Maja were holding each others hand...Mel and Matt were being sweet too...
Mel: (moves her head and lays it on Matt's sholder)
Matt: (looks at her and lays his head on top of hers)
Maja: (whispers) look at them they are so sweet...
John:(whispers back) yea i wonder wen they are gonna get together cuz..(says silently in her ear) Matt told me he had feelings for Mel...
Maja: (say back in his ear) Mel told me she had feeling for Matt back...
John and Maja sat there being sweet, same with MattMel, but they didnt know it....after the movie they drove home together. In the car...
Maja: wat did you guys think bout the movie?
John: It was really good, especially with my baby by my side...
Maja: awwww baby....
Matt: (MAtt driving) look at them they are so cute.
Mel: (sitting in the front seat) yea they're making me i want a boyfriend hahaha.
Matt: well you never know who's gonna come 'round...
Mel: wat is that supposed to mean?
Matt: nothing im just saying.
Mel: ok...
Eventually everyone is at home sleeping except for Mel...
11:10...Mel is standing out on her balcony waiting....11:11
Mel:(closes her eyes) sim: I wish me and Matt can be together... (takes a deep breath and opens her eyes)
Mel walks back into her room and goes to bed.
Chapter 7
The New Kid
~Chapter 7~The New Kid
Next day at school...
Matt saw Mel and decided to walk over then he noticed she was talking some guy.
Matt: hey Mel who's your friend?
Mel: O Matt...this is Joseph hes new here, Joseph this is my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Matt. [she giggles at her own cuteness]
Seph: wat's up bro [shakes hand]
Matt: sup [kinda defensive and shakes back]
Mel: okay lets go to the caf so Seph can meet the rest of the crew.
Seph: ok...
They walk to the caf and see John and Maja sitting at their table being all sweet and feeding each other food.
Maja: [looks over and sees them] hey guys!
John: Yo!
Matt: hey...[sits down actin kind of annoyed]
Mel: hey guys this is Joseph
Matt: yea hes the New guy in school [says in a bad mood]
Mel: [rolls her eyes at him] seph this is the happy couple maja and john. hehehe
John: hey dude!
Maja: Hi.
Seph: Nice to meet you guys.
As they all ate lunch together everyone cant help but noticing Seph and Mel look at each other really sweetly and flirting a lot.
Still at lunch...
Seph: um Mel you busy tonight?
Mel: No why.
Seph: it's cause i've got an extro ticket to a concert and i was wondering if you would like to join me? You know as my date. [says confidently]
Mel: [blushing] O i'd love to. [giggles]
Matt: [sim: WHAT! he gets up and walk away without saying anything]
Everyone noticed Matt got up except for sephmel cause they were too busy staring at each other. Eventually Lunch was over and they all went to class.
In the Hallway with Maja, Mel, and Seph...
Seph: [holding Mel's books] hey mel i gotta get to class here your books [hands back her books and walks away]
Maja: [rolls her eyes and mummbles] watever
Now Maja and Mel are in class sitting next to each other and talking as they wait for class to start...
Maja: um you like Joseph.
Mel: what do you think?!? Yea!
Maja: [sad and concerned] wat about MAtt?
Mel: Well i still have more than best friend feelings for him but...he probably doesnt feel the same way so i'm not gonna wait forever...
Maja: i guess [sighs]
John and Matt's side...
Matt: dude why?!? [hits the wall]
John: told you, you shouldnt wait.
Matt: but...grrrr [frustrated]
John: dude calm's probably not gonna last that long between them.
Matt: yea [pulls out the ring he bought and hes already ready wearing his] i guess i'll have to wait to give this to her. [sighs and shakes his head slowly]
They walk off and head to class.
Chapter 8
Poor Matt...
~Chapter 8~Poor Matt...
The Next Day...
Mel was so excited for her date tonight that once she got home after school, she started to get ready. She took a shower, put some clothes on, did her hair, and did her make up. By the time she was finished it was a little before 7. At 7:00 Joseph came to the door to pick her up and Yaya let him in.
Yaya: [knocking and Mel's bedroom door] Mel, your dates here.
Mel: [opens the door] thx yaya [heads down stairs]
As Mel was walking down the stairs she sees him and he sees her.
Seph: Hi Mel. [walks over to Mel and gives her a hug]
Mel: Hey seph.
Seph: Wow! you look amazing!
Mel: thank're looking pretty hott yourself.
Seph: thx [blishing]
They leave and go to the concert.
At the concert...
Seph: I'm having tons of fun. [looks into Mels eyes]
Mel: Me too. [looks back into his eyes]
Then the moment gets intense and there faces come closer until their lips touch and they're locked into kiss that you'd think would never end. Then Mel pulls away...
Mel: Don't you think we're moving too fast.
Seph: yea i guess...
There was a long akward silence and before they knew it they were kissing again. By the end of the night they officially bacame a couple and no one saw it coming...
The Next Day...
Matt went to Mel's house to drive her to school.
Matt: [rings the doorbell]
Yaya: [opens the door] hello MAtt.
Matt: Hello yaya, is Mel ready?
Yaya: O she already left, Joseph drove her to school this morning. didnt she tell you?
Matt: No? okay i'll leave now i guess...bye. [walks back to his car kind of pissed]
At School...
Matt told John wat happen this Morning.
Matt: argggg! this is so messed up is not even funny anymore!
John: it's okay bro. you know what you should tak all that anger out on the court!
Matt: yea but dude, i should have told Mel a long time ago that i like [Maja walk up to them two] chicken.
Maja: Stop trying to cover up, i know you like Mel.
Matt: [looks at John] you told her!
John: hehehe
Maja: of course he did and plus it's nothing to be ashamed of, in fact she just might like you back [gave him a wink]
Matt: guess again...[point to something or someone behind them]
Maja and John turn around and sees SephMel walking up the hallway giggling and holding hands. They walk up to the rest of the group to say hi.
Seph: Hey guys!
Mel: Good Morning guys! o yea Matt sry if i didnt tell you Joseph was gonna drive me to skool.
Matt: [looks away] watever you could've called and if you left before i could pick you up why you guys getting here just now. [says really upset]
Mel: [kind of discouraged] o JOseph and Me went out for breakfast.
Matt: watever...
Joseph: guys guess wat...
John: Chicken BUTT!
Evryone except Matt: hahahahahaha
Mel: hahaha[sarcastic laugh], but NO!
Joseph: Mel's my girlfriend now!
Everyone except for SephMel: WHAT!
Matt: [mad and sad] I gotta get to class.
John: Me too c ya later [gives Maja a kiss and walks off behind Matt]
Maja: umm Mel lets go to class we'll be late.
Mel: k [gives Seph a kiss] bye
Seph: bye babe.
Mel: [giggles]
John and Matt walking to class.
John: hey bro you ok?
Matt: [sarcastic] of course cuz that was one great way to start my day I AM SOOO HAPPY right now. [really mad but tries to hide the pain]
John: bro it's ok they'll eventually break up right and um...(gets cutoff)
Matt: dude just SHUT UP! [choaks on his word cuz hes starting to tear up]
John: sry...
They walk to class.
The whole day Matt couldn't talk to Mel cause he would just be mad. The whole day just became worse for Matt at that point. He was getting in trouble because he wasn't paying attention in class and forgot the stuff he studied for on a major test. That sux...
Chapter 9
Daddy's Little Party Girl?
~Chapter 9~ Daddy's Little Party Girl?
Ever since Mel and Joseph were together, Joseph has dragged the whole crew into the "party scene". Unfortunately Mel was dragged in the furthest. The Only reason Matt, Maja, and John would Tag along was to look after Mel cause they never really trusted or liked Joseph. They also didnt lik wat happened at the parties, Joseph taught Mel to not only drink but to become completely wasted. And Joseph wouldnt take care of her because he'd be passed out himself.
At a party Saturday, 12:23 A.M. ...
Matt:Mel lets go it's late and your drunk.(grabbing Mels arm)
Mel: (pulling away and complete unaware of anything) No Let go of Me! I'm gonna wait for Joseph.
Maja: Mel, We don't noe where Joseph's been for the last 3 hours.
John: yea come on we'll take you home.
Mel: (Pissed of) leave me alone [takes a sip of beer the falls to the ground]
Matt: Mel! Come on lets go home. [picking up and carrying Mel]
All for of them Leave.In the parking lot Maja and John head for JOhn's car And Matt head to Mels car. Matt puts Mel in the back seat of Johns car as he looks for her car keys. Once he finds them he puts her in the drivers seat and straps her in. And they all leave. In Mel's car...
Matt:[driving and talking to Mel as shes pasted out] Damn Mel who knew it would come to've had alcohol before but never like this.
Mel: [wakes up but still wasted] Matt? you know what...I Love You...I have always loved you more than a friend...hehehehehe[drunk laugh]
Matt: [looks at her discouraged but he doesnt take it personally cause he knows shes drunk]
They reach Mel's house...
Matt: Mel come on we're here [helping her out of the car]
Mel:[looses balance as she walks] Matt I'm fine. [kind of tipsy but aware now]
Matt: u sure? [as he waks her to the door]
Mel: [they are at the door] yea i'll be fine. [gives him a hug but kind of falls onto him]
Matt: woah there! [helps her stand up]
Mel: [opens the door to the house] i'll be fine from here.
Matt: okay bye...[walks home since he lives a few blocks away]
Inside Mel's house...
Mel: [walks swerving]
Daddy: YOUNG LADY! where have you been!
Mel: hi daddy! [kind of trying to cover up the fact shes drrunk]
Daddy: Mel wat's going on with you lately...your grades are dropping, your always partying and coming home late at night and drunk! i dont even know how you are anymore!
Mel: Maybe cuz your Never home Dad! We dont talk anymore cuz i never see you!
Daddy: What are you talking about! I'm working so hard because you!
Mel: [crying] But it doesnt matter if i dont get to see you. your always at the office or on a business trip or too busy or too tired. what's more important in your life Dad? me or work? [stoms out of the house and gets into her car]
She drives off crying and she doesnt even know where shes going...the first place she thinks of is Matt's house so she goes there...
Chapter 10
I'll Be There
~Chapter 10~ I'll Be There
Mel arrives at Matt's place.
Mel:[rings the door bell to Matt's place]
Matt: [opens the door still in his party clothes cuz he was too tired to change] Mel?
Mel: [crying and hugs Matt without saying anything]
Matt: [hugs her,senses somethings wrong, and whispers] It's ok everything gonna be alright.
They go into the house and straight into Matt's room and lays on his bed, where she tells him everything that happen between her and her Dad...
Mel: I hate him soo much[tears silently falling down her face]...
Matt: [looks over to Mel] You know you don't mean that...
Mel: yes i do! He doenst love me anymore!
Matt: Melissa...don't worry he does just let it cool over.
Mel:[emotional breakdown mode crying] Matt...
Matt: [laying down he sits up himself and Mel does the same and he hugs her and comforts her] It's okay stop crying everything is gonna be okay.
Mel:[still in the hug] Matt your such a Good friend. i dont know what i'd do without you.
Matt:[fakes smiles, sim: i wish we were more] well i'm always here for you.
They talk alnight and fall asleep in each other arm. In the Morning, Matt wakes up first and smiles cuz he sees that him and Mel are hugging [A/N:picture the scene in Pedro Penduko When he wakes up by the tree, except his time it's in a bed] Then Mel wake up and sits up.
Matt: Good Morning! (sitting himself up)
Mel: Hey...(weak, hungover, and her eyes are swollen from crying all night) I have a headache...
Matt: That what you get for getting drunk [tries to lighten up the mood] HAHHAHA!
Mel: [smiles and laughs back] hahaha. i guess your right...
Matt: That's the first smile i've seen you crack in hours. It's so hard to see you cry when im so used to seeing you smile.
Mel: [still smiling and put her arm aroun him] nice to know you've always got my back even at 3 o'clock in the morning. hehehe [gives him a kiss on the cheek]
Matt: We'll you should always know that i'll be there for you, no Matter what! hahaha [starts to tickle her]
Mel: hahahaha stop! hahaha [playfully hits him]
Matt: [stops tickleing her] hehehehe. well you wanna go down for some breakfast?
Mel: No it's okay. I think i'll go home now...[unsure of herself, sim: im scared of dad's reaction of me kind of running away]
Matt: you sure? you want me to come with you?
Mel: umm...please?
Matt: of course.
Mel: Thx.
They head down stairs and Head for Mel's house in Mel's car [a 2 minute drive away].
Chapter 11
Consequences of a Crash
~Chapter 11~ Consequences of a Crash
Once they arrive Mel is nurvous and all shaky as they stand infront of the door.
Mel: [too nurvous and hesitates to open the door] ummm...i think we should come back later he might be mad [starts to walk back to the car].
Matt: [grabs her] o no you dont. [holds her sholder] Mel evrything is gonna be fine.
Mel: ok...[opens the door and they both walk in]
Yaya: Mel! thank God your home! [crying]
Mel: Yaya what wrong!?! Where's dad!?!
Yaya: Your dad is in the hospital. He got into a car accident last night, trying to look for you.'s not looking good...
Mel: [tearing up and screamed] why am i just hearing about this now!
Matt: Mel calm down. It's not gonna help to yell.
Mel:[turn to her yaya waiting for an explanation]
Yaya: I tried calling your cell phone last night but it was off.
Mel: [crying] I have to see him.
Matt: Let's go im driving.
Mel: k [walks out the house leaving her yaya at home]
At the hospital...
Mel is in her dad's hospital room alone sitting at his side.
Mel: [talkin to her dad crying] Daddy im sry...please dont leave me...I love you.
Matt:[walks into the room] umm Mel, maja and john are here.
Mel: [quickly wipes away her tears] they can come in
Maja and john rush into the room and gives Mel a hug.
Maja: how's tito doing?
Mel: The doctors say that he hit his head pretty hard in the crash. Since then there still hasnt been any progress. They ran some test but we're still waiting for results.
John: It's ok Mel. Tito is gonna be fine.
Mel: [gives a fake smile] the way where Joseph, i texted him to come here.
Maja: i dont know?
Mel: [turns around kind of sad]
Then at that moment the doctors walk in.
Matt: how's tito doing doc?
Mel: [turns around and faces the doctor]
Doctor: umm well the results of the tests are very discouraging. I'm sorry to say this, but Miss Ricks your father has a 50/50 chance of surviving this and he hardly has any braing activity. All we can do is wait and see wat happens. I am very sorry...
Mel: but...we can't do anything, any surgerys, i mean anything.
Doctor: Im sorry but any surgerys in this condition he might not make it out of the operating room.
Mel: ok...
Doc: I'm very sry...[walks out of the room]
Mel: [crys quietly and turns away from everyone]
Maja: [walks over to Mel and hugs her as he start to cry herself]
Matt and John: [walk over to them and join in the hug]
They spent the whole day at the hospital constantly comforting each other. They eventually had to leave cuz it was getting late and they had school the next day. When Mel got home she got ready for bed. Before going to bed she stepped out onto her balcony.
11:11 P.M.
Mel: (sim: I wish my daddy could make it through this...)
She walks back into her room and goes to bed crying.
Chapter 12
A Bad Boyfriend
~Chapter 12~ A Bad Boyfriend
The Next Day...
Matt went to see Mel in the Morning before he went to school (not expecting her to go to school),to see how she's doing.
Matt: [ring the doorbell]
Mel: [opens the door and acts like nothings wrong] hey Matt! ready to go to school... [walks out the door and heads to Matt's car]
Matt: Mel know it'll be ok if you dont go to school today.
Mel: [sad again] It's fine, im gonna be fine, i just gotta get away from everything.
Matt: ok [and they head to school]
At school...
Mel: [sees Joseph and walks over angry]
Joseph: hey babe [tries to kiss her neck]
Mel: [Mean] get away from me!
Joseph: [attitude] wat's your problem!
Mel: you and a lot of other things! you know when i text you to come somewhere i expect you to do it!
Joseph: Well you told me to come to the hospital.
Mel: So !?!
Joseph: I dont like hospitals!
Mel: did ever occur to you that when i sed hospital, it was something important and i needed you! [tears up]
Joseph: [rolls his eyes and shrugs and yells] Maybe i was busy and i had something more important to do! I dont have to be where you want me to all the time! you're just my girlfriend, not my mother! [walks away leaving mel there crying]
Matt sees what happens and walks over and puches Joseph.
Matt: [angry] You no what you're a fucking bastard! You dont even know what Melissa's going through! You dont fucking deserve her!
Joseph:[wipes the blood off his lip and walks away because he has nothing to say]
Mel: [angry] Matt that was completely uncalled for!
Matt: he was out of line you dont deserve all that crap he was telling you.
Mel: I can fight my own battles. I dont always need you...[walks of after Joseph]
Unfortunately by the end of the day SephMel had made up and Matt totally disagreed with Mel's choices...Matt went back to his locker after school because he forgot a book. As he turns the corner he sees Joseph and some other girl that's not Melissa, making out against the lockers. After that he goes to Melissa's house to tell her wat he saw.
hapter 13
Best Friends Don't Fight
~Chapter 13~ Best Friends Don't Fight
Mel's house...
Matt: Mel i've got something important to tell you.
Mel: ok tell me on the way to the hospital i wanna see Daddy. [walks towards the door]
Matt: wait Mel this cant wait.
Mel: Ok, then what is it?
Matt: Mel, i saw Joseph at school kissing some other girl, im sry, but by the looks of it, hes cheating on you.
Mel: [slaps Matt] When are you gonna stop! You've been mad at Joseph ever since he came into my life. and now your making up stories so i would break up with him! You know I think your just jealous of him! Whats the matter with you! you've never been jealous of any other of my boyfriends!
Matt: i am not jealous! [sim: yes i am] and i'm not making up stories i swear it's what i saw! And Mel i think you should break up with him anyway cuz hes no good for you. Dont you realize it, your lifes been down hill ever since you met him! your grades are down, hes taught you to party, technically hes the reason why tito's in the hospital, and look hes even got us fighting! and we never fight!
Mel: You know what you can think what you want to![walks out and head for the hospital]
Matt leaves the house and goes home to think over wat just happened...
Matt:[sim: my i should apologize, but i know she'll never forgive
Later that night Mel's at home about to go to bed. when she noticed someone knocking at her balcony door. She walks over to her balcony and opens the door and find Matt there.
Mel:[angry] wha- [gets cutoff]
Matt: [starts to sing: "Sorry Seem to Be the Hardest Word" by Elton John]
What have I got to do to make you love me
What have I got to do to make you care
What do I do when lightning strikes me
And I wake to find that you're not there
What do I do to make you want me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I say when it's all over
And sorry seems to be the hardest word
It's sad, so sad
It's a sad, sad situation
And it's getting more and more absurd
It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Oh it seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word
What do I do to make you love me
What have I got to do to be heard
What do I do when lightning strikes me
What have I got to do
What have I got to do
When sorry seems to be the hardest word
Mel im sorry...
Mel: [crossed arms, still angry, and avoiding eye contact] what makes you think i'll forgive you just like that. you know cuz you said a lot a crap that i didn't deserve and i should have punched you for it!
Matt: [discouraged and looks at the ground]
Mel: [looks at Matt and laughs] hehehe just kiding! gosh! you know how hard it is to be mad at you especially after you sing.
Matt: [smiles]
Mel: come over here [gives him a hug] im sry too.
Matt: hahaha you know how hard it's been to not talk to you in so long, even tho its only been about six hours. [smiles]
Mel: hahaha. but you know what i confronted Joseph about what you told me and...
Waiting room at the hospital...
Joseph: Hey Mel... I'm sry i cant go in there. being in a hospital already makes me kind of queezy.
Mel: It's ok i understand.
Seph: thx.
Mel: [giggles at herself] hehehe
Seph: what so funny?
Mel: Nothing just this story Matt told me...[tells him wat Matt saw] isn't that funny, cuz it's totally not true. hahaha...
JOseph: [doesn't say anything]
Mel: right!?!?
Seph: yea, right...[act all suspicious, avoids eye contact, get all nervous, with sweaty palms and evrything]
Mel: look at me! is it true?
Seph: No of course not! [all defensive cause hes lieing]
Mel: tell me the truth!
Seph: i am, nothing went down, cuz yo boys trippin'!
Mel: You no what it so over!
Seph: What Why!
Mel: cuz right now i dont trust you. and if i dont trust you i cant be with you! [walk out]
*flashback ends*
Matt: So you guys broke up? [smile from ear to ear]
Mel: yea... gosh you dont gotta be happy about it!
MAtt: of course im happy...please you know i didnt lik him.[sim: and i was jealous and i want you to be mine]
Mel: [sad]
Matt: sry Mel.
Mel: [sighs] its ok, i guess he wasnt for me anyway...
Matt: hey look it 11:11
Mel: o
They stood on the balcony and made a wish together.
Mel: [sim: i wish i would find the one for Me, unless it's really Matt.]
Matt: [sim: i wish mel would see that she is the one for Me.]
They opened their eyes and smiled at each other.
Matt: I gotta go now [starts to climb down the balcony]
Mel: ok. Matt wait wanna go thru the front door? hehehe
Matt: o yea hahaha...
After Matt left Mel went to bed.
Chapter 14
Hospital Hell
~Chapter 14~ Hospital Hell
Since Mel's dad was in the Hospital her and the crew would visit him everyday. Mel's family members also already know whats going on, so they visit him to.
In Mel's Dad's Hospital Room...
Mel, MAtt, Maja, John, Mel's Aunt(her dad's sister), and her grandparents (her dad's parents).
Mel never liked her dad's side of the family cause she mostly sees her moms side. The other reason she doesnt like them is because they don't like her. Her dad's side of the family always felt it was the wrong decision for him to marry Mel's Mom there fore they never approved of Mel's birth all together.
Auntie: Melissa wat the hell were you thinking that night!
Mel: (starting to tear up) I dont know...
Grandpa: young lady i am very disappointed in you!
Mel: im sorry...
Grandma: Sorry is not going to bring my son back!
Mel: (in tears)
Auntie: LISTEN TO ME YOU LITTLE BRAT! (grabs mel by the hair) IF- [gets cutoff]
Matt: [helps Mel] I'm sry! but you cant blame this on Mel!
Mel: [runs out of the room crying]
Matt, Maja, & John: [run after her]
They find Mel out in the hallway sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall...
Maja:[approaches Mel] Mel dont listen to them its not your fault.
John: yea they just trippin...
Matt: it's ok Mel stop crying...
Mel: [still crying] no it's not that...
Maja: Then why are you crying?
Mel: It's just ever since forever, my dad's family has always hated me. when something wrong happened for my dad, they would always blame me. My dad was always there to defend me from them but now i dont know wat to do.
John: Mel, i think it's time to defend yourself.
Matt: yea hes right...
Maja: yea for once John is right...hahaha
Mel: [behind Mel's tears cracked a smile] hehehe
Evryone: [laughs]
John: that's more like it...
Maja: yea, you know it better for us to see you smile.
Mel: thx guys. [group hug!]
John: awww this is sweet! i think im crying!
Maja: dork! [hits him playfully]
Mel: [wipes of her tears as she sees her evil reletives rush out of the room and into the hall]
GrandMa: Help! Doc!
Doctors and nurses rush into the hospital room.
Mel: what's going on ?!?! [she tries to get into the room but the nurses tell her she has to stay out]
GrandPa: Melissa your father has flat lined!
Mel:[crying] NO! NO! [starts to become really loud and agressive. she tries to get into the hospital room]
Matt: [grabs Mel and hugs her really tight to calm her down] Mel it's ok...
Mel: [hits Matt to brake away from the hug and shes crying]
Matt: [but Matt doesnt let go of her and just hugs her tighter] Mel you have to calm down everything is gonna be alright.
Mel:[stops fighting Matt's hug and just cries really hard] no...
Maja and John join them in the hug as Mel cries really hard.
A few minutes later the Doctor came out and Mel rushes to him...
Auntie: [pushes Mel out of they way] Doc how's my brother?
Doc: Well he has lost all brain activity [Mel's heart drops] so the best we can do is to put him on a machine...
Mel: [speechless and starts to cry]
Doc: Miss Ricks i noe he is your father but since you are a minor the decision to if you want to unplug your father's life support should be officially made by your Aunt and your grandparents.
Mel: It's ok. i noe we wont be making that choice in a long time...
Auntie: Mel, me and your grandparents have already thought about this and we think it's best we unplug the life support as soon as possible.
Mel: No you cant just do that! Hes my father and i should have a say in this!
Grandpa: Well im sry Melissa we've made up our mind.
Mel: [crying] NO! [tries to run off of Matt grabs her]
Matt: Mel, right now isnt the best time to run. your gonna have to face them first...
Mel: [nods and walks back to confront them]
Before she knew it they werent there anymore and she was wonder where they were. Matt, Maja, and John were in the hospital's Caf. as Mel looked for them. A few minutes later She finds them...
Auntie: [walking up to Mel] Melissa say your last words to your father. [says in a kinda cold way]
Mel: wat do you mean?
GrandMa: Melissa we've already signed the documents...they are pulling the plug tonight.
Mel: [was so mad she didnt even want to look at them. she just sat there as a tear fell down her face and she gets up] where's the doctor?
GrandPa: Does it matter? you can't stop it anymore.
Mel: [sees the doctor and walks up to him] Doc. my i have a word?
Doc.: Yes Miss Ricks, im very sry about your father.
Mel:[gives a fake smile] Well umm...i was wondering what time you guys were planning to do it?
Doc: Tonight at Midnight. Why?
Mel: I was wondering if we can change the time to 11:11?
Doc: Why?
Mel: That time was very imporatant to my father and i would apprecite it you took into consideration.
Doc: I dont see why not, i guess if it was important to your father.
Mel: thank you...
That night at 11:10 the whole crew was there and Mel's Dad's family. Once it was 11:11 Mel made a wish...
Mel:(sim: I wish where ever my Daddy is, that he is happy)[a tear falls down her face as her eyes are closed]
Mel's father has now passed away and The crew was ther to comfort Melissa...The day has been very rough and all she wants to do is go home and cry...
"Daddy's Little Girl" by Frankie J
[Verse 1:]
He drops his suitcase by the door
She knows her daddy won't be back anymore
She drags her feet across the floor
Tryna hold back time to keep him holding on
And she says
[Pre Chorus:]
Daddy Daddy don't leave
I'll do anything to keep you
Right here with me
Can't you see how much I need you
Daddy Daddy don't leave
Mommy's saying things she don't mean
She don't know what she's talking about
Somebody hear me out
Father listen
Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go
Father save him
I would do anything in return
I'll clean my room
Try hard in school
I'll be good
I promise you
Father, Father
I pray to you
[Verse 2:]
Now she hasn't slept in weeks
She don't want to close her eyes cause she's scared that he'll leave
They tried just about everything
It's getting harder now
For him to breathe
And she says
[Pre Chorus:]
Daddy Daddy don't leave
I'll do anything to keep you
Right here with me
Can't you see how much I need you
Daddy Daddy don't leave
The doctors are saying things they told me
They don't know what they talking about
Somebody hear me out
Father (father) listen (listen)
Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go (don't have to go)
Father (father) save him
I would do anything in return
I'll clean my room
Try hard in school
I'll be good
I promise you
Father, Father
I pray to you
Please don't let him go (don't let him go)
I'm begging you so (I'm begging you so)
There open his eyes
There ain't no more time
To tell him that I love him more
The many thing in the world
Is Daddy's little girl
Father (father) listen (listen)
Tell him that he's got a home and he don't have to go (don't have to go)
Father (father) save him
I would do anything in return
I'll clean my room
Try hard in school
I'll be good
I promise you
Father, Father
She was Daddy's Little Girl
Mmmmm Oh
Chapter 15
I'll Be Missing You
~Chapter 15~ I'll be Missing You
The Day Of Melissa's Dad's Funeral has arrieved, a day Mel's been dreading. That Morning as Mel was getting ready she felt to so empty and emotionless. You'd think she would be crying, but she hasnt shead a sinlge tear, ever since she woke up. So many thoughts were racing through her mind she doensnt know what emotion to express.
Matt came to pick Mel up to take her to the Church.
Matt: [doorbell, while wearing white]
Mel: [also wearing white, she Came to the door and opened it and walked out the door without saying a word]
Matt: [walked behind her, understanding why she wasn't talking]
At the Church...
Mel walked in with Matt next to her. She's sees all these people, people she knows, people she doesnt know, family members, friends, business partners, co-workers, employees, and people you were just there to comemorate the life of her father. She felt a warm feeling inside, knowing that her father was such a good person that this many people would show up for his funeral.
Maja and John: hey Mel...[gives her a hug]
Mel;[quiet and whispers] hi...
Maja: Are you going to be ok...
Mel: [nods and says nothing]
Mel: [goes over to greet the guest]
Maja: you guys? shes gonna be ok... right?
John: yea shes gonna be fine we just have to help her through this. [puts his arm around Maja]
Matt: yea, Melissa's gonna be strong.
Maja: I feel so bad, can you imagine both of her parents are gone [looks down in sympathy]
John: yea i noe, wait Matt what will happen to all of Tito's business and properties?
Matt: o Mel holds them all now. Tito left evrything to Mel, all his money, properties, businesses, and i mean even the ones overseas.
Maja: wow! can Mel handle all of that...
Matt: Well, mel dont gotta worry bout too much cuz there are people who will help her with it, but shes says one day, when shes ready, she's gonna take full responsibilty of all of it.
John: Melissa really tough to take all this on...
Matt: I of the reason i love her so much.
John and Maja; [smile at him]
As soon as the mass started they all took a seat next to Mel. They listened through the whole mass, Melissa said a few words at the end. When the Mass was all over they put the casket into a hurse and they all headed for the cemetary.
At the cemetary...
The priest blessed the casket one last time as they were lowering it into the ground. Many people through flowers in and Melissa just stood by watching everything just happen. Then finally she cracked a tear as she through a white rose in, after she was crying silent tears through the whole thing. Once the casket was barried and the people left, Mel stood by her fathers grave just quietly crying.
Mel: [on her knees by the tombstone and talking to her dad, whispering] Daddy... why did you leave me, im so sorry, im so so sorry. I love you and I'll be Missing you...
She gets up and heads to the car where Matt was waiting for her...she still couldnt except the fact her father was gone.
"I'll be Missing you" by P. Diddy
Yeah... this right hear... goes out to everyone who has lost someone they
truly love)
Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show
I laced the track, you locked the flow
So far from hangin on the block for dough
Notorious, they got to know that
Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh)
Words can't express what you mean to me
Even though you're gone, we still a team
Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right)
In the future, can't wait to see
If you open up the gates for me
Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-huh)
Try to black it out, but it plays again
When it's real, feelings hard to conceal
Can't imagine all the pain I feel
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living your life, after death
Chorus: Faith Evans
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
[Puff] I miss you Big
Verse Two: Puff Daddy
It's kinda hard with you not around (yeah)
Know you in heaven smilin down (eheh)
Watchin us while we pray for you
Every day we pray for you
Til the day we meet again
In my heart is where I'll keep you friend
Memories give me the strength I need (uh-huh) to proceed
Strength I need to believe
My thoughts Big I just can't define (can't define)
Wish I could turn back the hands of time
Us in the 6, shop for new clothes and kicks
You and me taking flicks
Makin hits, stages they receive you on
I still can't believe you're gone (can't believe you're gone)
Give anything to hear half your breath (half your breath)
I know you still living you're life, after death
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
[Faith Evans] Somebody tell me why
Interlude: Faith Evans
One Black Morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face
Outro: 112
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] Every day that passes
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Is a day that I get closer
[Puff] To seeing you again
Every night I pray, every step I take
[Puff] We miss you Big... and we won't stop
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] Cause we can't stop... that's right
Every night I pray, every step I take
Every move I make, every single day
[Puff] We miss you Big
Faith Evans:
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Chapter 16
State of Depression
~Chapter 16~ State Of Depression
The night of the funeral was really tough on Mel. And the crew can see it, so they decided to visit her the next day(Sunday in the afternoon).
Maja: [doorbell]
Yaya: [opens the door and sees Matt, Maja, and John, and lets them in] Thank God you guys came!
Matt: Why yaya wats wrong?
Yaya: It's Mel she's locked herself in her room all day and she hasnt eaten yet. She's not rosponding wen i knock at the worried
John: yaya are you sure she's even in there?
Yaya: I'm sure wen you i listened in, i can hear her crying.
Maja: ok we'll try to get here out...[they walk upstairs]
Matt: [knocks on the door] the door it's Matt...
John: and John...
Maja: and Maja...
Mel: [opens the door, shes got swollen eyes and a puffy face from crying to much]
Matt: [sim: that was easy]
Maja: Mel are you ok?
Mel: [gives them a smile then a serious kinda mean face] LEAVE ME ALONE! [and she slams the door in there faces and locks it]
John: [talking to Maja and Matt] wat are we gonna do now?
Maja: [shrugs] i dont know?
Matt: It's ok guys you can leave if you want to, i'll wait for Mel to come out, you guys can go ahead.
John: bro you sure?
Matt: [gives them a nod and they leave]
After a few attempt to get Mel out of her room, he was feeling discouraged and just sat there leaning up agiaint her door. 10 minutes have gone by and Matt is still sitting there thinking of a way to get Mel to listen to him. Then he hears the doornob turn and he quickly gets up...
Mel: [opens the door,sees Matt, her eyes or swollen, and she looks like crap] Matt...[rushes over to hug him as she's uncontrolably crying]
Matt: [hug her] it's ok's ok im here...
They go into the room and sit on the bed. Where they talk.
Mel: [crying really hard] That night, that night we fought is playing over and over in my head, and i cant help but blame myself. It's all my fault, it's all my fault!
Matt: No0o, no, no [hold's mels face] Listen, you cant blame yourself or anyone else, it was an accident, it was all an accident [hugs to comfort her]
Mel:[still crying] But Matt, if we didnt fight, if i wasnt so hard headed, he would be alive, and wouldnt be going through so much pain... I wish I can bring him back...
MAtt: shhhh... it's not your fault and where ever Tito is im sure hes happy...i bet he hates to see you crying like this tho, so you should stop...
Mel: i cant let it go, i cant let any of this go! And i'm always gonna regret the last word i ever sed to him...
Matt: wat was that?
Mel: The night we fought as i was leaving I told him that i hated him, but i didnt noe that i would never get the chance to say sory...
Matt: It's ok im sure he knows you're sorry and how can he not forgive you, you're his only little girl...
Mel: [can't help but just cry and leans over and put her head onto Matt's lap and eventually falls asleeps from all the exghuation of crying]
MAtt: [Sees she asleep and just lays back he strokes her hair]
Chapter 17
Slowly Recovering
~Chapter 17~ Slowly Recovering
It's been almost two week since Melissa's Dad's funeral. Durung this period she hasnt been coming to school or has even left the house because shes just too depressed. Matt would visit her everyday before and after school to check on her.
At Melissa's place after school...
Matt: [walks up the stairs to Mel's room and knocks on the door] mel...mel its matt...
Mel: [soft spoken] it's open...
Matt: [barely hearing her, opened the door and finds mel staring out the window]
MAtt: Hey Mel![gives her a hug]
Mel: hey [smirks]
Matt: wat are you thinking about?
Mel: wat do you mean?
Matt: you look so deep into your what are you thinking about?
Mel:[still softly speaking] nuthing...everything...
Matt: are you ok?
Mel: i really dont...a part of me has moved on and another just cant let any of this go. Im still holding on to him. you know i cant forget about him...
Matt: no one is asking you to forget about dad, cuz he was a part of you. you just need to except the fact that he isnt with us anymore.
Mel:[frowns] i guess...
Matt: hey smile, just think that he went on a life long vacation in the sky, or in tito's case a life long business trip. hehehe
Mel: [craked a smiled and rolled her eyes] hahaha
Matt: hey you wanna go somewhere?
Mel: Not Really.
Matt: C'mon you've been lokked up in this house for almost two week, all alone with your yaya, in pajamas. So get dressed and i'll wait for you downstairs.
Mel: [smiles] ok.
Chapter 18
A Fun Night
~chapter 18~ A Fun Night
Matt: You wanna go somewhere?
[end recap]
She gets ready but just puts on jeans and a shirt, nuthing special, and she head downstairs.
In the car...
Mel: ok so where we goin?
Matt: a date.
Mel: a date?
Matt: not a date, date [sim: i wish] just like a best friend date cuz before we were alwayz kickin it with John and Maja. Now tell me wen was the last time just you and me kicked it, and not talkin bout sumthin depressing...
Mel: OMG! you're rite it's been forever...
Matt: exactly, so today we are goin somewhere where we both will have fun. with no crying, no sadness, no drama, and most importantly no MaJohn!
Mel: you're mean they are our friends!
Matt: i noe, just playin gosh! i love those two!
Mel: I love them to death!
Matt: hahahaha
Mel: hehehehe
They finally arrived somewhere...
Mel: OMG! dont tell me this is...
Matt: yup! it's the amusement park [a/n: mel's favorite place and mel hasnt been there in a while]
Mel: Wow! i havent been here in so long!
Matt: i tink it was so long ago that Maja and JOhn dont even noe this is your favorite place in the whole world...besides the mall.
Mel: yea your rite!
Matt: hahaha c'mon lets go! [holding mels hand as they walk towards the entrance]
Matt: so what do you wanna ride first?
Mel: ummm...lets go on the carousel!
Matt: the carousel?!? the last time we rode the carousel we were ten years old.
Mel: so?!? c'mon let go! [drags Matt to the carousel]
Matt: ok...
After they rode the carosel...
Matt: your rite the was fun [smileing and laughing]
Mel: told you so!
Matt: But mel why did pick to ride the carousel first?
Mel: because lik you sed the last time we rode one, we were little, and wen we little evrything seemed so perfect, i just wanted to kind of relive my childhood. Do you think thats weird?
Matt: nope. watever makes you happy is definately not weird.
Mel: well c'mn lets go on more rides.
Matt: ok.
Matt and Melissa had fun that night. They rode all the rides, ate cotton candy together [how sweet], and Matt even won Mel a huge Teddybear at the basketball shooting game!
Matt dropped off Mel home and walked her to the door...
Mel:[holding her teddybear] thx Matt, i've never been this happy in a long time,
Matt: No prblem, anything for you to be happy.
Mel: you so sweet.
Mel: thx agen Matt, goodnite [kisses him quickly on the lips and goes inside the house]
Matt:[shocked, and walk back to his car smiling] YESS!!
a liitle later @ 11:11...
Mel: i wish Me and Matt could be like this all the time...happy.
Chapter 19
Back to School
~Chapter 19~ Back to School
The NExt Day MElissa went to skool for the first time in a long time. In the morning in the car...
Matt: [driving] So you excited to be back at school? [just makin conversation kinda of awkward]
Mel: yea. I bet its gonna be hard to catch up tho.
Matt: Youll be fine. As long as you did all the homework i brought you everday for the past two weeks. hahaha
Mel: yea i did it all but im really excited to see Maja and John agen. [A/n she hasnt see them in a long time cuz they figured she needed space]
MAtt: i bet they are excited to see you too.
They arrived at school at scool and Melissa and Matt headed straight to their lockers knowing that's where John and Maja would be.
Maja: [excited] MELISSA!!!!
John: MEL!
Mel: HEY!!! [hugs]
MAtt: Yo guys!
Maja: OMG! Mel i missed you so much! Its so hard to put up with John And Matt without you.
John and Matt: HAY!
Maja: just playin. hehehe
Mel: hahahaha sory if i was away to long.
John: it's ok we forgive you [joking]
Maja: shut up your so annoying! hahahaha
JOhn: gosh just playing around, didnt know it was illegal. [sad]
Maja awww im sry baby [kisses his cheek]
John: [smile]
Matt: you guys are so cute!
Mel: i noe!
Maja and Mel head for their class as Matt and John head for theirs.
MEl and MAja's Side:
Maja: so what have you and Matt been up to?
Mel: what do you mean?
Maja: OMG mel! are you really asking me that? i noe hes been over your house evryday since you've been gone.
Mel: So with me gone or not hes at my house anyway.
Maja: true but, this time not just as a friend. hes there for you as someone to lean on, as your crying shoulder in your time of need. [super drama mode]
Mel: Omg! get a grip would you! the only thing between me and Matt is....[thinking] i dont noe stop pressuring me![frustrated in a cute way]
Maja: i knew it! somethings goin on between you and Matt.
Mel: ok i'll tell you ....[told her wat happen last night]
Maja: UYYY! how sweet, you guys went to the amusement park , he won you a teddy bear, and you kissed him goodnight. awwww... wait why dont me and John do that!?!
Mel: yea [blushing nd giggling]
And they went to Class.
John and MAtt's side
Matt: dude i have to tell you something...
John: what? wait lemme gess it's bout Melissa.
Matt: yea...
John ok what?
Matt: [told him what happen last night]
John: WOW! you took her to the amusement park, won her a huge teddy bear, and she kissed you goodnight. uyyyyy my bro's in love....wait! why dont me and Maja ever do that?!?!
Matt: [ignoring John's last statement] yea i think i am in love with her...*sigh*
John: dude you've got it bad...
Matt you think? [sarcastic]
John: by the way? did you ever give her the promise ring? i always see you wearing yours...
Matt: No, i wanna wait for the perfect time to give them to her, when i ask her to be my girlfriend.
JOhn: and wens that?
Matt: Well i wanna tell her how i feel later today [blushing],then just let it flow from there.
John: goodluck bro[high fives]
Matt: thanks...
hapter 20
A Little More Than Friends
~Chapter 20~ A Little More Than Friends
Later that day after School in the parking lot my MAtt;s car...
Matt: [leaning on his car waiting for Mel, she was an hour and a half late and he couldnt get in contact with her]
Mel: [waling towards the car, carrying lots of books, since she was rushing she drops all of them before she gets to the car]
MAtt: [rushes towards MEl to help her pick up the books] you ok...
MEl: [looking down picking u stuff] yea
MAtt: [ lokking down picking up stuff too] lemme carry these for you...
Mel: [looks up and their eyes meet and it was quiet for a moment until MEl breaks the silence] ummmm.... thx
Matt: [taking her books and walking towrds the car] No problem, anything for you.
Mel: [blushing] sorry if you had to wait so long, i had a few test to make up.
Matt: [putting her books in the back seat of the car and closing the door] o it's ok, id wait forever for you [being cute]
Mel: thx [blushing]
They get into the car and drive off
Matt: [driving] ummmm MEl?
MEl: yea?
Matt: you remember that kiss last night?
Mel: [blushing and smiling] yea?
Matt: was it....its because umm...all im tying to say is...[jibbering and trying to say something but he cant say it]
MEl: MAtt Spit it out already !
Matt: [looking at MEl] okay! I like you! i mean more than a freind! to tell you the truth MEl i love you! [loses atention of road and swerves]
MEl: MAtt! watch out!
Matt: o shit! [swerves quickly back into place because he was about to hit another car]
Other Driver: [mad] watch the road dumb ass!
Matt: [embarrassed] sorry...
There was an akward silence until they reach MEls house.
MAtt: [parks infront of MEls house and gets out of the car]
MEl: [kept thinking about wat Matt just told her and didnt realize they are already at her house]
Matt: [opens MEl's door cuz she hasnt come out yet] Mel you ok?
Mel: [kind of out of it] o yea...
Mel gets out of the car but trips over herself. Good thing Matt was there to catch her, once again their eyes met. But this time it was more intense and their faces were closer. They faces became closer and closer until they were kissing, kissing like they never kissed anyone like this way before. They both felt good inside and they felt that it was right, that they belonged in each others arms, that they found each others true love. The kiss ended inless than 10 seconds, 10 slow seconds, even though it was short it felt that they were in love with each other their whole lives and 10 seconds was all that they needed to see that.
Matt: [leans over to her ear and whispers] I Love You Melissa...
Mel: [whispers in his ear] I Love you Too...
A smile ws planted on both of their faces, feeling so in love with each other, and nothing can bring them down.
Chapter 21
When a Fight Breaks Out
~Charpter 21~
Matt arrived at Melissa's place, he was so happy and excited to see her. Melissa was also excited to see him. She decided to get all dolled up that morning for Matt.
Matt: [doorbell]
Yaya: [open the door] Good Morning Matt. Come in, Melissa's not ready yet.
Matt: [walks in] I wonder why? she's always ready when i get here.
Yaya: I dont know? Take a seat in the living room. She'll probably be down in a second.
Matt: ok [goes to the living room]
Mel: [going down the stairs and sees Matt] Hey MAtt!
Matt: [walks to Mel and gives her a hug] Hey!
Mel:[lookin good and all pretty] Sorry, i had to keep you waiting, i over slept.
Matt: [checkin Mel out; sim: wow shes lookin hott!] O its ok, you ready to go?
Mel: yea come on. [walk towards the door and heads out]
Matt: [Matt Follows her]
At School they walk in holding each others hands, flirting, and giggling. MaJohn see this and begin to wonder.
Maja: Hi guys?
John: Good Morning?
MAttMel: HI! [giggling]
Maja: geeez. someones happy! now somethings gotta be happening between you two?
John: OMG! [shocked] plz tell me you told her!
MattMel: [all they could smile at each other]
Maja: YAY! you guys are together!
Matt: Well, atleast not yet but we are M.U.[smileing]
Mel: what makes you think im gonna say yes to you!
Matt: HUH?!? What!
Mel: im just playin. we'll see [wink]
Matt: [holds Mels face] Mel, i promise i'll make you mine.
Mel: [smiles takes in the moment]
MaJohn: Awwwwwww...
At that moment Joseph and his new thug crew rolled in hopin to start some trouble.
Joseph: AWWWWWW...look at the cute couple [sarcastic]
Mel: Joseph wat do you wat do you want!
Joseph: [fronts Mel] Hey what makes you think you can talk to me like that!
Mel: [attitude] o you're right, you're not worth talking to at all!
Joseph: [frustrated] BITCH! you betta check yoself!
Matt: [pushes Joseph] What the hell is your problem!
Thug: Hey! [defends Joseph and punches Matt:
John: Hey! [punches the thug]
Matt, John, Joseph, and his crew started this huge in the hallway for a minute it look liked Matt and John were losing until...
Maja and Mel: Stop!
Mel: [tearing up] stop plz!
Maja: c'mon stop it!
Joseph and another thug: [grabs Mel and Maja and hold them up against the lockers and harrassing them]
Matt and John were so mad they fund the strength to fight back and kick some ass! As Matt and John were kinking butt teachers came a long and Josephs crew ran, leaving Matt and John. being sent to the principles office!
Chapter 22
Principal's Office
~Chapter 22~
Melissa, MAtt, John, and Maja are sitting in the office waiting to be spoken to by the principal.
Secratary: Miss Salvador your first.
Maja: [nods and walks into the pricipal's office]
John: [icing his face] What do you think's gonna happen to us?
Mel: [icing MAtt's lip for him (awwww)] i dont know, but watever happens this cant be you guy's fault you were just defending yourselves.
Matt: But Mel it doesnt matter cuz we were involved. the moment we threw a punch at someone, for sure we would be in trouble.
John: I cant help but wonder what if they take us off the team how is that gonna effect my scholorships. God knows im not smart enough to get into any college without those scholorships.
Mel: That's not a prblem just have Maja or Matt help you study to bring your grades up.
John: Joseph and his crew are goin to pay!
Matt: Dude you dont wanna to start anymore shit! you'll be in more trouble than you probably already are.
John: I gess, but if i see them i mite not be able to control myself!
Mel: John, cool it ok! your just gonna make thing worst!
John: [frustrated] watever *ugh*
Mel: [gives him a mean look but she doesnt take his reation personally cuz they are all frustrated]
Maja: [came out and sat down without saying anything]
Secratary: Miss Ricks you're next...
Mel: [walks into the office and is prepaired to defend Matt and John]
Maja: [turns towards John and touches his black eye] Lemme see...
John: [takes off the ice pack and shows her the bruises]
Maja: I feel bad...
John: [holds Maja's cheek] Dont may hurtt but your worth it...
Maja: [holds his face and move in so their foreheads touch]
Matt: hey im hurting too [sad and jelous of their sweetness]
John: [tryin to litin up the mood] Hey you've got Mel to be sweet with.
Matt: hahaha....tru dat.
Maja: You guys are unbelievable, your all bruised up and still laughing...hehehe
John: well cuz we're guys we shake off our priblems pretty quick.
Mel: [come out of the office and sits down]
Secratary: Mr. Evans, Mr. Prats the principal will see you both now.
MAtt and John: [get up and go into the office]
Pricipals Office
Principal: I am very upset with you two. Matt, you're one of the brightest students here, and John i noe you get in trouble sometimes but nothing like this. Though the views of Miss Ricks and Miss Salvador looked like you didnt mean to start anything, i still have to punish you, because you were involved.
Matt: Sorry Ma'am we didn't mean too.
John: They just really made us angry.
Principal: [shakes head in dissapointment] im sry boys but im goin to have to put you on probation for one month. This means no basetball, no school activites, for the next month.
John: [nods his head in frustrating acceptance]
Matt: [same with Matt]
They walk out and leave school in angry.
Chapter 23
In The Rain
~Chapter 23~ In the Rain
It turned out that being in probation isn't that bad. The four had more time to spend with each other, especially Matt and Melissa.
Saturday Afternoon...
Matt: [at Mel's house rings the doorbell]
Mel:[answers the door] Hey Matt!
Matt: Hey! [hugs her]
Mel: watcha doin here?
Matt: Wanna go somewhere?
Mel: Where?
Matt: You'll see [winks]
Mel: ok give me a second to get ready.
Mel goes and gets ready and they leave but Mel still doesnt know where they are going. They finally arrive at a park and Matt pulls a picnic basket out of the trunk of the car.
Matt: you up for a surprise picnic?
Mel: im up for anything with you. [smile]
They find a nice place to sit and eat the food that Matt prepared and have a sweet time. After they ate they strted talking. Both of them are laying down on the blanket, looking up into the sky.
Mel: It's a really pretty day, it so sunny.
Matt: But it's not as pretty as you.
Mel: [hits him playfully] watever.
Matt: [turns to Mel] you knoe you are the most beatiful girl i've ever seen.
Mel: [turns to Matt] you are so sweet...
Matt: [holds Mel's cheek and moves her face colser to his until their foreheads touch]
Mel: [looked into Matt's eyes]
Matt: [looked into hers]
Their lips come closer and close until they are about to kiss and then...
Mel: [pushes Matt away playfully and giggles] dream on! hahahaha!
Matt: [puppy dog face] hey...
Mel: [coundlnt help but laugh] hehehehe
Matt: [playfully tickles her] o it's gonna be lik that now huh!
Mel: [gets up and runs away]
Matt: [chases her and lifts her around (think of that one time on Pedro Penduko)]
Then all of a sudden it starts to rain really hard but Matt and Mel are still playing around like they dont have a care in the world even though they are both soaking wet.
Matt: [finally catches Mel and holds her from behind]
Mel: [still being held in Matt's arm, she stops running and turns around and holds Matt's face]
They both get locked in each others eyes and their faces became closer and closer. Before they knew it they were kissing in the rain...
Chapter 24
Fight, Break Up, Make Up
~Chapter 24~ Fight, Break Up, Make Up
At School, in the hallway...
Today was John and Maja's 3 month anniversary. They have been so happy together until...
Maja: [screaming] OMG! I cant believe you forgot what today is!
John: [feeling Bad] babe im sry, i promise i'll make it up to you.
Maja: John! this is no time to be cute with me! You forgot our anniversary!
John: im sorry, i've been busy lately, you know im trying to bring my grades up...
MAja: o so you're saying you have no time for me!
John: No, babe you're taking this the wrong way...
Maja: so now im stupid!
John: [annoyed] OMG! MAJA! your blowing this out of proportion!
John:[annoyed and mad] THERE'S NO NEED TO GET THIS DRAMATIC ABOUT IT! [so mad that he couldnt stop himself] TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, THIS DAY ISNT EVEN THAT SPECIAL! [cant believe wat he just sed]
Maja: [starts to cry and just walks away]
John: [tries to stop her] no...i didnt...its just that...
Maja: [pulls away and keeps walking off] We're Over!
John: [shakes his head] *sigh*
At Lunch...
The girls and boys arent sitting together, because John and Maja arent speaking.
Girls side, in the courtyard on a bench.
Maja: [crying and tells MEl wat happen] I hate him, i hate so much. I cant believe he doesnt love me anymore...
Mel: girl it's ok, just let it kool off it will all be better in time...
Maja: but you should have heard how he sed those things, it was heartbreaking [still crying]
Mel: [comforts her] its ok. just look at it this way, if it doesnt work out between you two, i think Jawe's been tryin to get you for sometime now.
Maja: [still crying but giggles] hehehe
Boys side, in the cafeteris.
JOhn: [told Matt the story] Dude wat do i do now, she basically brok up with me!
Matt: I dont know, not even i can help you out of this one.
John: I screwed up BIG time!
Matt: hu ya think.
John: [sarcastic] way to be supportive! [hit Matt by the sude of the head]
Matt: oww!
John: just think of it this way...If Mel got mad at you for doin something completely stupid, wat would you do to make her forgive you?
Matt: That one time me and Mel fought, i climbed up onto her balcony and a sang to her.
John: and did it work?
Matt: yea, of course it did!
John: that's out of the picture, i cant sing!
Matt: but dude you can DANCE!
JOhn: [freaks out] shhhhh! you know thats a secret, i mean not even my mother knows that!
Matt: You know being one of the very few guys that can tango is nothing to be ashamed of.
John: but how im i supposed to pull that off, even if Maja had a balcony it would be to small to tango on.
Matt: ok so we'll have Mel be in on it.
John: fine...
Afterschool at Matt's house...
Mel: Omg John! you can tango!
JOhn: [kinda shy] yea..
Mel: that is so cute, any girl would fall for a guy that can tango!
Matt: HEy if i can tango would you fall for ME?!?
Mel: maybe...
Matt: [turns to John] dude you gotta teach me!
John: [rolls his eyes] besides the point, whats the plan?
Mel: ok, so tomoro i'll get Maja all ready and dolled-up.
John: for what?
Mel: *ugh* just hear me out, i'll tell her it'sa surprise, duh!
Matt: whats the surprise!?!
Mel: if you boyz would let me finish, we just mite get to that!
John & Matt: fine...
Mel: ok so, Im gonna drive Maja to the dance studio blined-folded, she'll find JOhn on a candle lit dance floor, where hes gonna wisk her off her feet with a tango number.
JOhn: hold up! hold up! does Maja even noe how to dance cuz i dont think it's gonna be very romantic if shes tripping over my feet!
Mel: chillax! she's danced before! you've obviously never seen the trophies!
Matt: wat trophies!
Mel: The dance competiton trophies in her room!
John: [sarastic] well sry we've never been in her room!
Mel: ok, but knowing MAja being a hopeless romantic, this plan is bullet proof.
Matt: Wow! you're amazing.
Mel: [being cute] i noe!
MattMel: hahahah
John: [rolling his eyes, annoyed] enough!
Mel: [annoyed] someones a bit bitter! just cuz he cant keep his girl!
John: ugh watever.
Matt: guys stop fighting. [rolling his eyes]
Next day...
The plan took place and everything was perfect. MAja showed up all pretty with a red sexy dress on and John was in a candle lit dance floor and evrything. John seduced her into a little sexy dance number, like he was supposed to. After the dance...
Maja: [kinda shocked but amazed, softly says] wow i didnt know you can move lik that.
John: [holds Maja's face] Im sorry.
Maja: [looks into his eyes] you dont have to be sorry it was my fault, i over reacted.
John: it doesnt matter, all that matters is that you forgive me and i love you.
Maja: I love you too.
Chapter 25
Second Thoughts
~Chapter 25~ Second Thoughts
At School...
Melissa and Maja are walking through the hallways, having an interesting conversation.
Maja: When are you and Matt ever gonna become a couple its been forever since you told each other you like each other.
Mel: That's just it! I dont like him....*sigh* I love him, so much.
Maja: Well if thats the case, what's the problem?
Mel: it's just that maybe im falling too fast for him.
Maja: falling too fast?!? you've known the guy since 3rd grade. 8 years in not fast!
Mel: Maja, here me out, is Matt's freindship worth throwing away for something that mite not even last that long?
Maja: Mel, you two are crazy for each other, and i think you should give your love a chance.
Mel: what if it doesnt work out like its supposed to, things between me and Matt will never be the same.
Maja: Mel, just follow your heart, all i have to say is, if he loves you like i think he does, it wont turn out like you think it mite.
Mel: im just confused rite now, i need to get away from this, or something. i have to get my thoughts straight.
As the day went on Melissa was just kind of avoiding Matt and not talking to him. Matt saw Melissa walking to their next class and he was trying to catch up to her...
Matt: [coming up from behind her] Hey Mel!
Mel: [knew who is was so she didnt make a sound]
Matt: Mel you ok?
Mel: [avoiding eye contact and just nods]
Matt: [grabs Mel by the sholders which stops her in her footsteps] Mel, i think i noe you well enough wen somethings wrong, so talk to me. [concerned]
Mel: [avoiding eyecontact with attitude] i dont have problem, so excuse me, i need to get to class.
Matt: well let me walk with you i have the same class.
Mel: [walking away] its ok im fine!
Matt: [sim: wats her problem?]
Later that day scool was ending...
Matt: OMG! wat is her freakin problem!
John: iono?
Matt: one day she into me, the next its like we're not even best friends.
Maja: ever think thats wat's her problem.
Matt: wat do mean?
Maja: knowing Mel, you guy'z friendship means the world to her.
Matt: then why is she being lik this?
Maja: She's scared, if you guys get closer then you already are, it mite be lik throwing away her friendship.
John: that's probably it bro.
Matt: why would she- [gets cutoff because they see Mel walking uo to them]
Mel: so um wat are we talking about?
Matt: nice to see you're talking to me agen.
Mel: who sed i was talking to you?
Maja: Mel?
Mel: Im gonna go home im tired and i dont wanna put up with this [walk away]
Matt: ugh the girl's given me a headache!
John: see you guys arent even together and your fighting...this is wat maja means by throwing your friendship away and thats wat mel is trying to avoid.
Matt: well thats kinda stupid if she's causing it!
Maja: this no time to be blaming anyone...Matt just give her time...
Matt: ok... but i have to talk to her.
John: dude lik maja sed give her space, its all for the better...
Chapter 26
Give Me A Chance
~Chapter 26~ Give Me A Chance
Later that day Matt couldnt stay away and he had to talk to Mel...
Matt: [goes to Mels house and waits for her in her backyard by the pool]
Mel: [walks out and is shocked to see Matt]
Matt: Mel?
Mel: wat do you want?
Matt: i just want to talk to you.
Mel: we have nothin to talk about.
Matt: [reaching out to Mel's hand] yea we do. you've been avoiding me all day, and if we would talk you'd be so mean to me, now tll me wats wrong.
Mel: [pulling her hand back] this, this is wat's wrong. we're crossing the line of best friends.
Matt: havnt we established the fact that I Love you!
Mel: [tearing up] i wanna be with you believe me, but i value our friendship too much...
Matt: but Mel, dint you think this would make our friendship stronger.
Mel: or it can ruin everything. wat if wen we break up, it wont be the same agen you do noe that? i just dont wanna lose you ever, you just mean too much to me.
Matt: you're thinkin too much into this, we arent even together yet and your already thinkin about breaking up.
Mel: [crying] we both know we're gonna be together someday, but i mite not got over it if you leave me.
Matt: [holding Mel's face wiping away her tears] Who ever sed i was gonna leave you. Mel, i love you so much, i think i wanna marry you.
Mel: [cant believe wats she hearing]
Matt: so Mel plz, give me a chance, give us a chance...
Mel: [speechless]
Matt: Mel, will you be my girlfriend? [pulling out the ring from his pocket and puttingit on her finger]
Mel: ummm...i have to think about this...[pulling of the ring, giving it back, and walks away.]
Matt: [standing their stunned and then leaves her house heartbroken]
Chapter 27
Melissa's Birthday
~Chapter 27~ Melissa's Birthday
With all the stress going around, Mel didnt really care it was her birthday. Good thing the guyz had something prepared to make her happy on this day. They wanted to make this a special birthday, concidering it was the first without her dad. It took months of preparation, for Mel's birthday, because it was her big 1-8! The plan was that it was a surprise party, so on that Saturday Mel and Maja went to the Mall...
Mel: thx Maja! Shoppin is just wat i need on my birthday!
Maja: nice to see you're happy! just wish the guys were here to carry our things.
Mel: [rolled her eyes] watever.
Maja: sorry didnt mean to.
Mel: its ok...*sighs*
Maja: you wanna go to the salon get our hair done,you know for fun.
Mel: OK!
So they got their hair done, to get all pretty, it was kinda of Maja's plan for them to get dolled up since they had a party to go to. Then Maja tricked her into buying a few party dresses for her to wear later.
Maja: you wanna go now, we've been in every store in the mall and we have tons of stuff we have to carry. Can we go please...
Mel: Ok lets go im tired anyway...
They head for they parking lot and stuff all the shopping bags into Mels car. As they were driving...
Maja: Can we stop by John's house first, i need to pick something up from their.
Mel: Ok
As they arrive at John place in was night time already, Mel noticed that there were balloons everywhere and neon lites and music coming from the back of the house. She can also hear the sound of ppl screaming and dancing...
Mel: is there a party?
Maja: maybe...
Mel: ok just go in and get wat you need...
maja: come with me...
Mel: ok fine...
Maja: [called john from outside the house wen Mel wasnt looking]
Mel: are going in or wat?
MAja: ok lets go!
John: [stops them in their tracks] hey girls, wanna join the party?
Maja: sure!
Mel; i dont noe im not dressed for a party, and im tired...
Maja: c'mon Mel you just bought party clothes, plz lets just stay for a little while.
Mel: ok
They got ready in JOhn's room, when they were ready John was there to escort them to the party.
Mel: um JOhn whats the occation, why is there such a big party?
John: you'll see
AS they head out to the backyard you can here...
DJ: please welcome the lady of the evening, the debutant of the hour, our birthday girl Melissa Ricks! [everyone was clapping and screaming]
Mel: [shocked as she made her unexpected entrance infront of her many friends from school]
MAja: Happy Birthday Mel! [hugs]
John: [hugs] Happy Birhtday! surprised?
Mel: [tearing up, speechless and just nods]
The dance music starts up again, and everyone was dancing and having fun, Mel was the life of the party and she felt lik a princess. Her party was rockin, it was pink themed, meaning pink ballons, pink lites, pink everything!
Maja: [dancing on the dancfloor with John, away from Mel] Shes having so much fun.
John: yea i noe im just happy we made her happy.
MAja: where's Matt? he should be here, none of this would have happened if it wasnt for him.
John: He said hes not coming. He kind of heartbroken since, well you knoe...
Maja: o
John: i dont think Mel even noticed hes not here.
Maja: Maybe she'll notice now[points behind John]
John: [turns around and sees Matt and walks up to him] hey bro.
Maja: Hey Matt
Matt: [sad] Hey...
MAja: lemme get Mel
Matt: no wait, im just here to drop off Mel's present...
John: then you should give to her yourself
Matt: no its o-
Mel: hey Matt...
Maja and John leave.
Matt: um Happy Birthday. [hands her the present]
Mel: thx...
Matt: well im gonna go now
Mel: MAtt wait, dont you wanna stay a little while.
Matt: its ok...
Mel: but i want you to...please.
Matt: [smirks] ok
Mel: c'mon lets go.
They go and dance all night and Have fun, this is probably Melissa happiest night of her life. After the Party @ 2:00 AM...
Mel: [sitting down at a table with people cleaning around her]
MAtt: [walks over] you look tired
Mel: [looks up] yea i am...
Matt: well um...happy birthday, good night. [starts walking off]
Mel: MAtt, wait!
Matt: [turns around]
Mel: i just wanna talk to you, cuz things have been kind of wierd between us lately.
Matt: yea...
Mel: we're kool with each other rite, you do understande why we cant be together...
Matt: actually i dont.
Mel: havent we gone over this, im just not ready.
Matt: Then Mel i'll wait!
Mel: im just considering your feelings. i dont want you waiting forever, for nothing.
Matt: [pissed] so it's like that now, we're nothing!
Mel: its not like that ok! i dont wanna get hurt and more importantly i dont wanna hurt you.
Matt: Mel, you should know that i will never hurt you, Mel i love you so much. I dont understand why you can't get that.
Mel: its just too much Matt.
Matt: well i'll be here always ok, [holds Mel's face] i'll wait for you even if takes 100 years, i'll wait for the day you'll except me as more than a friend.
MEl: [starts crying] wat if i already do.
Matt: [looks at her] no you dont, cuz if you do you'd except our relationship openly, no fears, and no doubts.
Mel: Then promise you'll wait for me. For that day, i am ready for us.
Matt: of course, i promise....
Chapter 28
Back to Sweet
~Chapter 28~ Back to Sweet
After that night, things between Matt and Melissa were getting to the way they used to be. She finally realized that Matt will always be there for her. She also realized that if they were to ever be together, it wouldnt be throwing their friendship away, it would be creating a better and stronger one.
At school...
Mel: [opens her locker and is suprised at wat she sees]
Matt: [sneeks up from behind her] you like it?
Mel: [pulls out her surprise bouqet of flowers from MAtt] I love it!
Matt: [smile] i have something else for you...[pulls out Mels favorite chocolates from behind him]
Mel: OMG! thank you [hug Matt]
Matt: your welcome, anything for you.
Mel: [uncontrolably blushing] hehehehehe
Maja and JOhn walk up to them...
Maja: hay! whats the hype about?
John: [sees the flowers and chocolates] Mel, looks like you have a secret admirer.
Matt: yea....ME!
Maja: Omg! no joke! awwww how sweet!
John: nice to see you guys are ok agen
Matt: yea thank God!
Maja: um John?
John: yes babe?
Maja: [hits him by the side of his head] why dont you ever get me flowers or chocolates?!?
John: MATT!
MAtt: wat?!?
John: can you please stop your sweetness, you're getting me introuble!
Matt: sorry, but its not my fault! hahahahahaha!
After that they headed off to class.
Chapter 29
Our Girl's got Spirit!
~Chapter 29~ Our Girl's got Spirit!
Walking through the hallways @ school with Mel, Matt, and John...
Matt: Yes! finally probation's over!
John: back on the team! [high-fives Matt]
Matt: oo yea!
JOhn: but coach says we got to get caught up on the new plays and stuff, and hes wants to make sure we're still in shape, so during free period we gotta go run extra conditioning with him.
Matt: plz! i noe im in shape, just chasing Mel around in the Mall is more brutal than basketbal conditioning!
Mel: [mad but just joking] they why do you keeping coming along?!?
Matt: [being cute] cuz i enjoy being with you.
Mel: [kilig] ok you're forgiven. [kisses him on the cheek]
Matt: im kinda sad now though
Mel: why? arent you happy you're back on the team?
Matt: yea but that means less time with you.
Maja running behind them trying to catch up....
Maja: MEL! MEL!
Mel: hey maja!
Maja: [says really, really fast] so i was thinkin about it rite, and i got kinda sad that the boys were back on the team and would be able as much time with us an-[cutoff]
Mel: woah! woah! chillax! slow down, take a deep breath and slowly tell me what happened cuz i didnt get any of that!
Maja: [took a deep breath] ok so as i was saying, the boyz wouldnt be able to spend as much time anymore, and then it hit me!
Mel: wat?
Maja: [hands her a flyer] we should try-out for cheerleading. i mean, dont they always practice on the sides lines while the basketball team practices! its the perfect! we get to practice with them and we wont fall asleep at their basketball games!
Matt/John: Hay!
Maja: wat?!? its true your games arent very interesting to us!
Mel: Maja your right we should tryout!
Matt: i dont know, what if you gurls get hurt?
Mel: no we wont. [trying to convince Matt]
John: and those short skirts, guys will be lookin at you!
Matt: yea! and what about the guys on the cheerleading team, they'll be touchin you in places, im not even aloud to touch you!
Mel: O i thot you were concerned for our safety, i turns out thats not the case!
Maja: just dont want to get jelous of the attention we're gonna get from guyz!
Matt/John: exactly!
Matt: listen, you guyz get more than enough attention from other guyz...
John: you really need more! Me and Matt are up to our ears in jelously every freakin day!
Maja: wat?!? so we dont have you support! i thot we wanted to spend as much time together as possible!
Mel: ok first of all, Matt you shouldnt get jelous, cuz we're not together! second, John, you shouldnt be gettin jelous either, cuz you and Maja should have enough security in your relationship to know that you love each other! And third, its not our fault you guys fell for the hottest girls in school.
Matt: [challenging the girls] ok, lets just see if you guys make on team, considering you have to try out first.
John: yea, you girls have to work your butts off to get on Varsity Cheer!
Mel: o so its like that now, well i bet you anything, these butts are gonna be on that team!
Matt/John: o really?
Maja: heeeell yea!
JOhn: well in that case lets make a bet!
MAja/Mel: you're on!
Matt: ok Mel,Maja, if you girls make it you get a date with me and John, but if you dont make the team, you girls are gonna have to ask Joseph and one of his thugs out on a date!
Mel: [annoyed] what! well God knows thats never gonna happen!
Matt: it looks someones a liitle to willing to be on a date with me.
Mel: [gets all up in Matts face] well you boyz better get started on plan that date, cuz there is no way we're not getting on the team!
Matt/John: Deal!
Mel/Maja: Deal!
Later that day at tryouts...
Matt and JOhn are sitting on the bleachers waiting to see MAja and Mel tryout...
Matt: JOhn do you think it was a good idea to bet on this? Cause wat if they dont make it, and they go on that date with those thugs! they might get raped!
JOhn: Matt chillax! they're gonna make it. We just made the bet to make it interesting and plus you know the girls can dance and you know they are gonna be really good as cheerleaders.
Matt: I think this the one bet i'll be happy to loose. hehehehe. But besides all the jelousy i mite be goin through, its gonna be good having the girls around all the time even at practice and games.
John: you're right so lets hope they make it!
Before you knew it, Melissa and Maja were next and as expected they kicked ass at tryout and blew everyone away!
The Next Day....
The list of the people who made it was posted on the bulliten board.
Mel: [excited] did we make it?
Maja: [looking at the list] YES!
Mel/MAja: YAY! [super excited and screaming]
Matt: congrats!
Mel: plz! you're just happy cuz you get a date! hahahaha
MAtt: [lookin into her eyes] true, but it also means that i get to spend more time with you.
Mel: [smiles and looks into his eyes]
John: im very happy for you too babe
Maja: thank you babe! [hugs]
Mel: I cant wait til our first practice!
Chapter 30
True Loves
~Chapter 30~ True Loves
On the next day, Saturday, the four went out on there double date, as agreed. The boys planned out the best, most romantic date ever! On the beach! FUN!!!
just arrived at the beach; 5:00 P.M.
MattMel/MaJohn: [walking onto the sand]
Mel: you guys didnt have to go all out, i mean a movie would've be just fine [looks over to Matt]
Maja: yea, wats the occasion?
John: dont look at me this was Matt's idea.
Matt: [slips his hand in with Mels so they lock fingers] I just wanted today to be special.
Mel: [looks down at their hand, smiles, and looks back at Matt] ok...whats so special bout today?
Matt: it's special cause im with you...
Mel: im with you everyday! you're so cheezy!
While MattMel are flirting...
Maja: [whisper to John] wats Matt planning anyway?
John: [whispers back] hes gonna ask Mel to be his girlfriend. [wink]
Maja: [still whispering] again?
John: [and whispers] yea...
[author's note: there's a lot of whispering goin on lol]
They lay a blanket out on the sand and have a little picnic, eating the food the boys prepared and after they ate...
Matt: hey Mel! wanna go swimming?
Mel: yea [she got up]
Matt: [got up with her, took her hand, and they headed to somewhere so they can change their clothes]
MaJohn side...
John: hey babe wanna go swimming too?
Maja: [lays her head on his shoulder] no i just want to stay here....with you
JOhn: [hugs her and kisses her on the forehead] i love you babe.
Maja: i love you too...
They sat there looking into the ocean, talking and being sweet for a little while.
MattMel side...
After they changed into their swim suits they went near the water.
Matt: [he ran straight into the water and splashed around. then he noticed he was alone] hey are you gonna come in?
Mel: [hesitating to go into the water] i dont noe? is it cold?
Matt: watever! [runs over to mel, carries her, and bring her too the water]
Mel: MATT! put me down!
Matt: hahaha! ok! [throws her into the water and splashes water around her]
Mel: ahhhhh! [splashes water back at Matt]
Matt/Mel: [having fun] hahahahahaha
MaJohn's side...
The sun it setting.
Maja: [looking at the sky] it's beautiful...
John: yea, almost as beautiful as you.
Maja: [rolls her eyes and smiles] you dont need corny lines to give me a compliment. hehehe
John: hehehehe. yea, i noe, but it make me all the cuter.
Maja: true, but btween you and me you're not cute, your sexiest man on earth hehehehe....
They have a moment lookin into each other's eyes. Then they get closer and closer. their lips touch, as they kiss under the setting sun.
MattMel side...
Matt and Melissa our getting tired of playing in the water so they lie down on the shore, as the little waves come in under them.
Matt: So you having fun?
Mel: I always have fun when im with you....[smile]
Matt: it's nice to hear that.
Mel: no kinding Matt, it's different when im with you.
Matt: different?
Mel: yea, its weird but i like it. When im with you, i cant stop smiling, im alwayz happy, and wen i'm not with you i cant wait to see you.
Matt: funny, those are the samethings i feel everyday. [looks into mels eyes]
Mel: really?
Matt: yea, cuz im in love with you...
Mel: [speechless and just looked into his eyes]
They watched the sunset as it turned to dark...
They rejoined MaJOhn, who have already started a bonfire...
Matt: how'd did you guys spend your time alone?
John: well i just kicked it with my baby [smiles ay Maja]
Maja: hehehe wat about you guys?
Mel: we played around in the ocean til we got all prunny
Matt: hahahaha, yea
John: so what do you guys want to do now?
Matt: lets make smores!
Mel: smores?!?
Matt: yea, bonfire and smores, its perfect.
John: didnt we bring the smores stuff?
Matt: yea i think its in the car lemme go get it!
Mel: i'll go with you
MAtt: ok [holding Mels hand as they walk off]
Its a long walk across the sandy beach to get to the car and all of a sudden MAtt stopped in his foot steps after looking at his watch Causing Mel to stop too. Time check-
Matt: before we continue, there something i should let you know...
Mel: wat is it?
Matt:Cause you know i love you so much. and who would ever thought best friends lik us could end up like this. Mel i didnt know it would take me years to fall in love with you.
Mel: what are you trying to say...
Matt: for the past months, night afternight i dream about you, and about us. It keeps me awake alnight. And every night @ 11:11 i wish that you and i would be together.
Mel: Matt...
Matt: Melissa listen, at first i though it was a little crush, but then it grew into love. love that hasnt gone away since.
Mel: are you saying, before all of this you didnt love me?
Matt: no, im saying all of this caused me to love you as a person that i see myself spending the rest of my life with as in i love you so much, i mite wanna marry you. That's how stroung my love is Mel...i love you.
[a/n: lotta love goin around lol!]
Mel: i love you too...for real this time i do love you.
Matt: [holds Mels face] you dont know how long i've been waiting to hear that from you.
Mel: you dont know how long i've been waiting to say it.
Matt: [pulling out the ring he bought months before] Mel will you be my girlfriend?
11:11- Melissa was a bit too shocked to make a
MEl: [takes a breath] Yes. i'd love to finally be your girlfriend.
Matt: [with a big smile on his face, he puts the ring on Mel's finger, and unexpectdly lift s her up and swings her around] YES!
Mel: [while being spun around] hahahaha
They finally got back with the marshmallows and the smores stuff and wen they sit down....
John: MAtt! is that "the" ring on Mel's finger?!?
MAja: OMG! is that the promise ring?
Matt: [smile] yup!
Maja: OMG! congratz!
John: its about time! hahahaha
MEl: [cant stop smiling]
They make their smores and ate them, as they eat...
Matt: [turns to Mel] hey, mel you got some chocolate right there. [point to her lip]
Mel: o really. [grabs a napkin]
Matt: o lemme get that [leans over and kisses away the choclate awwwwww]
Mel: [giggles] thx.
Maja: awwwwwwwwww
JOhn: hehehehehehe pretty smooth bro!
It was a long, but romantic day and they left the beach feeling so "love high" especially Matt and Melissa.
Chapter 31
Cheer Off! [PG-13: For Language]
~Chapter 31~ Cheer Off!
Today was BIG! It was Varsity Basketball's Campionship game. Ever since Mel and Maja became cheerleaders, the teams been winning, because their star players, Matt and John, have been very motivated which landed them in the championship. YAY! Before the game during team warm-ups...
John: [looks over to MAtt] o shit! MAtt look!
Matt: [looks over and sees the other team's cheerleaders walk in and recognizes someone] O fuck! is that Olyn and Heart!
John: [looking worried] yea...
girls side...on the side lines practicing cheers.
Maja: [saw the other teams cheerleaders walk in] Mel, arent those girls, Matt and Johns ex-girlfriends?
Mel: [defensive cuz she never liked Olyn for playing with Matt, way back wen] So what if she is!?!
Maja: [annoyed with her defensiveness] gosh! just saying!
Olyn and Heart's side...
Olyn: Hey, i heard those bitches over there are Matt and John's girlfriends.
Heart: ewwww! there ugly! how can they replaces us with them?!?
Melissa and Maja over hear and walk over, ready to start some trouble...
Mel: [attitude] excuse me!
Maja: [attitude] who you calling ugly!?!
Olyn/Heart: [attitude] you!
Mel: looks like someone hasnt looked in the miror lately...
Maja:[finishes Mel sentence for] so you shouldnt be talking...
Olyn:[talking to MEl] bitch! what makes you think your better than me! When Matt loved Me first!
Mel:[taking to OLyn] why the fuck are you gettin at me like that, you dont fuckin know me!
MAja:[taking to OLyn] how the fuck did Matt get in this, wen we were talking about how fuckin ugly you bitches are!
Heart: [talking to Maja] What makes you think i'm ugly wen you're the one who caught John on the re-bound! And you know I aint talkin bout basketball! [snaps her fingers with attitude]
Maja: [pissed, talking to Mel] Omg! this bitch better get out of my face before i smack these hoes!
Mel:[even more pissed] Well someone better hold me back cuz im about to! [gets closer to Olyn, ready to slap her]
Maja: [doin the same with Heart] lets whoop these sluts!
Heart: i'd like to see you try!
Olyn: [sarcastic] O plz! make our day!
Mel: what about we make it your last day! [then smakes Olyn and all four of them get into a hair pulling, bitch smakin, GIRLFIGHT!]
Matt and John realizes what's going and and run over to brake it up
Matt: HAY! HAY! HAY! [pulling Mel off Olyn]
John: What's goin on here! [pulling Maja off Heart]
Mel: [agressivly pulling away from Matt's hold, wanting to hurt Olyn, but cant break free] These BITCHES started it!
Maja: [same with Maja, except wanting to hurt Heart] Yea! these bitches dont even know us and the fuckin gettin at us like they do, like we did anyhting to them!
MAtt: Olyn! why the hell you startin shit!
Olyn: im not startin anything! im just here to cheer! [whispers into MAtt's ear] and to get back wats mine...
Mel: [doesnt knoe what she said, but shes pissed and pushes her] STEP OFF BITCH!
Matt: [holds back Mel again, but talkin to Olyn] Fine! do what you came here to do! Then get to steppin, cuz you're leavin this place with nothin but your pom poms!
Mel: hell yea! Thats rite BITCH!
Olyn: Aw hell naw! [smakes Melissa]
MAtt: [pissed] stop! Olyn if i were you, id get to the other side of the court, with your team, before i hurt you!
Olyn: [as she walks away, she sadly whispers] you already have...[turns to Heart] Heart! lets go!
Heart: NO! not until this bitch gets what she deserves! [refering to Maja]
Maja: wat is this Bitch trippin about! [refering to Heart] I didnt even do shit to her!
Heart: yes you did!
Maja: wat?!?
Heart: you broke me and John up!
Maja: wat the fuck are you talking about! you broke with him! not i broke you two up!
Heart: well you were too close to him! which caused me to brake up with him! i bet you it was all in your little plan to steal him from me! and look, as expected you two are together!
Maja: [annoyed] OMg! are you freakin serious! thats the reason you broke up with him! [folding her arms] well im not surprised, you were obviously scared of a little competion!
Heart: [annoyed] *ugh* plz bitch! dream on!
Maja: [simply smackes her]
Heart: [hold her face] wat the hell! JOhn, you gotta control that bitch!
John: no, you gotta go!
Heart: [felt that she lost the battle and walks off with Olyn]
Matt: [hugs Mel] babe you ok?
Mel: yea...its nothing shes just jelous.
JOhn:[talking to Maja] wat about you babe?
Maja: [still pissed] im fine! she just irratating!
JOhn: babe calm down
Maja: [felt john's consideration and calmed down] ok...
B-Ball Coach: Matt! John! get your butts over here the games about to start!
Matt: i gotta gonna be ok babe?
Mel: yea i'll be fine. go kick some ass!
Matt: i'll do it just for you. [kisses Mel and walks off]
JOhn: I gotta go too! try to stay out of trouble. hahahaha
Maja: hahahah watever. Good Luck! [kisses John]
With that said, the boyz were even more motivated to win the. It was a battle, but the guys came through and won! YAY! but even more importantly, basketball season is now over and now there's more love life time. hehehehe
Chapter 32
Senior Trip
~Chapter 32~ Senior Trip
AS the year is almost over, here come the senior tradition, where seniors make the most memories. Including the ever awaited, senior trip! where are they goin this year? Let's find out at a senior assembly...
The crew is sitting all together, somewhere in the crowd of seniors in the auditorium...
Principal: [walk to the podium] Good Afternoon students!
Everyone: Good Afternoon Ma'am!
Principal: as you know, we are gathered here to discuss your senior trip! And this year the trip coordinators, have decided to send you all to
Seniors: [scraming and clappiing] YEA! WOOOOH!
Principal: i thought you guys would like our surprise! But sending you to
Senior: yes ma'am!
Principal: good! this assembly is now over, you now may head for your classes. make sure you guys grab a travel packet on your way out.
Seniors: thank you ma'am.
Mel: OMG! im so excited
Maja: yea i noe cant wait!
MAtt: can you imagin us four in
John: Mel...wat did you do to him.
Maja: [hits him] atleast he can be romantic!
John: owww!
Mel: you guys no need to fight...we all noe Matt has always been a hopeless romantic. [kisses matt]
Matt: i so cant get over
John: im excited too im gonna be there with my baby!
Maja: awwww...babe[kisses him]
Mel: OMG! were leaving in a week! i've gotta pack! buy new clothes! Matt! we have to go shopping!
Matt: [sarcastic] YAY!
Maja: John us too!
John: [felt he couldnt say no] ok...
For the next few days they were always at the Mall after skool, becasue the girls "needed" things. Everyone was so excited!
Chapter 33
Take Off
~Chapter 33~ Take Off
It was the morning of their Flight to
8:00 AM [they have to be at the airport by 12:00 PM]
At Melissa house, Maja, Matt, and John are in the living room, as usual waiting for Mel...
Matt: [at the bottom of the stairs, screaming hoping that Mel would hear him] BABE! hurry up, we're gonna be late!
Maja: [sitting on the couch, turns to Matt who was still at the bottom of the stairs] Matt, you know Mel's gonna take forever. So sit back, relax, coz its gonna take a while.
JOhn: yea, plus were not gonna be late. we've got 5 hours until take-off!
Matt: 5 HOURS! then what are we doing here so early!?!
John: dont ask me. you're the one who came knockin at my door @ 6:00 A.M telling me to get ready.
Maja: and an hour later at my place...
Matt: sorry guys i gess im just really excited!
Mel: [comes stands out on the top of the stairs, in her robe, looking like she just got out of bed. coz she just did] Can you guys keep it down im trying to sleep over here!
Matt: BABE! you havent even gotten up yet?!? we've been waiting for you for atleast 30 minutes already. didnt yaya wake you up?
Mel: yea she did, 30 minutes ago. ummm sorry babe im just really tired.
Matt: its ok, just get ready already [kinda complaining attitude]
Mel: [irratated] ok, give me two hours! [walked off to get ready]
Matt: *ugh* [walked back to the living just to find MaJohn making out]
MaJohn: [kissing]
Matt: [rolls his eyes at them and throws a pillow at them] Guys it's to early!
MaJohn: [ignores him]
10:00-Exactly 2 hours later, like Mel said, she was finally ready and came down. Matt took her luggage at brought it to the car, there was a lot of it. After loading up the trunk they headed to the airport to meet their classmates.
11:00- They arrived at the airport, checked-in their bags, and headed to the boarding gate with their moderator and the rest of the seniors.
11:30- At the boarding gate...
Moderator: we have 30 minutes before the plane boards, you can walk around but stay close or you can stay here.
Matt: wanna just stay here?
Mel: sure, Maja what about you guys?
Maja: i dont noe bout John, but i got up too early in the morning to be roaming around an airport. [widens her eyes towards Matt]
Matt: hehehehe
John: i gess we're staying here with you guys...
Matt: im am so0o0o0 excited gor this trip!
Mel: you've been saying that ever since 5 o'clock in the morning. hahahahahaha
Matt: hahahaha sory. i think im excited because i get to spend two week in one of the worlds most romantic places with you.
Mel: awwww...well i'll be extremely happy to spend them with you...[looks into his eyes]
Matt: [holds her cheek and kisses on the lips and smiles]
Mel: this is gonna be the best trip of our lives...
Matt: yea i cant wait.
MattMel: hahahahaha
They talked a little more and as time flew by it was time to board the plane...
Moderator: [counts all the students] ok lets go board the plane.
On the plane...The crew sat in the middle ailse, where there are four seats. Matt, next to Mel, who was next to Maja, who was next to John.
The plane was on the runway ready to take off, everyone was strapped in, and excited to go to
John: [noticed something wrong with Maja] Babe you ok?
Maja: [nurvous] nNnNo!
John: wat's going on?
Maja: [nurvous and freaking out] Im scared of flying!
John: [shocked and kind of weirded out] then why did you come?
Maja: [freaking out and wineing] eeeaaaahhh! i dont know! i dont want to do this anymore! Let me off this thing!
Moderator: Miss Salvador are you ok?
Maja: [wineing and just lays her head on Johns sholder]
Mel: [turns to the moderator] Sir, it'll be fine, she'll get over it.
Maja: [sarcatic in a winey way] gee mel thx for the support!
Mel: Maja, this happens everytime we travel. you freak out at take off then you're fine by the time they serve the drinks!
Maja: [pouts] well the take off freaks me out the most!
John: hahahaha your so cute!
Maja: [pouts some more and simply lays her head on his sholder agen]
They were talking and fooling around most of the time of the flight. They were the loudest people there and their modertor was constantly getting mad at them. But they eventually got tired and Fell asleep. Mel, raised the arm rest between her and Matt and layed her head on Matt's lap and Matt put his arm around her. Maja did the same and rested her head on John's chest, as they cuddled under one blanket.
Chapter 34
~Chapter 34~ Landing
Still on the plane, MattMel woke up to the stewardest serving breakfast...
Matt: good morning babe!
Mel: [sleepy voice, but happy] Morning...
Stewardest: do you want anything to drink sir? [talking to Matt]
Matt: coffee plz. [turns to Mel] Mel?
Mel: coffee too plz...
Stewardest: yes ma'am...[gave then their coffee]
Mel: [sips her coffee and looks at MaJohn still sleeping in each others arm] these two are still sleeping?
Matt: [sips his coffee] yup!
Mel: [smiles and rolls her eyes]
Stewardest: [trying to wake-up MaJohn] ma'am, sir, it's time for breakfast...
Mel: [turns to the stewardest] o its ok they're tired, they'll be fine with out breakfast...
Stewardest: ok, what would you like to have for breakfast?
Mel: eggs and hashbrowns plz.
Stewardest: yes ma'am, sir?
Matt: o same.
Stewardest: ok. [gives them their food]
Matt: [eating] are we there yet?
Mel: almost..
Captain on the intercome: passengers we would be arriving in
Matt: YES!!!
Mel: [as she eats her food] yay!
45 minutes later- they landed in
Mel: Maja....John....wak up we're in
Maja: [sleepy] huh?
Matt: We're here!
Maja: [eyes widen and quickly gets up] REALLY!
Mel: [smiles and laughs] yea
Maja: John get up!
John: wat?
Maja: babe we're landing.
John: [gets up] finally!
11:00[Italy Time]- They land in
At the Hotel in the lobby....
Moderator: OK! Listen Up! I am going to give you your room assignment! but before that im goin to tell you the rules. We arent here to fool around, we are here to see
Everyone: yes sir!
Mel: how boring, i wont even be able to shop. [sad]
Maja: i noe!
Matt: i wont get to see hott Italian chicks at night!
John: i noe!
Mel/Maja: [hits them by the side of the head] WAT!?!
Matt/John: JOKE!
Moderator: enough fooling around!
MattMel & MaJohn: sorry sir.
Moderator: Ok let me give you your room assignmeants.....
blah, blah, blah [calling out names]
Melissa Ricks & Maja
blah, blah,blah...
Matt Evans & John Pratts, Room 808, come get your key.
blah,blah, blah
ok those are the room assignments, you may head to your rooms. and meet me in the lobby @ 1:00 PM for lunch...
On the eighth floor.....
Mel: YaY! our rooms are next to each other!
Matt: yea, now you wont be to far from me.
Mel: [walks through the halls] O here's our rooms...
Maja: ok lemme open it! [opens the door]
Mel & Maja walked in...
Mel&Maja: this is so awsome!
Mel: babe you can just leave our bags there. [walks to the balcony]
Matt/JOhn: [ofcourse they had there things and put them down]
Matt: [after puts down the bags fallows Mel, sneek up behind her and raps his arm around her from behind] What a nice view...
Mel: yea its so romantic....
Matt:[kisses her] ok lets go check out my room. [walks across the hall with John to their room]
John: [opens the door and walks in] dude this is sick!
Matt: bro, this is great! [high fives JOhn]
After getting settled in, they went down stairs for Lunch, as they were told to. They all had a good first day in
Chapter 35
Midnight Switch
~Chapter 35~ Midnight Switch
After a long day of boring museum tours in the hot sun, the crew was exghusted!
8:00- After Dinner, in the boyz room with, Matt and John...
John: bro, i've got a plan!
Matt: [laying down on his bead] wat?
John: you know how we cant be in the girls room past, 8:oo
Matt: yea, i hate that rule...
John: well tonight we're gonna brake it!
Matt: how?!?
John: ok @ midnight, you're gonna knock on their door and switch places with one of the girls. So you get a night with Mel and I get a night with Maja.
Matt: what if we get caught?
John: we cant get caught at 12:oo in the morning! Mr. Diaz [moderator] is dead asleep by then.
Matt: [smile] let's do it!
John: arent i smart!
MAtt: HA! not really!
John: watever bro.
At exactly 12:00 AM the plan took place. Matt snuck out of the his room, quietly knocked on the girls door...
Matt: [knock knock]
Maja: [sleepy, opens the door] Matt?!?
Matt: shhhhhh....not so loud..
Maja: what's goin on?
Matt: [whisper] listen, John's waiting for you in our room and while your in there i'll be here keeping Mel company. Get the picture!
Maja: o i c you guys are trying to get a night with us. [folds her arms and smiles sarcasticly]
Matt: yea..
Maja: [cranky for being woken up] Well, i dont think your gonna get any ass, if your girl's sleeping! look shes really tired, so sont bother her now.[starts to close the door]
Matt:[stops the door from closing] Maja, plz its just one night and John's waiting for, c'mon everybody wins...
Maja: [agreeing] fine, but only coz i love John.
Matt: thx!
Maja: [heads to the other room] watevr...
MattMel side-
Matt: [walks in the room to find Mel sleeping and tries to wake her up] Mel... Babe...
Mel: [slowly waking] huh? babe?
Matt: yea its me...
Mel: what are you doing here, its late, you're gonna get in trouble.
Matt: [sits next to Mel] Babe, its ok i got it covered.
Mel: [sits up] Where's Maja?
Matt: with John.
MattMel: [Cuddle up]
Mel: you're always full of surprises...
Matt: [joking around] coz i now you get bored easily hahahaha
Mel: [luaghs] wats that supposed to mean.
Matt: [looks in to her eyes] Get used to it, coz for the rest of our lives, im going to try to make evry moment special...[kisses her]
Mel: [kisses him back, until...]
Mr. Diaz: [knocks on the door] Melissa, Maja...
Mel: o shit! why is he up this late at night!
Matt: probably for a surprise check or something i dont know!
Mel: o shit! wat do we do.
Matt: dont answer it he'll figure your sleeping and go away.
Mel: ok
Mr. Diaz: [has a key and opens the door]
Mel: [pushes Matt off the bed, which lands him on the floor , where he isnt seen] Hi sir!
Mr. Diaz: good evening miss ricks, just checking up on everyones rooms.
Mel: in the middle of the night sir?
Mr. Diaz: its better to catch you kids off guard.
Mel: [loooking suspicios] o hehehe
Mr. Diaz: why are you alone, where's Miss Salvador?
Mel: O ummm... She's...SHe's in the bathroom.
Mr. Diaz: [suspecting somethings up, but lets her slide] ok, go back to sleep Miss Ricks, we have a long day ahead of us...
Mel: good night sir...
Mr.Diaz: [leaves]
Matt: [pops his head up and rubbing his head] OW! babe!
Mel: sry's all your fault you sed you had it covered!
Matt: i didnt know he has a key!
Mel: i wonder how JOhn's gonna pull this off...
Matt: he'll be fine they'll come up with something...
MaJOhn side-
Maja: [still cranky] babe why did me and MAtt have to switch rooms?
John: [being sweet] coz i wanted to spend some time with you...
Maja: [not mad anymore] ok your forgiven...
John: [leans in for a kiss, then...]
Mr. Diaz: [knock, knock]
John: wat the hell?!? HIDE!
Mr. Diaz: [opens the door with his key] just a surprise check...
He sees that both "Matt" and JOhn are fast asleep, so he leaves. [leaves]
Maja: [come out from under the covers, of Matt's bed] that was close...
John: [comes out of the covers of his bed] YA Think!
Maja: i did know he had kept a key?
John: neither did i. Lets just hope Matt and Mel wont get in any trouble.
MAttMel side-
After that close call MattMel decided to go to sleep. Matt fell asleep hugging Mel, but Mel couldnt go to sleep so she went to the balcony.
On the balcony...
Mel: [looking out at the view with the wind slightly blowing]
Matt: [sneek up behind her and wraps a blanket around her] you look cold.
Mel: [turns around to faces him] im sorry did i wake you up?
Matt: no, i just cant sleep without you near me... [as he holds her from behind]
Mel: [smiles at him]
Matt: so wats your excuse to be out here?
Mel: no excuse, ever since we got here i've had a hard time sleeping, why do you think im so tired during the day?
Matt: why cant you sleep?
Mel: i dont know. but late at night, i like to come out here on, on the balcony, and look at the view or look up at the stars. And think about stuff.
Matt: what do you think about?
Mel: A lot of things, our last months in high school, going to college, my dad, us...its just relaxing to let out all your thoughts out.
Matt: that's nice, do you know what i think about most of the time?...
Mel: what, o wait gess, Me! hahaha
Matt: yea, how'd you know...
Mel: cuz you always tell me. hehehe
Matt: true, but seriously Mel, i dont only think about YOU!
Mel: o really, then wat else do you think about? huh?
Matt: i think about, my best friend, my girlfriend, my future wife, the future mother of my children, the one i'll grow old with, and the one i'll always be with until the last days of my life...
Mel: [sarcastic] hmmm....i wonder who that is?
Matt: [joking] i dont know?
Mel:[joking] o i see how it is, well i hope she never finds you!
Matt: [serious] too late, coz i already found her...
At that moment Matt looks into Mels eyes, and their faces get closer and closer. They shared a long passionate kiss under the Italian stars...
After sharing a special moment, they went inside to cuddle under the bed covers, and went to sleep.
They woke up smileing at each other with the sun shinning brightly through the windows. But they quickly had to switch Matt and Maja back, before their mderator had caught them.
All four of them went down to breakfast very happy, feeling that last night was a good idea.
Chapter 36
Roof Top Love
~Chapter 36~ Roof Top Love
There were only 5 days left in the
7:30 PM- After Dinner
MAtt: [trying to catch up with Maja in the hallway, between the 2 hotel rooms] Maja! wait up!
Maja: [turns around] yea?
Matt: [shy] I was wondering if you could help me?
Maja: [confused] with wat?
Matt: cuz, the other day i was exploring around the hotel and somehow I ended up on the roof. I looked around and i thought it was the most beatiful place I've ever seen...
Maja: and why are you tellin me this?
Matt: [shy] i was thinking it was the greatest place for a romantic date?
Maja: are you asking me out?!?
Matt: NOo0o0o0o!
Maja: then get to the point!
Matt: i was just wondering if you could help me set up a romatic surprise date up there, for me and Mel?
Maja: [kilig] o fun! id love to help...wat do ya need?
Matt: ok, first just to let you know were can get in lots f trouble for this, i want the date to be at night after everyone's asleep.
Maja: i'll make it work...
Matt: so i'll ask Mel on a date tomoro night and i'll tell to be all dressed up, its your responsibility to tell the hotel we're gonna be up there, to get a table with a white table cloth, two chairs, food from the resturant, a waiter to serve the food, a few violinist, rose petals, and candle light.
Maja: wow! this is really romantic of you! can please try to rub off onto JOhn?
Matt: hehehe ok well can you do that by tomoro night @ 10:00
Maja: yup. no prob. it might take a little work but it'll be done by then. i'll just have a little talk with the hotel manager.
MAtt: ok.
Maja: lemme get started. [holds out her hand infront of Matt]
MAtt: wat?
Maja: [rolls her eyes] do you really think all of this is gonna be free?
Matt: o! right. [pulls out his credit card and gives it to Maja]
Maja: kool. [walks of to do her thing]
Matt: ok , phase 2...[quietly whispers to himself]
MAtt goes over and walks over to Mel's room and knocks on the door...
Matt: [knock, knock]
Mel: [opens the door] hey babe!
Matt: [gives her a quick peck on the lips] hey babe.
Mel: do you know where Maja is, it's almost bed time and she's not here yet?
Matt: uuh i dont know? [lieing]
Mel:o watever, so wats up?
Matt: Mel, you ready to break the rules one more time?
Mel: for wat?
Matt: a date tomoro night at 10-ish?
Mel: you do know we're not allowed to leave the hotel at all, let alone at night, we can be sent home for that.
Matt: well, wat if we're not leaving the hotel...
Mel: o so we're gonna have dinner @ the restaurant downstairs?
MAtt: nope!
Mel: room service?
MAtt: nope!
Mel: [confused]
Matt: patient, you'll see, its a surprise.
Mel: well i cant wait...[wraps her arm around Matt, held him close and they kissed]
MAtt: [held on the waist and kissed her back]
Maja: [walks in on them] hey, hey, hey none of that! hahahaha
Mel: [breaks of the kiss, but she didnt want to] *sigh* you just know how to ruin a good moment, dont you...
Maja: O its ok you'll have more of those moments [winks at Matt]
Matt: [looks into Mel's eyes, still holding her by the waist] i hope so...
Maja: Matt? LEAVE!
Matt: wat?
Maja: it's past bed time, YOU GOTTA GO, be fore we get in trouble!
Matt:[still holding Mel] hahahaha ok, night!
Mel: nighterz [kisses him a quick kiss]
Matt: [lets go of Mel and returns to his room]
Next night...10:00 [past bedtime]
Mel was wearing a elegant but simple little black cocktail dress and matching silver heels. With her hair nicely curled and her make-up done. She was looking radiant.
MAtt wore formal black pants and a black pin striped botton up polo. He was Looking clean cut and ready for the night.
MattMel...On their way to the roof
Mel: [blindfolded] babe where are you taking me?
Matt: [helping her get a around] you'll see...
Mel: ok
Matt: [get's to the bottom of a flight of stairs] o wait, we have to go up a few stairs...
Mel: then unblindfold me...
Matt: that'll ruin the surprise. i'll just carry you. [picks her up (kinda like how a groom would pick up his bride)]
Mel: you sure?
Matt: yup! [as he starts to go up the stairs]
[they finally reach the top of the stairs, where the door is to the roof. Matt opens the door and puts Mel down]
Mel: [still blindfolded] so where are we?
MAtt: [takes off her blindfold and whispers in her ear] ...paradise...
Mel: [speechless as she walks slowly to everything]
Melissa was loving was she saw, a nicely set table, rose petals filled the place, and so many candles were lit that it was so bright they didnt need to turn on any lights.
Mel: [turns to MAtt] MAtt...
Matt: you like it?
Mel: [runs over to him and hugs him tightly] I LOVE IT!
Matt: im glad to hear that. [as they walk over to the table, he pulls out her seat and lets sit]
Mel: [smiles] thank you.
Matt: [sit in the seat across from her]
At that moment, the waiter came out and served them their dinner, a few minute later As they were eating their dessert Mel heard violins starting to play]
Mel: [turn around , sees 3 violinists playing , and smiles] this is so romantic...
MAtt: good, cuz thats wat i was going for. hahaha
Mel: [amazed that he did this for her and starts to cry tears of joy] it's so perfect, cant believe you'd do this for me...
Matt: [reaches over and wipes away her tears] it's all because you're completely worth it all, all the trouble i could get in, all the money I spend, and all the things i do for you, you are difenately worth it. coz Mel I Love You!
Mel: [smiles but still crying] I love you too...
Matt: [ stands up,and reached out his hand] Melissa, may i have this dance?
Mel: [takes his hand and stands up] i'd love to.
They slow danced on the roof top of the hotel. They felt as is if they were they only two people on earth and it was a good feeling. Mel had her head placed on his sholders, while Matt held her close as they swayed back and forth. As soon as the musical piece slowly ended the stopped dancing and appluaded the violinist. Then they left and Matt and Meliss were the only people there. They stood by the egde of the roof looking out at the view of the stars.
Matt: [Holding Mel from behind] there's something about this place, this roof top, that makes me feel so free, you know so alive, like i can do anything.
Mel: why?
Matt: of course, coz im here with you. to think about this is how i feel all the time wen im with you...
Mel: Well, you wanna know how i feel wen im with you?
Matt: how?
Mel: like im loved...truely and unconditionally loved. If there's one thing i need right now and for the rest of my life, it's the love that you give me.
Matt: you know? all the love i have to offer, will never truely express how much i love you. Coz i love you more than you will ever know.
Mel: [smiles and nodds] i think i do know...
As 11:11 struck they were about to make a wish, and then they saw a shooting star fly across the sky. They smiled at each other and made a wish.
Mel: [sim: i wish that Matt will always love me this way}
MAtt: [sim: i wish Mel and i woulds always love each other no matter what]
After that they went back to their rooms, without getting caught, and quickly went to bed happy.
Chapter 37
Screwed Up
~Chapter 37~ Screw Up
Sadly, the senior trip was coming to an end, there was one more night left and the next day they would be leaving in the afternoon. Their moderator, was satisfied with the student's over all behavior, so he allowed them to brake the rules for once. Tonight there were no bedtimes and no time restrictions on how long guys and girls are in each others rooms. But to the senior class that wasnt enough, they planned a secret, but wild, farewell party! One of the students bought a Hotel suite to party in!
Mel/Maja's room, getting ready for the party...
Maja: [putting on her earings] I cant believe, someone would try to pull off a party under Mr. Diaz's nose. we could get in trouble...
Mel: [putting on mascara] So wat, if we get caught! its our last night anyways. wat is he gonna do about it, send us home 12 hours early.
Maja: [slipping on her shoes] good point!
All on a sudden they heard a knock at the door.
Mel: o i'll get it, it's probably the boys...[walks over to the door and opens it]
Matt: BABE! [hugs her and kisses her]
Mel: hey!
John: [walks over to Maja] hey, baby
MAja: [leans in for a kiss] MUAH!
MAtt: we all ready?
MEl: [does a a cuites pose to show off her style] wat do you think babe?
Matt: [takes her hand and twirls her around] Babe you look HOTT!
Mel: [giggles] hehehehehehehehehehehehe
Maja: [talking to John] wat about me?
John: baby you arent're on FIRE!
Maja: [giggles] hehehehehe you guys are such dorks.
Mel: i noe!
Matt: yea but we're your dorks.
John: you o so cute dorks
Mel/Maja: tru hahahahahaha
Mel: c'mon lets go [as the four of them head out the door]
When they reach the hotel room where the party is held.....
11:30 PM
It was loud cause they blasted up the music and everyone was dancing and having fun. Including MattMEl and MaJohn.
On the dancefloor...
Matt: [screams into MEls ear] Babe! wanna sit down or something...
MEl: [too into the party with a beer in her hand] no its ok but you can if you want too.
MAtt: [feeling neglected] ok...
After MAtt walks off, a group of guys surronded Mel and started to dance with her, and MEl didnt stop them. Matt was kinda pissed, but he didnt do anything about since she was just having fun. Matt walked around, but couldnt seem to find his place. HE finally just grabbed, specifically, his first beer of the night and just sat down on the couch and drank it. As he was drinking, a completely wasted girl, lets call her Jasmin, sat next to him. Jasmin was pretty, but she had a the reputation as the biggest slut in the senior class. As Matt was minding his own business, She slowly leaned towards MAtt and started kissing him. Who knew what got into Matt, but he just let it happen until they we're completely making out on the couch! And by the looks of it he was liking it because he was holding her in places he shouldnt be holding her! But it didnt make any sence at all he, was definately not wasted and he wasnt even drunk! When he finally becomes aware of what he was doing, he pushes her away not believinwhat he just did. And wat he noticed completely shocked him. It was MEl, standing by the couch, with a look of fury on her face but she was speechless. She was so mad all she could do was walk away and leave the party.
Matt: [gets up from the couch as she leaves] MEl!
Mel: [already in the hallway ignoring MAtt's calls]
MAtt: [quickly walking after her] Mel wait!
MEl: [still ignoring him]
Matt: [finally got closer to her and grabs her arm to turn her around and face him] Mel, can we talk about this.
MEl: [mad but her voice is trembling] THERE'S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT!
Matt: but MEl let me explain myself!
Mel:[trembling] ok explain yourdelf!
MAtt: MEl you have to believe me she kissed me!
Mel: [slaps him hard] do think im that stupid! why would i believe that after what i saw![starts walking of again]
Matt: [stops her again] BABE! please belive me...
Mel: [slaps him again] dont call me babe! and more importantly, you can stop calling me your girlfriend! [walks off and head to her room]
Matt: [didnt stop her this time, he was to shocked]
At that moment MaJohn walked out into the hallway, to find MAtt still there and still shocked...
Maja: are you on crack! [hits Matt by the side of the head]
Matt: [out of it, cause he cant belive wat goin on] huh? how's you guys find out?
John: bro every sober person in there, is talking about it...
Matt: o
John: what were you thinking about? you had a great thing going for you then you just ruined it...
Mattt: i dont know i really screwed up this time...[shakes his hed in dissapointment]
Maja: [standing there pissed at Matt] well you better pray Mel is alright...[walks off angry to find MEl]
No Matter where Maja would go she would never find Mel becuase she was on the roof top...
Melissa didnt know what to feel at that point, she just stood there silently cryin, looking at the view with the wind softly blowing. She couldnt understand herself, she's never cried over a guy. Usually when she broke up with someone or someone broke up with her, she was tough, she would shake it off and move on. SHe didnt get why it was different with Matt. And she feels even more confused about who to turn to, coz in theses cases she would turn to MAtt. At that moment she was regreting ever becoming MAtt's girlfriend because this is wat she was avoiding, throwing their friendship away. And the next moment she was thinking how could he give her the happiest days of her life and just do that to her. So many thoughts and emotions were running through her mind she didnt know what to do but cry.
Mel: [sim:
Why would he do this to me?....
I thought he loved me...
All those lies
about him not ever hurting me,
how he wanted to love me forever...
how we were gonna get married and have children,
I hate him!]
After a little while she came down from the roof, all she wanted to do was sleep cause she tired.
Mel: [opens the door to her room and walks in] *sigh*
Maja: rushes over to MEl and hugs her tightly] OMG! i was getting worried about you!
MEl: [slightly pushes MAja away and head to the bathroom to gets ready for bed]
When MEl comes out of the bathroom, she heads straight to bed without saying a word. As she was layed down in her bed she was sightly crying but trying to hide it...
Maja: [goes over to Mel's bed] Mel are you ok?
MEl: [shakes her head and soflty speaks] no...
Maja: [gives her a hug] dont worry. it'll all be straightened out by tomoro. just get some rest you've had a rough night
Mel: [nods her head and tries to go to sleep]
A few hours later someone is knocking at the door loudly so both girls wake up. When they open the door they find that it's MAtt. He's completely wasted...
Matt: [completley drunk and cant stand up straight] mel, mel please i need to talk to you...
Mel: [rolls her eyes and closes the door]
MAtt: stops the door from closing] PLEASE MEL!
MEl: [annoyed] shhhhhh! no im not gonna talk to you, not like this!
MAtt: [gets down on his knees] please MEl! please!
Maja: Mel just go with him already...hes drunk if gets caught this wasted, hes gonna be in deep trouble. The kind of trouble, where he wouldnt be allowed to graduate.
Mel: *ugh* who cares...
Maja: MEl, listen...just take him somewhere he wont be caught like this, you dont have to talk to him, i doubt you guys can have a decsent conversation with him drunk anyways.
MEl: [forced] fine...
Mel helps Matt back to the roof. Once they get there he instanly passes out to the floor. Melissa wanted to just leave him there, but for some reason she couldnt. She stayed there the whole night with him. She didnt even go to sleep, she sat there nest to him watching him, and trying to sort out her feeling. It was 5 in the moring and the sun was starting to rise. She looked at Matt, she couldnt stop herself, she held one of his cheeks in the palm of her hand. Once she held his face, Matt held her hand as it was still placed on his cheek. His eyes were closed, as he kissed her hand lighty, and MEl pulled her hand back.
Matt: [slowly opens his eyes] Mel im sorry...
MEl: [ignores his apology and stands up] good your awake...
Matt: MElissa, i really am sorry...i love you
MEl: ha [sarcastic] i love you is 8 letters....and so is bullshit! [leaves him to back to the room to get some sleep]
Matt: [ has too mach of a hang over to stop her, after a while he goes back to his room]
It was the their last morning in
Chapter 38
Attemptive Damage Control
~Chapter 38~ Attemptive Damage Control
When Matt Reached his room @ 5 in the morning he had a major hang over, he still coudlnt walk straight, and he was running into thing. From all the racket he was making John woke up...
John: [sleepy] *ugh* bro, where've you been?
Matt: [no response]
John: [confused] where ever you were last night, i hope you worked thing out with Melissa.
Matt: [rubbing his head] thats the problem i didnt...
John: [shrugged and fell asleep]
As John was sleeping Matt wanted to go to sleep as well. Of course he was tired and hung over, so he didnt want to think about anything but sleep. But he couldnt, all he could think about was what happen last night. He was thinking about how he could do something like that, to someone he loves and he knows he loves. Matt knew he couldnt take back anything he did, he knew that it would be hard to make things better, and he knew she would never forgive him. But she had to take him back or atleast forgive him, he coulndt live a day knowing she was hurt and feeling the slightest pain, and all because of him. Just the thoughts of it tortured him and he couldnt take it anymore inside, the only thing he could do was just lay in his bed and cry silently, until he fell asleep...
When Matt woke up it was 8:00 and he was alone in the room...
Matt: [confused, sim: where's John?]
John: [walks in the room to find Matt awake] good morning bro...
Matt: [sad] hey...where were you?
John: o i was having breakfast downstairs.
Matt: really? did you see MEl? how is she?
John: no she didnt come down to breakfast, it was only me and Maja...she said she was sleeping wen she left. bro MAja told me you stopped by their room last night and drunk...dude you never get drunk?
Matt: [looks away ashamed of himself] myte as well be drunk every single day of my life or better yet dead, if im not with her...
John: [trys to be supportive] bro dont talk like that, dont worry she'll come around...
MAtt: [not feeling supported and just layd back down] i just want to talk to her...i want to know i still love her.
John: at this point i dont think she'll believe you...
Matt: *sigh*
Mel & MAja's side...
Mel: [awake but still in bed and obviously sad]
Maja: Mel, dont you want to eat anything?
Mel: no...
Maja: Dont want to atleast get dressed?
Mel: no, maybe later...
Maja: *sigh* MEl...
Mel: [starts to tear up and cry] i thought he was the one, im so stupid!
MAja: No NOOoo. [hugs her] Mel you're not stupid, he is! none of this is your fault.
Mel: [crying] then why do i feel like this, why am i feeling so hurt, and why do i feel like an idiot for falling for every word he said...
Maja: because after all these years you've lerned to trust him and all you ever did was Love him...but the questio is are you willing to take him back?
Mel: [crying] i want to so badly, but i cant, not when i feel so hurt...
Maja: [hugs her again] its ok, take your time to heal...
Someone knocked on the door, MAja went to go get it to see it was John...
Maja: hey...
John: can i talk to you?
Maja: sure [closes the door behind her so they can talk privately in the hallway]
John: i dont know what to do about Matt, he just sits there mopeing and talks about how a bad person he is.
Maja: [pissed] good thing he realizes it!
John: Maja, im serious hes even talking suicide already.
Maja: im serious too, do you know how much Mel's hurting inside. She cant eat, cant sleep, she cant get out of bed, and she doesnt feel like doing anything!
John: ok their both hurting...
Maja: no you're wrong Mel's hurting, Matt's just regreting. there's a difference babe.
John: Well wat are we gonna do about it...
Maja: nothing, we'll just be there to support them, but we are not gonna try to influence there choices! because in this kind of situation, its not our place to.
John: [shrugs] ok i gess...[goes back to his room]
Maja: [comes back into her room]
Mel: [still laying down in her bed]
Maja: ummm, MEl wen are you gonna pack up, we're heading for the hotel at 3:oo and our flight at 5:oo.
Mel: its only 8:30 i've got time. [gets up from the bed]
Maja: where are you going?
Mel: the balcony, i just wants some air...[heads for a balcony]
Maja: ok
As MEl was out on the balcony, there was another knock on the door...
Maja: [goes over and opens it to find MAtt there]
Matt: hey, Mel there...?
Maja: [pissed] *ugh* what do you want?
Matt: i just want to talk to her...
Maja: dont you think she's been through enough? dont you think you should give her some space first...
MAtt: Maja, please...
Maja: [sees the sincerity in his eyes] *sighs* ok...[lets him in] she out on the balcony...
Matt: [walks out on the balcony and sees Mel turned around facing the view] Melissa...
Mel: [recognizes the voice and slowly turns around, speechless but calm]
Matt: can we talk?
Mel: [softly spoken] there's nothing to talk about...
Matt: yea there is MElissa, i hope you realize i never meant to hurt you, you know i didnt want this to happen. you've got to belive me...
Mel: [turns around and faces the view again, trying to avoid eye contact with Matt] i dont know what to belive anymore...
Matt: Melissa, belive me! out of all the people in the world, you know you can always trust me when i say something i mean.
Mel: [turns around and faces him, pissed] so, you obviously didnt mean it when you said you loved me and you would never her hurt me. because look, now im unloved and hurting!
MAtt: Mel, your wrong i did mean those things because i do love you and i didnt mean to hurt you! it just happened! IM sorry!
Mel: unintentional or not, im still in pain! and i'll never forgive you!
Matt: [takes a deep breathe and softly speaks] Mel in so sorry...the last thing i'd ever want to do is hurt you.
Mel: [tears up as her voice is trembling] then why did you?
Matt: [tries to hug her]
Mel: [pushes him away] dont touch me! GO AWAY!
Maja: [hears the screaming outside, so she goes to the balcony doorway] Matt i thinks its best if you leave. NOW!
Matt: [nods his head, and as he leaves he mummbles] im really sorry Mel...
Matt heads back to his room, not saticfied with the outcome of their discussion.
Chapter 39
Bitter Departure
~Chapter 38~ Bitter Departure
It's been a long hard day for noth MAtt and Mel...It's 2:00 PM and evryone is packed up to leave.
Matt/John's room-
Matt: [as hes packing] i dint know what to do anymore. i tried to talk to her, i apoligized, i explained myself....shes not hearing me out.
John: [laying down in his bead since he was done packing] bro, all you can do now is give her some space and wait...
Matt: wait?!? the last thing i want to do right now is wait! cuase if i do, wen shes ready to forgive it might be too little too late!
John: bro what do you mean...?
Matt: i mean, if i have to live that long with her mad at me, i might go crazy and be in the mental!
John: [smiles and luaghs] hahahahaha
Matt: is this funny to you?!? [as he puts cloths in his luggage]
John: no, its just you're right, you sound crazy...hehehehe
Matt: see what i mean?!?
John: bro it's ok i doubt its gonna take that long, i know how much Mel loves you, so until shes ready to forgive you, try to stay sane hahaha
Mel/Maja's room-
Mel: [still packing her things] i am so glad to be finally leaving this place.
Maja: didnt you atleast have al ittle fun?
Mel: yea, its just this place is full of memories. Both good and obviously bad. But they're all memories im better off forgetting.
Maja: ok, but just so you know, its gonna be hard for you to forget it all, especially the good memoreis...
Mel: well im gonna let go of it, all of it, every single memory of Matt, not only in
MAja: [worried] Mel, i think that's the wrong wat to hanlde it. He was a big part of your life, your just gonna hurt yourself if you try to push him away. you just cant do that....
Mel: [ as she zips up her suitcase] just watch me...
Maja: ok, you ready?
Mel: yea lets go, Mr. Diaz is probably waiting in the Lobby...
Maja: [head for the door and opens it and walks out carry her luggage]
Mel: [follows her, carrying her own luggage]
Simultaniously the boys come out of their room...
John: [talking to Maja as he takes her things] Let me carry that for you...
Maja: thx [walks off with JOhn]
Matt: [looking at Mel]
Mel: [for a moment looking at MAtt, but breakes of the stare and walks behind MaJohn]
Matt: [follows behind her remembering that he should give her space, so he didnt talk to her on the way down to the Lobby]
Once everyone arrived in the Lobby, the boarded the bus to the airport. At the airport they checked-in their lugguge and headed off to board the Plane. On the plane it was the same seating arrangment as last time, except John and Mel switched seats, so Matt and Mel werent sitting next to each other. The whole time they were avoiding each other, atleast Mel was avoiding Matt.
When they arrived at the airport, Mel took a taxi to her house instead of riding with Matt and them. When she arrived at home, she was exhuasted so she went to sleep the second she got to her room. When Matt arrived home he was trired as well, but he dudnt go to sleep becasue he couldnt, he was too busy thinking of Melissa.
Chapter 40
Our Bad Girls Back! [PG-13: Some Sexual Content]
~Chapter 40~ Our Bad Girls Back! [PG-13: Some Sexual Content]
After the all the inscedents that went on, Melissa got back on her feet. She lived life like nothing happened, but still pretended Matt didnt exist. At first Matt wanted to give her some space, but as time pass by he couldnt take it anymore. Lately he has been trying to talk to her, but Mel would just ignore him and push him away.
At school in the hall...
Matt: [spots Mel by her locker and walks up to her]
Mel: [grabbing books out of her locker and drops a few]
MAtt: [tries to pick up her books] here let me get that...
Mel: [ignores him, avoiding eyecontact, and picks up her books and grabs the ones in Matts hand]
Matt: Mel can we talk?
Mel: [ignores him, closes her locker and walks off]
Matt: *sighs*
As Matt watches her walk down the hall, he notices she joins Joseph, as he wraps an arm around Mel's shoulder. Matt wonder what the hell was going?!? Was Mel back with Josesph?!? He thought about it for a while until he couldnt take it anymore, he had to ask someone...
Maja: [walking to class]
Matt: [catching up to her] Maja, wait up!
Maja: [turns ad sees Matt] o hey...
Matt: wtf is goin on?!?
Maja: [confused] wat do you mean?
Matt: im talking about why is Mel hangin around with Joseph lately? are they together?
Maja: [hesitates a little] ummmm....maybe.
Matt: [shocked]
Maja: [sees the pain in his eyes and sympathises] Matt im sorry, its just one day Mel was crying after cheerleading practice and it just so happens that Joseph was there. Mel told him wat happened and one thing lead to another and it just happened...i was shocked, i dont want them to be together, coz God know i didnt like it the first time...
Matt: [upset] i gess i deserve it...
Maja: Matt, im sorry...i dont agree with Mel's choice but i accept it, and i think you should too..
Matt: [shrugs] yea...
What Matt, Maja, or anyone else didnt know was that Mel was definately back in the "party scene" with Joseph. And it was worst this time, since she let out all her depression out on partying and drinking. Sometimes she would never know what shes doing and constanly putting herself in danger.
At a club, Friday Night...
Matt and John on a boys night out-
Matt: [approaching John at a table]
John: bro nice to see you could make it!
Matt: [depressed as he sits down] yea...
John: [gets serious] bro, c'mon stop being sad about it, shes obviously has moved on, why dont you...
Matt: i dont think shes moved on, i can feel it. I know shes trying to and shes just forcing herself. And me, i dont want to move on, because i still love her, i never stopped loving her, and i never will...
John: what ever you say, but tonight try to smile a little cause i want to be happy for you and ME! [as he drinks his beer]
Matt: [takes a beer and toastes with JOhn] Ok! tonight we're gonna party! WOOOHOOO!
JOhn: YEA! thats more like it!
Matt: hahahaha
Matt and John are having a good time, until it get ruined by the sight of Melissa and Seph completly drunk on the dancefloor...
Matt: [stareing at them with fury in his eyes]
John: bro, dont mind them...
Matt: [mad] how can i not! when that bastard's got Melissa wrapped around his finger!
SephMel are making out on the dancefloor, like there's no tomoro. Not thinking at all because they're drunk. Then they break off the kiss and Seph leads her to the back room of the club, with a devilish smile on his face. so we all know what what hes planning! When Matt sees all of this going on, hes furious and he stands up, ready to go after them...
John: [stops Matt] bro, chillax!
Matt: [calms down and sits in his seat] *ugh* but i cant just, sit here and watch it happen!
John: Matt, just let it be.
Matt: no, if i let it happen it means she wins, she proves to herself that im not worth it anymore. bro i want to mean something to her, someting other than a bad memory. i want us to be together again, i want both of us to win this battle...
John: bro, it seems i cant argue with you really do love her, and you really do want her back.
Matt: yes i do
John: dude lets go home, all this drama is tiering...
Matt: yea lets go...
AS they leave, in the meanwhile with SpehMel, in the club's backroom...
SephMel: [lieing down on a couch,uncontolably kissing]
Seph: [ as they kiss, holds Mel's thigh and runs his hand up her skirt til hes holding her butt]
Mel: [as they kiss, wildly unbottons his shirt and takes it off]
Seph: [pulls down her skirt]
[A/N: Ok, we all know what heppens next, but in case your kinda slow, i'll give you a clue....THEY HAVE SEX! Who knows what kind of bad would come out of this....but to find out you can read next chapter. hehehe]
Next Morning...
Mel wakes up in her bed at 3 PM. Shes confused cause she doesnt know what happened last night. But at that point she didnt reallt care, becasue shes to busy minding the major hangover shes got. Shes too lazy to get out of bed so shes stays there. But then her cell phone rings, so she reaches over and answers it...
Mel: [sleepy] hello?
Seph: hey!
Mel: o hi...
Seph: i was just wondering, do you remeber what we did last night?
Mel: no, i was drunk. if you remember can you tell me?
Seph: [happy] o yea i remember, we slept together.
Mel: [shocked] wat?!?
Seph: baby, its ok we had fun...
Mel: Seph, can i call you back, ive got something to think about...
Seph: sure, bye baby...
MEl: bye
Mel: [whispers to herself] O, God...
Mel's too tired to put up with anything so she just goes back to sleep, with the thought of what Joseph told her in the back of her mind...
Chapter 41
~Chapter 41~ WAKE UP!
A few hours later Mel was wide awake. Realizing what she had done last night. But she didnt react right away, because for some reason, she's thinking Joseph's call might have been a bad dream. So she decides to cal him...
Mel: [dials; *ring ring*]
Seph: [picks up] hey baby girl
Mel: hey, ummm can you tell me what happen last night, im too drunk to remember....
Seph: didnt i tell you earlier?
Mel: [sim: o shit!] ummm no...
Seph: you want me to remind you, we can do it again tonight, say i'll meet you up at 7:00.
Mel: [panic] no, no, no0o0!
Seph: [weirded out] jeeze you couldve said no once...
Mel: [calm] no, its just that im busy later that's all...
Seph: ok, i talk to you later i gess...i love you...
Mel: [in a rush] yea watever [quickly hangup]
Mel: [dials Maja's number] *ring ring*
Maja: Hello!
Mel: hey maja, ummm can you come over?
Maja: why?
Mel: i wanna tell you something, i need you right now please....
Maja: [sences somethings wrong] ok i'll be there give me 5 minutes...
Mel: k
About 5 minutes later
Maja: [at MEl's door] *knock knock*
Mel: opens the door and quickly pulls Maja in and closes the door]
Maja: Mel wats goin on?
Mel: [whispers] c'mon i'll tell you in my room...
Maja: [as they head upstairs] ok
In Mel's room...
Mel: [hesitating to tell her]
Maja: just tell me already, or atleast give me the slightest clue. wat happen?
Mel: i did something bad, really, really bad. I didnt even know until this morning that i did it...
Maja: wat did you do?
Mel: I kinda ummm.....i had sex with Joseph last night....
Maja: WHAT! how can you not know you did that!?!
Mel: i was, drunk ok! i didnt mean for it to happen on purpose.
Maja: [mad motherly mode] how can you let that happen!!!! what were you thinking! huh?!? do you even love Joseph! did you think of the consequences of this! did you even use protection!
Mel: [annoyed] i dont remember! like i said i was drunk! i just found out this morning!
Mel: i dont know...i just wasnt thinkiG...Maja it hard ok, with this whole situation with Matt and were right hes not that easy to forget. So i party to deal!
Mel: [silent, avoiding eyecontact]
Mel: [quiet, and silently crys]
Maja: [calms down] *sigh* Mel, im sorry i just hate for you to get hurt like this over and over again...
Mel: no, im sorry. i never realized how stupid i was...
Maja: i never said you were stupid, i just said you have to ask for help when you know you need it. and not turn to something else that can't put you in danger...and the latest stunts your worst...
Mel: Maja, only if i were aware of it last night, wouldnt you think i wouldnt have taken it that far...
Maja: [hugs her] i wish, you would have come to me first before you went to the club...
Mel: i wish too...
They spend they day talking, having a girl bonding thing. They talked about love, drama, they laughed, the cryed...and when the day was over they had already talked about everything. Maja gained Mel's trust enough to let her know that Matt isnt the only person she could turn to when somethings wrong.
Chapter 42
Too Little Too "Late"
~Chapter 42~ Too Little Too "Late"
After Melissa and Joseph's little incedent, Melissa went on like nothing happened and she didnt really care.
1 week after they had sex...
It was prom season, once more in the high school world. All the prom preparation hype was goin on. Of course Maja was goin with John, Melissa was goin with Seph, and Matt wasnt goin at all.
Mel and Maja in the cafteria, during free period...
Maja: OMG! only two more week until prom! yay i cant wait!
Mel: yea me neither!
Maja: you do know Matt's not going right?
Mel: [sad] yea...
Maja: he said that, there wouldnt be any reason to go if he wasnt goin with you.
Mel: well its not my problem anymore if that's how he feels...
Maja: i geuss...o by the way Mel, do you have a tampon i can use, cuz i forgot to bring some...
Mel: o yea sure, take as many as you need, i havent used them in ages [reaches into her purse and hands Maja a few tampons]
Maja: [curious] what do you mean you havent used them in ages?
Mel: i mean it's been like two months sice my last period, it kinda weird im never late
Maja: [panic] OMG! MELISSA!
Mel: [weirded out] wat?!?
Maja: Mel! your late, you just had sex, do the math!
Mel:[getting the picture] no! atleast i dont think so?
Maja: Mel, wat if you are?
Mel:[playing it cool] well just because you think i'm pregnant, it doesnt mean i am...
Maja: [worried] o think you should go to the doctor asap...
Mel: i think you're over reacting. [rolls her eyes]
Matt/John side- spending their free period in the library
John: dude, even though you're not going with Mel, i think you should still go to prom. i mean it's your last prom.
Matt: like i've said, the only one i want to be with that night is with Melissa...
John: but shes goin with Joseph, so might as well go with or without her.
Matt: [annoyed] i said i dont wanna go!
John: geeze, fine!
MAtt: *ugh* [continued doing his work]
The next morning...
As Melissa was getting up to get ready, she wasnt feeling so well. Once she stepped into the bathroom, she headed straight to the toilet and threw up...And when she finished, she looked at herself in the mirror and thought...
Mel: [sim: What if Maja's right...No but but i cant be pregnant, i just cant.] *sigh* what now?
Mel did her morning routine and drove herself to school, as soon as she got there she went searching for Maja...
Mel: Maja, i need to talk to you...
Maja: yea..
Mel: [hesitates] is it bad if i've been throwing up lately...?
Maja: [doesnt know what to say] ummm...Mel, do think you're pregnant?
Mel: [nervous] i dont know?
Maja: ...
Mel: [voice trembleing] Maja what do i do?
Maja: being considerate] first you should make sure, go to the doctor, or buy a pregnancy might be worried over nothing.
Mel: this is all your fault, you had to put these idea's in my head...
Maja: sorry...
After school Mel stopped by the pharmacy to grab a pregnancy test and went home to take it...
Mel is pacing back and forth in her room waiting for the results. The timer rings, signaling the test should be ready. Mel walks over to where she left it. As she hesitates to look at the test, she nervously shaking and starting to tear up. Once she sees the results she cries even harder to find out that it was positive. Melissa couldnt believe it, how one mistake can turn into an almost unfixable problem. The only thing she culd do now was break down and cry
The next day at school...
Mel: [walks up slowly to Maja and John; casually dresses but with no make up and lookin like crap] hey...can i talk to you two?
Maja: yea...
John: wats wrong? it looks like you've been crying...
Mel: [sad] because i have...[looks at Maja] does he know? [refering to John]
John: i know that you slept with Joseph and that's pretty much it...
Maja: sorry, Mel i had to tell someone...
Mel: [talking to Maja] it's ok, I long as he doesnt tell Matt, i gess you can tell him anything we talk about...
John: thx Mel, its nice to know that you can trust me...
Mel: [barely smiles]
Maja: [talking to Mel] did you go to the doctors?
Mel: No, but i bought a test...
Maja: and?
Mel: [calm] positive...
MaJohn: [schocked and speechless]
John: how can you be so clam about it, Mel you're having a baby...
Mel: [softly spoken] i let out all my tears last night and i had a chance to think it over...
Maja: so what's your plan?
Mel: at first i was thinkin, im not ready to have a baby...but then i realized i should keep it, its just best, why would i punish the life of this baby, for my mistakes right?
Maja: but Mel, can you handle it, are you really as ready as you think you are...
Mel: to tell you the truth, no im not ready or prepared at all...but i cant do anything anymore, its already here...
john: ever thought of abor- [cutoff]
Mel: I dont even wanna think of abortion, its not an option, because it's not right..
John: are you goin to tell Joseph?
Mel: Im planning, to just afraid of how he'll take it, of how he'll react...but i'll handle it if he doesnt want to
Maja: [hugs her] Mel, i wish i was half as brave as you...
Mel: [tears up] well, i wish i was half as brave as im trying to be...
John: [joins the hug]
*hug over*
Mel: ummm....can one of you tell Matt, i think he has the right to know, even if it's not from me...
John: i'll do it, but it's gonna crush him.
Mel: [quietly cries] God knows this the last thing i ever wanted to do to him...
Maja: [wipes away her tears] don't worry, he'll be fine it might be hard for him, but...
John: [finishes her sentece] all we're worried about right now is you..
Mel: [smiles] thx...
Chapter 43
The Baby's Daddy
~Chapter 43~ The Baby's Daddy
Later that day- MelSpeh...
Seph: baby, wat's wrong you seem quiet...
Mel: [out of it] huh? o...i need to tell you something
Seph: wat?
Mel: pregnant!
Seph: [speechless]
Mel: Joseph...say something
Seph: i need to think about this...[walks away]
Matt/Maja side-
John didnt want to break the bad news, he just Maja had to do it.
Maja: [approaching Matt at a table in the Library] ummm...Matt?
Matt: o hey...
Maja: wat up...
Matt: nothin...
Matt: [breaks the silence] look, umm i havent talk to her in weeks [refering to Mel], and i really want to know how's shes doing.
Maja: umm, that's why im here...
Matt: [confused] what do you mean?
Maja: [makes conversation] well, i can tell you she cant stop thinking about and she still has feeling for you...
Matt: [smiles] really? she told you that?
Maja: She may not have told me, but its pretty obvious...
Matt: yea, i can still feel it you know. Even though it's like this right now, i feel that she still loves me. I just hope she feels that i still love her...
Maja: well its kind of a confusing situation for Mel, she wants to come back to you more than anything, but in some ways she's still hurting. just give her a little more time...
Matt: [smiles and nodds]
Maja: [has a sign of nervousness in her eyes]
Matt: [sees that shes hesitating] i have a feeling that's not all you came to talk to me about?
Maja: is it that obvious...its about Mel..
Matt: [worried] why? Is she ok?
Maja: in a way yes, in another no...
Matt: wat happen?
Maja: [hesitant] ummm....
Matt: [scared of what he might here next] Maja, just tell me!
Maja: Matt, Mel's pregnant...
Matt: [schocked] Maja, that isnt funny!
Maja: good, coz im not telling a joke!
Matt: [says in disbelief] o you've got to be kiding me...It's Joseph isnt it?
Maja: im sorry.
Matt: [mad] Maja, if thats true, wat was all that shit you told me just right now HUH?
Maja: everything a just told you is the truth, including the part when i said Mel still loves you...
Matt: [mad but voice is trembleing] then why is it like this? i dont except that Joseph's the cant be...
Maja: i dont know, i cant believe it myself, its not Mel to do that to herself.
Matt: ... this is all my fault
Maja: [trys to lightin up the mood] no it's not, i mean you're not the one who got Mel pregnant, right? hehehe
Matt: [serious] wat if i did...
Maja: no wait, that's impossible...Joseph's the father isnt he?
Matt: maybe, maybe not
Maja: [confused] than that would mean you and Mel would've had- [cutoff]
Matt: remember the one night in Italy we switched rooms...
Maja: [realizes what hes saying] OMG!
Matt: i gotta go talk to Mel...[walks off to find Mel, leaving Maja there schocked]
Matt finds Mel, in the Hall...
Matt: Mel we need to talk...
Mel: [avoids eyecontact] yea.
Matt: Maja, told me
Mel: o
Matt: Who's the father?
Mel: [hestates] Joseph...
Matt: are you sure?
Mel: [looks at him seriously]
Matt: So you saying i might be the father?
Mel: yea.
Matt: [speechless]
Mel: look, the only reason im keeping this baby is because there's a possibility that you're the father.
Matt: so, are you saying you still love me, the way i think you do...
Mel: what do you think? [meaning yes]
Matt: [smiles] i dont know if this is good or bad news.
Mel: dont be smiling, im still mad at you! And remember, this can be Joseph's or your baby im carrying. Just because i have a small feeling it might be yours doesnt mean it is. [walks away]
Matt, didnt know what to say. He couldnt tell if he was happy, because he just might be the father of the baby that his true love is pregnant with. Or upset, because shes pregnant and he might not be prepared for such a great responsibility. Or furious because Joseph might be the father. And in anothoer way Matt and Melissa kind of made up, or atleast it's getting there. hehehe
Chapter 44
To Know the Truth
~Chapter 44~ To Know the Truth
After school that day Melissa went staight home, to find Maja waiting for outside her house...
Mel: [approaching and wondering why she's there] hey?
Maja: [concerned] Mel we need to talk...
Mel: [sarcastic] what are you break up with me hehehe
Maja: Melissa im serious...
Mel: ok then...
Maja: why didnt you tell you and Matt had sex in Italy...
Mel: because i thought it was kind of personal, you know makin love to the one you love.
Maja: but Mel, when it came to the fact that you were pregnant i thought you'd tell me that detail...
Mel: why does it matter, who ever the father is, doesnt change that im pregnant...
Maja: dont you wanna make sure you it really is...dont you think the baby would want to know who its father is.
Mel: i guess, but how would i figure that out...
Maja: go to the doctor, get a check, find out how long youve been pregnant...
Mel: how would that help?
Maja: by determining how long youve been pregnant, it'll tell whose us the father...You and Matt happened about a month ago and you and Joseph happened last week, so it'll really help...
Mel: ok, i'll make an appointment as soon as possible...
Maja: good...
Mel: but Maja?
Mel: will you come with me to that appointment i dont think i can handle it...
Maja: of course [smile]
The Next Day...@school
Mel: Maja, i made the appoinment for after school today...
Maja: ok, i'll be there
Mel: thx, i dont think i could go through this by myself
Maja: i'll always be here for you Mel
Mel: [hug] thx, i gotta go, needa get to class
Maja: ok me too [walks]
Mel: [walks the other direction]
Joseph: [walking behind her] Mel! wait up!
Mel: [turns around to see Joseph] hey...
Seph: girl, we needa talk...
Mel: k, lets talk about what?
Seph: how your pregnant...
Mel: [doesnt want to tell him that Matt might be the father, figured it was better that way] what about it?
Seph: are we gonna handle this?
Mel: [pissed] WE? it was obvious yeaterday you didnt lik the news, and that's fine cause i can take care of myself and this baby all alone...
Seph: no, i wont let you...this my responsibility too, im that baby's father.
Mel: [sim: you might not be] what do you mean?
Seph: i mean...i thought about it last night and i was so ready to suggest abortion, then it though about it a little more [takes her hand] and Mel i love you, and i would do anything for you and this baby.
Mel: [looks at there hands together and pulls them apart] ummm... i need to get to class [quickly walks off]
Speh: [standing there being left by himself]
After school at the doctors....
Mel is in the waiting room with Maja.
Mel: [nervous] what do you think will happen?
Maja: i dont Mel who do think the father is?
Mel: im really not sure.
Maja: well who do you want the father to be?
Mel: hopefully Matt...
Maja: why?
Mel: [smirks] are you really asking me that...well if you want to know, it's because wen we and Matt made love, it was special. I was so in love him and i still am, i was wishing that night would never end, and in my heart it never did. With Joseph, i dont remember anything because i was drunk that night...
At that moment the nurse came out and called Mel in...
Mel: [stands up]
Maja: do you want me to come in there with you?
Mel: please...
Maja: [stands up and walks in with her]
In the examination room, the doctor walked in and did a few test on Mel. Then they took a sonogram [sp?] on Mel. After the doctor went out to take a looks at the results of her check up...In the mean time Mel was given a copy of the picture, of her sonogram.
Mel: [looking at the black and white picture that had nothing but a little dot like figure on it] [whispers] so this is my baby...
Maja: [looks at the picture with her] it might not be much, but its alive Mel...
Mel: [holds her stomach kind of happy] yea...
The doctor walks in...
Doctor: well, right now its only an embryo, but its in good condition as long as you keep in good health and stress free you and the little one should be ok...
Mel: um doc, if you dont mind me many months or how long have i been pregnant?
Doc: [looks at her files] by the looks of the sonogram, a little more than a month almost two...because i have estimated you would give birth 8-7 months from now depending on the baby's development...
Mel: thank you.
Doc: [nods and leaves]
Maja: you know what that means right?
Mel: [nods] Matt...
Then they go home. In a way Mel didnt want to tell Matt or Seph what was going on. Matt would be so happy to find out that it isnt Joseph's, but he might break under the pressure of being a future father. Joseph on the other hand would be furious to know that the baby isnt his, but Matt's.
Chapter 45
An Unfortunate Event
~Chapter 45~ An Unfortunate Event
It's two days before prom, and Mel decided to tell Seph and Matt what was going on. She didnt know how they would take it, but they had to know. She decide to start with Joseph...
In the hall by the lockers, after school. [so no one was around]-
Mel: [nervous] um Joseph we need to talk...
Seph: yea wat is it?
Mel: it's about the baby
Seph: [holds her cheek] yea...
Mel: [takes his hand off] its not yours...
Seph: [looks mad] what do you mean?!?
Mel: [tembleing] your not the father...
Seph: [mad] WAT!?!
Mel: ...
Seph: [pissed] than who is?!?!
Mel: [looks down] ...
Seph: [grabs her face with one hand and gets a little agressive] answer me!
Mel: [crying; whispers] ...Matt...
Seph: [shocked and lets go of her face] ...
Mel: [crying and softly speaks] im sorry...
Seph: [burst out in rage] HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME, AND ALL YOU CAN SAY IS SORRY! [starts tearing up but doesnt cry] I LOVE YOU!
Mel: [crys harder] im sorry, but i dont love you...
Seph: [more rage;and grabs her arms] I SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOTEN BACK TOGETHER WITH YOU! YOU FUCKING SLUT! [and throws her to the ground]
Mel: [on the floor, crying...then she feels a pain in her stomach and screams] ahhhh....
Seph: [realizing what he just did and didnt know what to do, so he ran away leaving Mel there, helpless]
Mel: [still on the floor, crying and screaming, then notices blood running down her leg. shes so schocked that she feels weak and passes out, with blood around her]
Maja: [coming out of a class room with John, laughing and not noticing Mel passed out on the floor a little down the hall]
John: [notices] who's that?
Maja: i dont know? [running towards the person on the floor]
John: [notices it's Mel] MELISSA!
Maja: [sees that shes the blood running down her legs] OMG! JOHN CALL AN AMBULANCE!
John: [quickliy pulls out his cell phone & dials]
Maja: [rest Mels head on her lap as shes crying] Mel, hold on...
Mel was rushed to the hospital, Maja and John were in the waiting room. They were waiting for news about Mel...
Maja: [silently crying] what do you think happened to did she end up like this...
John: [puts his arm around her and pulls her closer] i dont know but lets pray that she's ok...
Maja: [just crys]
Then all of a sudden Matt arrives...
Matt: [approaching them] i got the your text, what happened?
Maja: [lifts her head up] Mel...
Matt: why what happen?
Maja: [tears fall down her face] i dont know we just found her passed out in the hall, and there was so much blood running down her legs...
Matt: [shocked] WAT!?!
Maja: did Mel tell you?
Matt: [softly speaks] tell me wat...
Maja: i guess not. i know Mel's gonna get mad at me, but i have to tell you...
Matt: wat is it?
Maja: [wipes her tears and takes a deep breath] Jospeh isnt father, you are...
Matt: ...
Maja: dont you have anything to say! Melissa and your baby can be in danger and you have nothing to say!
John: Maja calm down...
Maja: why should i calm down, when Mel's not ok...[starts to cry harder]
John: [comforts her] no, she'll be ok...her and the baby will be ok...
Matt: [tears up] i need some air... [walks off]
Matt finds a quiet place to think. He's happy that the baby is his, but hes scared of what might happen next. He tries to think positive, but the fear of losing the baby keeps coming to his mind. After a while of thinking he comes back to join with MAja and John...
Maja: [looks up at him] im sorry about earlier, i was just really worried about mel, i shoulnd have taken it out on you...
Matt: it's ok i understand, i just had to think thing through...*sighs*
John: everythings gonna be ok...there's nothing to worry about
Maja: [super worried] in hope so...
Matt: [breaks down and cries] what if, its not ok...i would never forgive myself.
Maja: no, none of this is your fault all you did was Love her...
Matt: [just cries] ...
At that moment the Doctor comes out...
Doc: [approaches them] are you with Melissa Ricks?
Matt: [eager to her the news] yes.
Maja: is she ok...
Doc: she's fine now, but im afraid she had a sorry
Matt, Maja, John: [schoked and speechless]
Doc: again im very can see her now, but she might be asleep...[she waks off]
Matt: [sad and starts to cry again] i cant believe this...
Maja: [crys hard]
John: [holds and comforts her]
Matt: [turns to them] is it ok...if i go in there first by myself...
John: [nods and still hugging Maja]
Matt: [heads to Mel's hospital room]
There he finds Mel, awake, staring into space with tears quietly falling down her face. She's holding her stomach, thinking of what could have been but will never happen...
Matt: [still crying, rushes over to her bedside] Mel?
Mel: [deep in her thoughts and ignores him]
Matt: [stays silent] ...
Mel: [quitly speaks, but avoiding eyecontact, still staring into space] i guess you know now huh? [refering to the fact that hes the father]
Matt: [nods; choaks on his words] Maja told me...
Mel: [faces him and cries] im sorry i didnt tell you before...
Matt: how long did you know...
Mel: about a week ago...
Matt: [kind of upset, but not crying anymore] o
Mel: [cries a little harder] im so sorry...
Matt: [takes her hand and comforts her] shhhh...its ok, dont feel bad about that...
Mel: to tell you the truth, i didnt care who the father was...
MAtt: [wondering] why not?
Mel: God knew i wanted to keep this baby...but it didnt matter who the father was because, it was finally someone who i can love, and can love me back ...but now i dont get that chance. [breaks down and crys really hard]
Matt: [strokes her hair] that's not true...because i love you and im pretty sure you love me too.
Mel: [still crying really hard and screams out of frustration] BUT IT'S NOT FAIR I DIDNT WANT TO LOSE IT, BUT IS JUST HAPPENED!
Matt: [comforts her with a hug] it's ok evrythings goin to be here for you.
Mel: [crying while being held in Matt's arms]
Matt: [silenty cries while holding Mel]
Matt and Melissa are deeply depressed, because of their great lost. But they both new one thing, they both loved each other. And the past happenings have helped them realize that...
Chapter 46
Making Things Right
~Chapter 46~ Making Things Right
Same day; still in Melissa's hospital room...
Mel: [crying while being held in Matt's arms]
Matt: [silenty cries while holding Mel]
*end recap*
Mel: [tears falling down her face] i never knew it would be this hard to lose something that you didnt really have yet...
Matt: [wipes away her tears] me neither, but we'll get through this.... together...
Mel: you know, i miss being here for me
Matt: Mel, i was always here for you, you just pushed me away...
Mel: so lemme pull you closer again...
Matt: what about Joseph?
Mel: we broke up again...hes kinda of the reason, i lost the baby....[looks away]
Matt: wait wat do you mean?!?
Mel: before Maja and John found me passed out...i was with Joseph...[tells him wat happened] and now im here.
Matt: [mad] im gonna kill that asshole!
Mel: [calms him down] Matt, thats unnessecary...
Matt: [pissed] unnessary?!? it was also unnessecary for him to kill our baby, but that didnt stop him!
Mel: [cries] im mad at him too, but hurting Joseph wont make things any better...
Matt: [takes a deep breath and calms down, but hes still frustrated] it would make me feel better...
Mel: [cries harder] im sorry...
Matt: [holds her cheek and wipes away the tears] you have nothing to be sorry about...if anyone should be sorry its me. im sorry for everything i put you through, for hurting you, for getting you pregnant-[cutoff]
Mel: [gives a comforting smile] you dont have to be sorry anymore, because i forgive you...and the whole getting me pregnant thing is something i'll never regret...
Matt: I Love You Melissa...
Mel: I Love You Too Matt...
They gaze into each others eyes for a long time, then it gets inturupted with a knock at the door
Matt: [sim: great timeing!] o lemme get that its probably Maja and John, they've been worried about you...
Mel: [as Matt get's the door] o
Matt: [opens the door to find Maja and John]
John: bro is this a bad time?
Matt: [sim: YES!] no, i was just about to come and get you guys...
Maja: [rushes to the room and hurries to Mel's bedside; crying really hard] Mel! are you ok?
Mel: [smiles but weak] Maja im fine...
Maja: [crying] im sorry about the baby...
Mel: its ok, everything is gonna be fine, [looks over to Matt and takes his hand] we're gonna be fine...
John: Matt, sorry for you guy'z lost...
Matt: [smirks] ...
Maja: [still crying] can you be so brave, how can you ok so quickly...
Mel: [tears fall down but woith a smile on her face] that's the not ok at the moment, but i know i will be. because i've got great friends that will always be there for me and a boyfriend [refering to Matt] that i know wont stop loving me...
Maja: [hugs her tightly]
John/ Matt: [join in the hug]
*hug breaks off*
Matt: [talking to Mel] wait? did i just here you call me your boyfriend or was i just dreaming?
Mel: [smiling as she wipes away her tears] you were just dreaming.
Matt: o...
Mel: kinding!
Matt: hahaha [tickles her]
Mel: hehehehe stop!
Matt: [stops tickling her]
Maja: [smiles and luaghs a little] hehehe you guys are just lost your baby and you're laughing...
John: [joking] gosh babe you dont gotta remind them!
Mel: hehehehe its ok...
Matt: it maybe a hard time but we'll get through it, and in these times you've gotta think postive
Everyone: [smiles]
That night Melissa was discharged from the hospital. Matt and Melissa may have lost something that could've been special, but gained back what caused it in the first place....Their Love....
Chapter 47
Vacation House
~Chapter 47~ Vacation House
The Next Day...[after the night in the hospital]
7:00 AM
Melissa's still sleeping when she gets a call...
Mel: [reaches over to her cell and answer's it; sleepy] hello?
Matt: hey baby...
Mel: [with a sleepy smile on her face] i miss you callin me baby.
Matt: i miss it too [laughs]
Mel: [sleepy] why'd you call?
Matt: sorry if i woke you up...i just called to let you know im not going to school today...
Mel: why not?
Matt: i just dont feel like it...
Mel: to tell you the truth i dont feel like goin to school either...
Matt: so do you not wanna go to school together?
Mel: ok...we'll spend the day together [smile]
Matt: i'd love that...say i'll pick you up later around 11-ish
Mel: *yawn* sure
Matt: go back to sleep! hehehe
Mel: [giggles] ok bye...
Matt: you...
Mel: you too...
*hang up*
Mel: [went back to sleep]
A few hours later, she woke up to Matt next to her, on her bed...
Mel: [sleepy] Matt?
Matt: [smiles at her] morning sunshine...
Mel: what are you doing here?
Matt: [pointing to her alram clock] look at the time...
Mel: [sees that its 12:30] o sorry...i overslept...
Matt: obviously! ive been here for an hour! hahaha
Mel: sorry....why didnt you wake me up.
Matt: i didnt want to wake, i was too busy watching you sleep [smile]
Mel: [smiles and pulls him in for a kiss]
Matt: [kisses her]
After the kiss...
Mel: where are we going today?
Matt: anywhere you want...
Mel: i dont want to go anywhere special...lets just go to the mall...
Matt: ok...
A little bit later, at the Mall...
Mel:[ walking in and out of stores, as usual]
Matt: [holding her bags, as usual] nice to see you havent lost you touch... [refering to her shopping abilities]
Mel: hehehe nice to see you still put up with it.
Matt: hehehe
After a while they sit down at a bench in the Mall...
Mel: that was fun...
Matt: yea
Mel: [attention was pulled away by a passing by couple with a stroller, with their baby in it]
Matt: Mel? [sees what she was staring at and feels the same pain she is]
Mel: [ a silent tear falls down her face as she watches the happy couple with their baby]
Matt: [voice quietly trembling trying to hold back his own tears, and holds her cheek to comfort her] its here...
Mel: [lays her head on his shoulder and cries quiet tears]
Matt: [comforts her and whispers] its ok...
Mel: [lifts her head up] you wanna go somewhere else?
Matt: [wipeing away her tears] anywhere...
Mel: remember that one vacation house, my dad took us to, when we were little? [a/n: Mel has a lot vacation houses, so she has to point out which one. hehehe]
Matt: the one out in the province?
Mel: yea...
Matt: that's three hours away...
Mel: nvm...we'll never be back in time for tomoro
Matt: so...who said we had to be here tomoro...[smile]
Mel: [smile] you sure?
Matt: if it make you happy...
Mel: ok
They get into the car and drive for hours [specifically 3]. They arrive at a big house on top of a hill, deep in the provinces. They enter the beatiful gates of the victorian styled house and get out of the car...
Mel: [takes a breath of fresh air] wow, this place brings back memories...
Matt: [smiles] lets go in...
Mel: [takes his hand as they head towards the grand door]
The go inside and look around...
Matt: does anybody stay here?
Mel: I dont think so, but i do know a house keeper comes by every once and a while...
Matt: o [turns around to find Mel not there any more] Mel?
Mel: [in the garden/backyard; looking at the flowers]
Matt: [looking around and sees pictures of Mel, when she was little, and he smiles]
Mel:[walks around the garrden]
Matt: [goes looking around for Mel and spots her in the garden and sneeks up behind her] babe?
Mel: [turns around] hey...
Matt: this place is as beautiful as the last time we were here
Mel: yea...
Matt: [holds her from behind] what are you thinking about?
Mel: why would you ask that?
Matt: nothing...its just that, the whole ride to here you barely said anything. so im wonderin wats up?
Mel: [looks down] ever since i saw that family in the mall, it got me thinkin...that could have been us one day.
Matt: could have? you mean it will be us one day.
Mel: maybe?
Matt: Mel, we can have another baby, in the future...right?
Mel: of course.
Matt: so there's nothing to be sad about. we'll just have to wait a little longer.
Mel: [hugs him tightly] i guess.
Matt: [takes her hand and they walk around the huge backyard together]
They walk around and talk a little, then they stop and sit in the hammock in the backyrad.
Matt: [as they swing around in the hammock] Mel?
Mel: [her head rested on his shoulder and an arm around him] yea?
Matt: [stroking her hair] prom's tomorow night...
Mel: what about it?
Matt: would you like to go with me?
Mel: [thinking about it] hmmmm....i dont know really feel like going.
Matt: o really! [tickles her]
Mel: [as the hammock wiggles around from their fusyness] hahahaha stop!
Matt: [stops tickling her] so are you gonna go to prom with me?
Mel: [joking around] NO! hehehe
Matt: fine! [starts tickling her again]
Mel: hahahahahahaha ok! ok!
Matt: [stops tickleing her]
Mel: [catching her breath] i'd love to go to prom with you.
Matt: YAY!
MAttMel: hahahahahha
After a while swinging in the hammock...
Mel: [asleep in Matt's arms]
Matt: [watching her sleep as he gently stokes her hair and eventually falls asleep himself. because the place has such a soothing atmosphere]
Matt's Dream...
Lil Matt: [chasing Mel in the garden of the place they are now] Im gonna get you!
Lil Mel: [being chased] ahhhhh!
Lil Matt: [sees something on the ground] Mel watch out!
Lil Mel: [trips over a branch] OUCH!
Lil Matt: [runs over to her] Mel are you ok?
Lil Mel: [holding her knee and crying]
Lil Matt: [moves her hair out of her face] dont cry...
Lil Mel: [crying] but i hurts.
Lil Matt: but their not even a single scratch on your knee!
Lil Mel: but it still hurts!
Lil Matt: sorry....lemme make it better. [kisses her knee]
Lil Mel: [smile]
Lil Matt: are you ok now?
Lil Mel: yup! [gets up]
Lil Matt: good!
Matt Wake's Up, and sees Mel's not beside him. He gets up from the hammock and goes into the house to look for her. After walking around for a while he find her in the kitchen...
Mel: [taking a sip of juice] hey babe...
Matt: where'd you go?
Mel: i was getting hungry and i didnt want to wak you, so i came in and made us sandwhiches. [handing him a plate with a sandwhich on it]
Matt: [taking the plate] thx!
Mel: after you finish eating we should head home, i do wanna be back for prom hehehe
Matt: yea i guess we should...
Mel: [smile's at him as he eats the sanwhich she made]
After that the got into thr car and started the long drive home, when they got home it was a little bit after midnight. Matt dropped Mel off at home and then went hime himself. When he was home, he found John sleeping on his couch.
Matt: [confused] bro it's late, what are you doing here?
John: [sleepy] i just wanted to check up on you, see how your doing, when you werent answering your phone i came over here and your parents said you went out with Mel for the day and you should be back sometime soon, so decided to wait for you...i didnt know you'd be home this late.
Matt: o, sorry i wasnt answering my phone, thhere's no signal up in the province...
John: province?!?!
Matt: me and Mel roadtripped to her vacation house there...for no reason, we both needed a day off
John: o i c...well since i know now, im gonna go home!
Matt: ok bye cya later bro.
John: [on his way out] later...
Then MAtt got ready for bed and went to sleep.
Chapter 48
~Chapter 48~ Blessed
It was the night of prom and excitement filled the air between the two sweetest couples to ever grace the high school halls. God knows that the night would be filled with love and sweetness.
Mel & Maja's side
@ Mel's house- getting ready for the big night
Maja: [by the mirror doing her make-up] I can't believe this is our last prom!
Mel: [curling her hair] OMG! i noe! to think that it was just we were freshman 4 years ago...
Maja: yea, and i can still remember last year's prom like it was yesterday *sigh*...
Mel: Me too, but i bet anything this year would be way better!
Maja: of course!
Mel: [finshed with her hair and started with her make-up] do you know if Joseph's going to prom?
Maja: why? do you want him to?
Mel: what do you think?!?
Maja: than why are you asking?
Mel: because when i went to school today, there was no sign of him, like he was hiding or running away...
Maja: He's been missing ever since the...well you know...people said he transfered out or sumthing.
Mel: thank God. hahaha
Maja: hehehe
After a few hours the girls finally ready and as they were putting on the final touches, the doorbell rings so yaya goes and gets the door...
Yaya: [opens the door] Good evening boys!
Matt & John: [as they step inside] Good evening!
Matt was wearing a black, pinstripe suit with a dress shoes and a lavender tie. John was wearing a beige suit with black shoes and a a deep royal blue tie.
Yaya: let me call the girls down, i think they're ready [as she goes upstairs]
Mel: [hears a knock on her bedroom door]
Yaya: *knock* Mel, Maja...the boys are here...
Mel: we'll be down in a minute...
Yaya: ok [goes back downstairs]
Yaya: they'll be down in a second, you boys can take a seat...
Matt: thank you [sits down on the coach]
John: [sits next to him]
Matt: tonight will be the best night of our lives!
John: yea i knoe, it's gonna be awso-[cutoff, John's is staring off somewhere and super spechless]
Matt: [confused] bro? you ok?
John: [speechless still]
Matt: [turn around to find himself speechless as well]
It was Maja and Melissa coming down the grand stairs. They we're perfect pictures of radiance and beauty. Melissa was wearing a lavender tube gown that went up to a little below her knees, with matching silver strappy heels. Maja was wearing a royal blue halter gown, same length as Melissa's dress, and elegantly worn with black stappy heels.
Matt: [taking Mel's hand as she reaches the bottom of the stairs] You look stunnung!
Mel: [smileing as she gives him a kiss] thx
John: [taking Maja's hand] Babe, you look so beatiful tonight.
Maja: thank you [kisses him]
Mel: Well, let's go [as she heads for the door]
Matt: wait! [quickly takes her by the arm to spin her around and kisses closely, on the lips]
Mel: [slowly breaks the kiss off, smiles, and looks into Matt's eyes] what was that for?
Matt: [smileing] what? am i not allowed to kiss my girlfriend anymore?
Mel: [rolls her eyes as she giggles] hehehe watever!
Maja: ok, enough
John: yea lets go, the limo's waiting!
Mel: you got us a limo!
Matt: of course, its prom...
Mel: well you didnt get a limo last year?
Matt: well cause last year i took olyn to prom. hehehe
Mel: hehehehe ok c'mon [as they all head fr the door]
They got into the black stretch limo and road of to the 5-star hotel, which their prom would be held.
Matt: [walking through the hotel doors with Mel on his arm] im so excited!
Mel: [smileing] me too!
Maja: [on JOhn's arm as they walk throught the lobby] you guys sound like kids. hahahaha
John: psh! they always sound like that! they never grew up!
Everyone: hahahhaha
As they walk through the lobby, they find their way to the hotel's grand ball. As they stand at the grand ball doorway in awe at the scenery of the rooms decoration. It was an a romantic candle light theme. The lights were dimmed for there were candles scattered everywhere and there was just this rmantic vibe to the room.
Mel: [walks through the grand doors on Matt's arm] It's beautiful...
Matt: yea, almost as beatuiful as you...
Mel: [smile] for some reason your charm never wears off.
Matt: its because, being around makes me charming.
Mel: hehehe
Maja: this is definately the best prom ever.
John: especially when im with you...
Maja: dont you ever get tired of being corny?
John: no, its what being in love does to you...
Maja: [blushes]
Mel: lets sit down [heads toward a table]
Matt: [pulls out Mel's chair at one of the tables]
Mel: [sits down] thank you.
John: [same for Maja]
Maja: [sits] thankyou
John: [sits down]
Matt: [sitt down] wait?!? why are we sitting around for?!?
As dance music starts to pump up the room.
Matt: [gets upl] wanna dance?
Mel: [gets up] sure!
Matt: [leads her to the dancfloor]
MaJohn: [same]
As the MaJohn and MattMel are on the crowded dncefloor, the music is completely blasted up and everyone is dancing like theres no tomoro.
Mel: [tired and out of breath but still dancing]
Matt: [can tells shes tired] you wanna take a walk outside?
Mel: [simply nods]
Matt: [takes her hand and leads her to the hotels courtyard]
-in the courtyard-
In the silence you can faintly hear the loud music coming from the grand ballroom.
Mel: [walking with Matt while holdong his hand] it's nice to have some peace and quiet. i needed some air...
Matt: i could tell.
There's silence between them for a while, as they walk though the courtyard, until the hear a slow song play in the background. ["Blessed" by Christina Aguilera ]
Ooh yeah
Matt: [extends his hand out infront of Mel] My i have this dance?
Mel: [takes his hand with a smile] i'd love to...
They slow dance in the courtyard, under the stars...
When I think how life used to be
Always walking in the shadows
Matt: [stares seeply into Mel's eyes] Mel, you look simply breathtaking tonight...
Then I look at what you've given me
I feel like dancing on my tip toes
Mel: [giggles] hehehe you know how many times you've said that to me tin the last three hours?
I must say everyday I wake
and realize you're by my side
I know I'm truly...
Matt: well we cant deny the truth, now can we
Mel: [smile] well i dont know if you're just playin with me but, the only truth i know is that i love you Matt.
Blessed for everything you've given me...
Matt: i love you too Melissa [gently kisses her on the forehead]
Blessed for all the tenderness you show...
Mel: [smiles all teary eyed]
Matt: Mel, i will always love you...
Do my best with every breath that's in me...
[Mel gently rests her head on Matt's chest as they continue slow dancing]
Blessed to make sure you never go
There are times that test your faith
Till you think you might surrender
Baby I'm, I'm not ashamed to say
that my hopes were growing slender
You walked by in the knick of time
Looking like an answered prayer
You know I'm truly...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to make sure you never go
Blessed with love and understanding
Blessed when I hear you call my name
(I hear you call my name)
I'll do my best with faith that's never ending
Blessed to make sure you feel the same
Deep inside of me you fill me with your gentle touch
I know I'm truly...
Blessed for everything you've given me
Blessed for all the tenderness you show (oh, oh)
Do my best with every breath that's in me
Blessed to see you never go
(Never, never, never, go)
As the song slowly comes to an end, Mel lift her head up. Matt and Melissa get lost as they gaze into each others eyes. their faces becomes closer and closer, their lips slowly touch, they share the most cherished kiss they've ever had. It might have been the scenery or the prom atmosphere, but their kiss that night was the most amazing and loving kiss. They broke from the kiss, feeling so in love and happy to be loved by some they knew loved them back whole heartedly. It was a different feeling...After a while they walk back to the grand ballroom.
Maja: where have you two been?
John: yea, this is supposed to be a night where we make memories together. [strong emphesis of the word togetehr]
Mel: hehehe we just went out to get some air.
Matt: [as he puts an arm around Mel] yea we were feeling i little sufficated in here.
Maja: [enthusiastic] well now your back lets get back to dancing!
Everyone else: yea! whoooh!
For the rest of the night all four of them enjoyed their last prom, together. That night was a night that they knew they would never forget...
Chapter 49
Stepping Up
~Chapter 49~ Stepping Up
A few weeks after prom...
Saturday Morning
Today was probably the most important day in Melissa, Matt,Maja, and John's lives. It was a special occation in any high school student's life. Today was the most exciting, happy, depressing, and nerve wrecking day of their lives. If you havnt guessed, it's graduation day and this is how our 4 soon to be out-of-high school students
started their day...
-John's Side-
John's Big Bro: [hits a pillow over his head] DUDE GET UP! hehehe
John: [cranky] go away!
John's Big Bro: get up! Mom and Dad are already downstairs eating breakfast!
John: [still cranky] SO!?! it's only 9:00 am and graduation isnt until 7:00 pm
John's Big Bro: I mean they're probably more excited then you are! cuz their son that they thought wouldnt even past kindergarden is now about to graduate high school! hahahaha [just joking
John: [sits up from his bed, with a smile] hehehe your right! im graduating today! woooooooh!!!!
John's Big Bro: [messes his hair up] now that's the spirit lil bro! now get up! ! hehe [leaves the room]
John: [sim: DAMN! it graduation day! MY graduation day! who would've thought ME, John Prats, would actually be graduating! All the hard work trying to bring my grades up finally payed off!]
-Maja's side-
Maja's Dad: baby, up...
Maja: [sleepy] daddy?
Maja's Dad: baby wake up...todays the big day.
Maja: [shocked of her realization, and quickly gets up] OMG! GRADUATION'S TODAY!
Maja's Dad: exactly baby girl just wanted to make sure you remembered hehehe, get dressed breakfast is waiting downstairs. [as he leaves the room]
Maja: [sim: OMG! It's Graduation! TONIGHT! this is so hard to believe! to think im leaving high school, the place where i had the best time of my life and made the gretest friends. (smiling, looking back at the good times]
-Matt's side-
Matt's Mom: [waking Matt up] Matt...Matt...wake up...
Matt: [sleepy] uhhh...
Matt's Mom: Matt wake up!
Matt: [sleepy getting up out of bed] ok, ok, im up...
Matt's Mom: ok, now take a shower, i had yaya iron your suit and graduation gown, and had your shoes polished as well, ...
Matt: not a little kid anymore... and besides graduation isnt until tonight...
Matt's Mom: i noe but its not evryday that my son graduates from high school and the valedictorian...
Matt: [smiles] thx ma, now lemme get ready hehehe
Matt's Mom: ok [leaves the room]
Matt: [sim: WOW! i cant belive it! im graduating, never thought this day would come, and to think im the valedictorian of our class. Todays gonna be awsome!]
-Melissa's side-
Yaya: Melissa...Mel...wake up
Mel: Yaya? its Saturday?
Yaya: but isnt yor graduation today?
Mel: yea, but it's not until later tonight...
Yaya: i noe, but dont you any plans?
Mel: [geting up] i guess...
Yaya: ok, i'll be getting breakfast ready. [leaving]
Mel: thank you [sim: *sigh* no more high school, [smiles at herself] and i thought i woulds be sad, but to think about it, leaving high school wont be that bad, especially when im going to college with my closest friends...]
-John's side-
John: [getting up from the dinning table, after eating breafast] mom, dad, bro imma go now. Me, Maja, Matt and Mel promised we'd meet up.
John's Big Bro: ok, have fun!
John: as he walks through the door] later!
Goes to his car and drives away.
about ten minutes later...
-Maja's side-
Comes downstairs in casual clothes, rushes to the kitchen and grabs a bagle and heads for thr door.
Maja's Mom: [confused and stops her daughter] Maja honey, dont you wanna eat a proper breakfast.
Maja: [rushing] ma, no time! John's here, were meeting up with Matt and Mel...
Maja's Mom: [finding something to keep her home] but...
Maja: [puppy dog face] please, mama...
Maja's Dad: [after taking a sip of coffe, he smiles] Hon, just let her go, it's her graduation day all she want to do is be with her friends.
Maja Mom: [nods and smiles at her daughter] ok, go on..
Maja: [kisses her mom goodbye and quickly tallks] thank you mom! [and she rushes outside where John's waiting for her in his car]
John: [as Maja gets into the car] hey babe!
Maja: hey [kisses him]
Then they drive off.
-Melissa's side-
Mel: [finishing breakfast and stands up frm the dinning table] Yaya, im gonna get ready, im leaving soon, but i'll be back later to get ready for graduation...
Yaya: [cleans the dinning table] ok.
Mel: [goes to her room as she gets a call on her phone and answers it] hello?
Matt: good morning babe!
Mel: morning!
Matt: look out on your balcony.
Mel: [as she head to her balcony] why?
Matt: you'll see...
Mel: [opens her blacony doors and is surprised as she hangs up the phone] MATT!
Matt: [hangs up his phone] Hey! Happy Graduation!
Mel: [rushes over to hug him] OMG! you hate using the front door dont you? hehehe
Matt: i just wanted to drop to give you a part of your graduation gift. [pulls out a bouqet of roses from behind him]
Mel: [takes the roses] awww thank you babe.
Matt: your welcome...
Mel: wait a mintue? a part of my grauation gift?
Matt: this is just the beginning of your gifts.
Mel: wow! is it my graduation or my birthday? hehehe
Matt: i just wanted make this special day a little more special for you...for us...
Mel: ok hehehe, but now i feel bad i only got one present for you...
Matt: you didnt need to get me anything, you know you're all i really need [smiles as he kisses her forehead]
Mel: wait here! [goes to her room and quickly gets a gift box for Matt and comes back] here since we're giving gift, this one's yours.
Matt: [happy takes the box] what's this?
Mel: [excited] open it!
Matt: [opening it, to find the most amazing rolex platinum watch. completley speechless as he stares at it in awe]
Mel: [sees his reaction and is sad] you dont like it do you?
Matt: [finally cracks the biggest smile] are yuou kidding me i love it!
Mel: [smiles] really?
MAtt: yea! [lifts her up and spins her around]
Mel: hehehe
Matt: [putts her down] thank you!
Mel: Happy Graduation!
Matt: [still smiling] you know, you didnt have to spend so much money, like i said all i really need is you...
Mel: i got that watch for you, because i wanted to..and so when we're in college, when your late for classes atleast you can be late in style. hehehehe
Matt: hehehehe thank you so much babe [kisses her]
Mel: [kisses him back]
They are inturrupted by the honk of a car...
MattMel: [still on the balcony kissing as they quickliy turn around to seewhat was going on]
John: [parked infront of Mel's house, screaming out of his car window] HEY! GET A ROOM! HAHAHA
Maja: [hits John] can't you see they're having a moment!
Matt: [hears what Maja said and screams back] yea! cant you see we're having a moment!
Everyone: hehehehehehe
Mel: [yells to Maja and John from the balcony] guys! im not ready yet, so you guys can come in and chill for a little bit until im ready!
MaJohn: ok [then they get out of the car and into Mel's house]
Matt: [coming down the stairs] hey guys!
John: hey bro!
Maja: hi Matt!
Matt: Happy Graduation guys! [gives them hugs]
MaJohn: happy graduation!
They all sit in Mel's living room.
John: for some reason i always find myself waiting for Mel. [talking to Matt] bro i wait for your girlfriend more than i wait for mine.
Matt: hehehe i guess Mel will never change, she will always takes the longest getting ready.
Maja: yea, [talking to John] me and Matt got used to it after all these years, why dont you!
John: i dint know??? [thinking to himself]
Matt: [taking to Maja] i think your boyfriends lost it.
Maja: [ agreeing] i noe, dont remind me...
John: hey!
Matt/ Maja: hahahahaha
Mel: [quickly comes down the stairs] im ready!
John: great now we can leave!
Mel: [rolls her eyes at him and with a smile] watever!
Maja: lets' go!
They spent their time together relaxing on the beach...
-The Beach- 12:00 pm
All four of them are just sitting down in the sand looking out into the ocean, relaxing and sorting out their thoughts.
Mel: i cant belive graduation's seemed so fast.
Matt: i noe, it's like it was just yesterday, i was the new kid in the third grade, and a little girl came up to me and became my best friend. [refering to Mel]
Maja: yea and it was just yesterday, i was a freshman in high school and scared out of my mind, then Matt and Mel came up to me and said hi, that day i made two new friens that are still here for me till this very day...
John: and it was just yesterday, three years ago, i was trying out for the basketball team and made friends with everyone, but especially Matt.
Mel: Omg! enough you guys are gonna makeme cry! [as she starts to tear up]
Matt: [wraps his arms around her and comforts her]'s ok babe, we'll all still be together after high school.
Mel: [smiles]
Maja: [being cute] i wanna cry!
John: baby's so cute...
Maja: [smiles through her sadness]
Mel: you guys, dont you realize that after tonight we'll be out in the real world!
John: watever that means. [rolls his eyes]
Mel: wat do you mean?
John: it's just that, i dont belive in the "real world"
Matt: Than what do you call the world beyond the school walls? huh?
John: see, were not really entering the "real world", we're just stepping up in the world...
Maja: i guess you're making sencc for once hehehe
John: watever hahahaha
Matt: [getting up from the sand] Mel, wanna walk around?
Mel: [getting up and taaking Matt's hand] sure...
After getting a good distance away from MaJohn, they stopped in their path...
Matt: Mel, are you ready for your second gift?
Mel: dont you think you should wait for graduation, to give me a graduation gift?
Matt: fine if you dont want it i can give it to you never...
Mel: never?!? fine, i guess i cantake it now. hehehe
Matt: ok here. [hand her a little box]
Mel: hmm? i wonder what it is?
Matt: why dont you find out and open it?
Mel: ok [she opens up the little box and pulls out the most stunning necklace with a circle diamond studded pendant]
Matt: you like it?
Mel: [smiles] I Love it!
Matt: [takes the necklace and puts it on her] you know, i had a choice between a circle pendent and a heart pendent, it took me a while to choose which one than i realized something...i couldnt give you the heart, because hearts break and it would be way better to give you the circle, becausr circles are never ending...just like my love for you
Mel: [touched] thank you...
Matt: no, thank you, for loving me... [kisses her, with passion]
Mel: [kisses him back]
-MaJohn side-
John: [stares at Maja]
Maja: [lookis at him funny] what are you looking at?
John: the most beautiful girl in the world...
Maja: there you go again being cheesy. hahahaha
John: cheesy huh? [starts to tickle her]
Maja: hahahaha [gets up and runs away]
John: [chases after her] come back here
They chase each other on the beach until they get tired.
Then once it was 3:00 pm they headed back home to get ready for their graduation. They all went to go get ready at their own houses.
-Melissa's House- 5:00pm
Melissa is up in her room getting ready as she looks herself in the mirror.
Mel: [sad; sim: i wish daddy could have been here, to see me graduate tonight...he wouldve been so proud if me...]
Then after she done getting ready, she puts a smile on and gets happy again. For her graduation she slipped on a pink cocktail dress with matching heels to wear under her graduation gown.
Matt: [rings the door bell to Mel's place, wearinga suit]
Mel: [opens the door] hi babe!
Matt: hey baby! [gives her a kiss] i see you're wearing the necklace i gave you.
Mel: of course...and i can see you're wearing the watch. hahaha
Matt: yea...c'mon lets go, dont wanna be late!
Mel: yea lets go...
They get into Matt's car and drive to school, where their graduation is being held in the auditorium.
Chapter 50
His Last Wish
~Chapter 50~ His Last Wish
As Matt and Melissa enter the doors of the school's auditorium, they were met by Maja and John...
Maja: hey!
Mel: hi!
John: yo!
Matt: Hey!
Mel: so are we all ready?
Everyone: yup!
At that moment their principal approached them...
Principal: god evening!
Everyone: good evenning ma'am
Principal: nice to see everyone dressed guys should head to the back, we're about to start, the ceremony.
Everyone: ok! [as they head to the back og the auditorium]
A few moments later the graduates march in as graduation music played in the background.
[alphabetical order, by last name]
Matt: [as he walks down the aisle; sim: this is it! my parents are here, my friends, my girlfriend, what more can i ask for]
John 's Mom: [excited and jumping of her seat, taking pictures of John marching in]
John: [smileing as he rolls his eyes; sim: my god! hehehe I love my mom but this is getting embarrising, hehehe...i'll let it go, after all it is my graduation]
Melissa: [marching down the aisle with a smile on her face; sim: so this is the moment i've been waiting for, what we've all been waiting for...*sigh*...i wish my parents can see me graduate, i wonder what they would say? i wonder if they're watching over me this very second?]
Maja: [marching in bitting her lip so keep herself from over smiling from her over excitement; sim: OMG! OMG! this so exciting! i cant beileve i'm here! finally! this is so awesome!
As they all one by one take a seat in their assigned seat, they all sat there in pride.
Principal: [at the podium] Good Evening ladies and gentlemen. And welcome to the graduation ceremony of the class of 2007! as we begin, let me say how sad i am to see them go, but proud to see them go on and explore a new steop in life...and now a word from our valedictorian, Mr. Matthew Evens.
Everyone: [clapping]
Matt: [at the podium] Good evening, ladies an gentle men, and fellow graduates. let me start of by saying, i am truley proud to be part of this particular group of individuals. Mainly because, these graduates sitting beefore you tonight are very admirable for their strenghth, the strenght to push through the rough obstacles of high school. in high school, it' s not simply just going to our classes and learning. it's about learning about ourselves. learning how far we can go, what we're really made of, and what really makes us happy. For me the most important thing i learned during this period in my life isnt in the books i read or the test i take, but in the heart of others around me. Because the most important thing i learned in high is the capacity to love. From loving my life, to finding the love of my life. [glances over at Mel] Love is what really helps us get through this long and windding road. Love is what also gives us the compssion to help others push through their path when they need it. With our each other it's hard to imagine where we would all be now, but i asure we would be anywhere but here tonight. And as we leave high school, we still carry the same love that will help us through every single day of our lives. So tomoro, when we wake up in the morning and feeling tired and cranky, remeber what motivated you to go to school eveyday, get to classes on time, put up with annoying teachers, and just dealing with the not so good side of high school. Think of what taught you to push through every singles day of your lives. The Love that made everthing a little easier. Thank You!
Everyone: [clapped as Matt walks of stage]
Principal: [stanind at podium] Thank You MAtt for that wonderful speech. And now is time for the handing out of the deplomas, so graduates as i call your name please come and recieve your deploma...
[random names]
blah, blah, blah
Matthew Evans
blah, blah,blah
John Prats
Maja Salvador
Melissa Ricks
As students came up one by one to take their deplomas, the long list of names came to an end. They all stood before the audience with pride and joy.
Pricipal: ladies and gentleman may I present to you the graduating class of 2007!
With that said the student moved their tassle from one side an another, officially making them graduates! As the ceremony ended, the newly graduated students marched down the aisle one last time.
Mel: [runs towards Matt, as she reaches the end of the aisle]
Matt: [pulls her into the tightest hug of joy and happiness] congrats!
Mel: [hugging him as tigh as he can] congratulations!
John: [rushing to them] congrats guys!
Mel: [hugs John] congratuations!
Matt: [hugs John after Mel] congrats dude!
Maja: [running toward the three] AHHHH! congratulations guys! [as she hugsthem individually]
Matt, Mel, John: congratulations!
John's Big Bro: [pushes through the crowd to get to his brother and gives him a congralatory hug] congrats bro!
John: thx bro!
John' Big Bro: Dude hurry up! we gotta go if we're gonna make the reservations for your dinner...
John: o ok, [turns to his friends] see you laters guys, i gotta go.
MattMel: bye!
Maja: [gives him a quick kiss] bye baby!
John: bye [as he walks off]
Maja's Parent's: [pushing through the crowd]
Maja: MOMMY! DADDY! [hugs them excitedly]
Maja's Dad: congrats baby.
Maja's Mom: congratulations!
Maja: thank you!
Maja's Dad: [talking to MattMel] congrats kids!
Mel: thank you tito!
Matt: thank you.
Maja's Mom: accuse us kids we have to go, Maja's relatives are waiting at home, they're excited to see our knew graduate!
Mel: ok bye! [hug Maja]
Matt: bye [hugs Maja]
Maja: bye guys! congrats agian! [waves good bye]
Matt: so where are you going now?
Mel: [shrugs] i dont know...home i guess?
Matt: home?
Mel: yea, like i have any other plans.
Matt: why dont you join me and my parents for dinner, im sure they would love that.
Mel: are you sure, i wouldnt want to be a bother...
Matt: you? a bother? nerver! [as he puts an arm around her]
Mel: hehehe ok.
Matt's Mom: [pushes through to get to Matt] Matt! im so proud of you! [starts smuthering him with kisses]
Matt: Mom! Mom! [trying to break free] thank you ma.
Matt's Mom: [looks over to Mel] Melissa you look so pretty, congratulations!
Mel: [big smile] thank you Tita.
Matt: Ma, is it ok if Mel joins us for dinner?
Matt' Mom: [happy] of course! it would be delightful if she can come with us tonight!
Mel: thank you Tita!
Matt's Mom: no problem, what would this night be without Matt's special someone. hehehe
Matt: [kind of embarrased] ma?
Matt's Mom: what?!? ok Matt we bett er head to the restaurant, take Melissa with in your car and me and your Dad will meet you there.
Matt: ok
Matt's Mom: good [walks off]
Matt: [looks at Mel] ok let's go!
when they get to the restuarant, Matt and Mel are no longer in their cap and gowns [of course]. They enter the restaurant with Matt's parents and they sit down and have a lovely dinner. At the end Matt and Melissa were still having dessert, Matt's parents lef them and went home early, because Matt's Mom was tired. Before they left Mel went to the bathroom, and went she came out Matt was no longer at the table. Then she started to look around and noticed from out a window Matt was out on the patio of the restaurant. She walked to him as she was wondering wat was goin on, for there was a romantic feeling in the air...
Mel: [waking toward him] Matt?
Matt: [turns around, seeming nervous] o Mel...
Mel: are you ok babe?
Matt: [studders] o yea
Mel: ok...
Matt: im just out here, waiting for 11:11
Mel: o i just noticed it was already 11:10.
Then the clock struck 11:11 and they made a wish, after still on the patio...
Matt: you know what i wished for?
Mel: what?
Matt: it's last and only wish, i'd ever want to come true...
Mel: [curious] what is it?
Matt: that you would accept my last gift for today? [pulling put a box]
Mel: ...
Matt: [gets down on one knee and opens the box, where a beautiful diamond ring layed] Melissa, will you marry me?
Mel: [completely speechless, wided eyed, and tearing up tears of joy]
Matt: are you gonna say anything?
Mel: [lifting Matt of his knee] well, that's a wish i would love to come true.
Matt: are you saying yes?
Mel: YeS!
Matt: [smiling uncontollably] yes!
Mel: [holds him close and kisses him]
Matt: [after the kiss, he takes the engagement ring slips it onto Mel's finger, where it joins the promise ring he had already given her] you've mad me happiest man alive!
Mel: I love you!
Matt: I love you too!
-Eight Years Later-
We come to a tall corperate building, in the middle of Makati. Just outside the CEO's office, a secratary sits at her desk, on the phone making appointments. Then she hangs up the phone as a tall man wearing a suit and tie without the jacket and his sleves pulled up to his elbows. he was carrying a little girl, who seems to be atleast two or three years old. They approach the secratary's desk with a smile.
Matt: Good Morning, Stephanie [the secratary] is she busy?
Stephanie: lemme check sir. [picks up the phone and dials an extention number]
Matt: [whispers] dont tell her it's's a surprise
Stephanie: [nods as someone picks up on the other end of the phone] hello ma'am? are you busy at the moment? there's someone here to see you. [gets a response and hang up the phone] go a head she isnt too busy.
Matt: thank you [as he walks to the office with his daughter]
Inside there sat a sophisticated women, doing paper work and too busy to look up at who it was at the door.
Mel: who is it?
Matt: guess who...
Mel: [notices the voice and look's up, excited] Babe!
Matt: Hey babe! surprised?
Mel: [taking the little girl from him and playing around with her] yea! wat are you doing here?
Matt: I got out of the office early, so i figured to pick up Megan [their daughter] early from day care and come and visit you...
Mel: o ic
Megan: Mommy, i missed you! [kisses her mom on the cheek]
Mel: awww..i missed you too baby!
Matt: o so you didnt Miss me...
Megan: i missed you too Daddy!
Mel: yea, we missed you too!
Matt: awww...[kisses Megan on the forehead and kisses Mel on the lips]
Mel: well this was a lovely surprise!
MAtt: yea, and you want another, because i think we'll need to the hospital tonight...
Mel: why?
Matt: i got a call from John, and Maja just gave birth to a baby boy a few hours ago. [smileing]
Mel: REALLY! OMG! we have to go see them! [excited]
Matt: yea.
Mel: makes me wanna have another baby...
Matt: hahaha me too
Mel: tonight...[winks]
MattMel: [laughs] hehehehahahehehaha
The story ends on a happy note, with a happy family, a good life, and a great love.
~The End~